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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Boost Energy - Deoxys


Date Reviewed: 03.07.05

Ratings & Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 3.65
Modified: 3.85
Limited: 4

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.


If you think this review is too long to read, just skip straight to the Ratings and Summary sections! 


Boost is back, baby!


Name: Boost Energy

Set: EX Deoxys (latest printing of card)

Card#: 93/107 (latest printing of card)

Type: Energy

Subtype: Special Energy

Symbol: (C)(C)(C) [Three Colorless Energy symbols]

Text: Boost Energy can be attached only to an Evolved Pokémon.  Discard Boost Energy at the end of the turn it was attached.  Boost Energy provides (C)(C)(C) Energy.  The Pokémon Boost Energy is attached to can’t retreat.  If the Pokémon Boost Energy is attached to isn’t an Evolved Pokémon, discard Boost Energy.


Attributes: Boost Energy is a Special Energy card.  This means you can only have four copies in your deck and that it is very hard to retrieve from the discard.  It also means all the cards that specifically cite Basic Energy or Basic Energy cards won’t work with Boost Energy, like Energy Search.  Looking at the corner we see *gasp* more than one Energy symbol!  Yes, this card, based on the symbol alone, can provide not one but three Colorless Energy!  Okay, what’s the catch?


Abilities: Well, for those who are either new to the game or are blocking out much of the history of Pokémon, we’ve had multiple Energy (in terms of quantity, not type) since the original Base Set.  The card that started it, Double Colorless Energy, seemed balanced at the time.  After all, every other Energy card (all six original Basic Energy types) provided only one Energy, and could meet two requirements: their specific type and Colorless Energy requirements.  A “colorless” Energy could only meet Colorless Energy requirements, so it needed an extra effect, right?  So the card, Double Colorless Energy, was created.  Well, it turns out that multiple Energy attachments, even when they could only fill the most general of requirements was too much.  Why do I tell you this?  It will explain the restrictions on Boost Energy.  First, understand that the potency of Double Colorless Energy mattered most for speed and recovering from Energy Removal and similar cards/abilities.  However, it also made you more vulnerable to them, since those two Energy came from a single card.  Still, it was all but a Staple in most decks.  Well, one attempt to curb this was making most Pokémon a hair weaker.  That didn’t do anything for older cards, and honestly made all but certain combos too weak.  When good combo was found, it just seemed all that more potent.    Another idea was making most Pokémon require energy intensive attacks with specific type requirements.  Same results as the attempt and toning down the Energy/damage ratio.  After all this, we were to the “e-card” (also known as the card-e) sets: Expedition, Aquapolis, and Skyridge.  And thus we come to Boost Energy.


Pokémon in almost all sets after the “Neo” series have gone back to a healthy mix of Colorless and specific type Energy requirements.  Boost Energy was designed in a manner so as to enhance these new cards without “breaking”, that is over enhancing, them.  Double Colorless Energy was a problem because otherwise balanced attacks on Basic Pokémon could be executed too quickly for too little effort.  This was handled simply: Boost Energy cannot be attached to them under normal circumstances, and if something does somehow attach a Boost Energy to a non-Evolved Pokémon, Boost discards itself.  Most Basic Pokémon need mostly Colorless Energy requirements or very lost Energy ones.  Another problem was that a few of these could give a ridiculous advantage if they were either able to be played more than one at a time, or if they simply showed up and were able to be attached in succeeding turns.  Since this would prohibit some card concepts that had been and are still being used, they choose another simple solution: this card is discarded at the end of the turn it was attached.  So for one turn, you get to be Energy ahead, but at the price of ending up one Energy behind.  Multiple copies used turn after turn would yield a sort of cumulative penalty and diminishing return.  The last problem was that Double Colorless Energy had made retreating way too easy, since retreating always used Colorless Energy.  It basically turned any retreat cost of two into a retreat of one when used.  When you attach Boost Energy to a Pokémon, that Pokémon can’t retreat.


Now, this may sound like too much, but remember you’re getting two whole extra Energy to play around with for a turn.  As you’ll see in the next section, there’s a lot you can do with that.


Uses/Combinations: An “old school” combo with this card was Light Dragonite, who shut off the effects of Special Energy cards in play and rendered them all Colorless Energy.  So ignore all the text on Boost Energy so long as it was attached to something in play while Light Dragonite was also on the field.  A “true Triple Colorless Energy’ is a scary thing.


For most of you, though, it’s pretty simple.  This offers temporary speed and surprise.  You can now drop something like Jigglypuff, Evolve to Wigglytuff ex, and finally drop a Boost Energy on it so that it can attack right away.  Evolved Pokémon with at least a (C)(C) in their Energy costs can surprise an opponent by attacking early… though this is less surprising than before since we have some other options now.  Still, there is only one other card that can provide three total Energy at once, and it has a limitation that even Boost Energy lacks, so if you have a cost with at least (C)(C)(C) in it, you would need to come up with a reason to not run this.


Pokémon with generic discard costs like this since it almost eliminates the main draw back of this card: just discard the Boost Energy that you would have to discard anyway.


Last combo I will mention is cards that count the number of Energy, but not Energy cards.  Take Gardevoir ex.  Its second attack needs (P)(C)(C)(C).  The attack counts all Energy in play, then does 10 damage times that number.  So not only does this mean you can use the attack when you’d only otherwise have one Psychic [providing] Energy attached, but it gives an extra 20 damage over most other Energy you could use.




Unlimited: 3.25/5-Not a card in every deck, but very vital to certain key decks, like those based on Jungle Wigglytuff and Wigglytuff ex, who can go from zero Energy to fully powered.


Modified: 3.75/5-It’s not for every deck, but it makes a lot of decks work well.  The loss of this really hurt Gardevoir ex decks, but its return might mark a return, for example.


Limited: 4/5-As long as you have a compatible Evolution (one that needs at least two Colorless Energy and can use Special Energy cards), run this.



Boost Energy has a lot of built in restrictions, and despite that, it is still a very potent card.  This is an excellent example of card balance for which the designers should be commended.  Now, it may look bad at first or second glance, but don’t be deceived, even if someone you think is a pro tells you its no good.  I mean, check out the original CotD review for this card (back when it was new from Aquapolis) to see how it can be underestimated.


Jaeger Today's Card Of The Day is Boost Energy Boost energy will give a lot of decks speed and quick energy, I run them with Gardevoir and its unbelievable how much faster and better the deck works, one of the down sides I've seen though is in the opening hand their almost useless since you can only attach them to evolved Pokemon, but even small downsides like that and going away at the end of the turn are minor compared to its befit, and I think it will give a lot of those slower decks out there that need quick energy a shot at tier 1 or at least a more solid tier 2 slot.

Unlimited: 2.5/5

Modified: 4/5

Limited: 4/5

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