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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Dark Steelix

EX Team Rocket Returns


Date Reviewed: 07.19.05

Ratings & Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2
Modified: 3.5
Limited: 4.25

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

Bullados Dark Steelix

Attributes: This is one of the most versitile type mixtures in the game. The ability to utilize the strengths of BOTH Darkness AND Metal Energies is truely a remarkable ability that is shared by only 2 other Pokemon in the entire game: Dark Scizor from Neo: Destany, and Rocket's Scizor ex from EX: Team Rocket Returns. This is by far the best utilization of those two types, as it is truely a mixture of two types, while Dark Scizor is pure Metal with Dark in the name, and Scizor ex can is only Metal when a Metal is attached. Also, because it has Dark in its name, it can take advantage of R Energy in Modified, one of the most useful energy cards in the format when it can be used. Fire weakness is expected, considering the steel type. Fire will always be very dangerous, but much less so here, considering that Metal Energy reduces attack damage before weakness and resistance, rather than after as it used to be. This means that Blaziken is only doing 20 to your Tank. Grass resistance is better than no resistance, but it really doesn't help out much considering that most Grass decks are based around Status and placing damage counters, rather than doing damage. Still, it's a help. A retreat of 4 is the second highest in the game behind Golem ex's 5. Never pay this. Ever. I made that mistake once, and it almost cost me a tournament.

Attack #1: [CC] Energy Link
A decent attack strength plus the ability to pull ANY energy card from the discard. Think about what would happen if you MAX'd TV Reporter, dumping a Metal or DArk every turn and then Energy Linking that back onto Steelix. It means two energy attachments per turn, but it also means that you waste less resources. There is no downside to this attack, other than the fact that any R or Boost that you pull from the discard gets discarded immediately.

Attack #2: [FCCC] Heavy Impact
I really dislike the costing of this attack. If it was [MMDD], it would be more workable than this. In order to have maximum effect from this Pokemon, you need 9 energy cards attached, which is probably all of your energy in the deck if played the way I did. Still, it's fairly cost effective with DArks attached, and maxes out at 120 with 4 Dark, an R and a Charm attached.


Unlimited: Too energy intensive to work in this format. ER and SER will absolutely decimate this guy. Also, there is really no Grass and too much Fire for it to really be effective. Still, it can be a wall when set up right with Slowking backing it up, but I would rather use my resources on something better.

Modified: Very nice here. It can counter most high damage decks with defense and a variety of healing options, plus it can deal out a steadily high amount of damage. The only problem is that it takes a minimum of 3 turns to set up completely, which is really too slow in today's format, which is dominated by turn 1 and turn 2 decks.

Limited: Absolutely broken here. You get any sort of line of this guy, you have a tank dealing massive damage in only 2-3 turns, depending on the setup. Also, TRR has a number of draw cards that force you to discard cards from your hand. See where this is going? Also, there is very little Fire and a lot of Grass in TRR. A very nice card here.

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