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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Legend Box

HS Undaunted

Date Reviewed: July 14, 2010

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 2.25
Limited: 1.13

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Combos With: See Below

Baby Mario
2010 UK National

Legend Box (Undaunted)


Here’s an eagerly-awaited Trainer that we thought we might get in Unleashed. Now it has finally arrived, will we still want it?


So far, with the exception of Entei/Raikou techs,  the Legend Pokémon haven’t seen a lot of play. Partly because of the difficulties of getting them into play, and partly because of their huge attack costs. Legend Box is a Trainer which attempts to solve both of these problems, but will it be able to make viable decks out of the Legends?


The effect of Legend Box is to reveal the top 10 cards of your deck. If you find both halves of a Legend, put them into play and attach any Energy you reveal. Obviously, when this card works to its full potential, it can be amazing. Getting a fully-powered Ho-Oh or Raikou/Suicune Legend into play for the use of one Trainer is incredible. What’s more, being a Trainer means that (unless you are Trainer Locked) there are no restrictions on playing it. You can run 4 copies and use them all in one turn if you can and need to.


The trouble lies in the fact that you are trusting to an enormous amount of luck to get this card to work: especially in the early game (which is when you want it) when your deck size is large. As far as I am aware, there is no way to manipulate the top 10 cards of your deck in Pokémon, so you are going to have to rely on deck-thinning to increase your chances of benefitting from Legend Box, and that’s not a quick or a reliable solution to the problem.


Some people will run this card and pull out amazing plays, like getting this Friday’s CotD out fully charged on their first Trainer turn. When that happens the card will seem broken. However, for every time that happens, there will be dozens of occasions on which Legend Box will whiff completely. Relying on terribly unreliable cards and a barrel of luck is not really a good strategy for success in Pokémon. If the Legends are to become playable (and I believe one or two might), then players are going to have to look elsewhere for more consistent solutions to the problems they pose. That said, Legend Box IS only a Trainer, so providing you had the space for it, using it in a Legend deck couldn’t really hurt. You never know your luck.




Modified: 2.5 (If Legend decks ever become playable, this will be a staple in them. It only offers a slim chance of success, but it has no real downside)

Limited: 1 if you don’t pull a complete Legend, 5 in the unlikely event that you do.


Combos with . . .


At the risk of stating the obvious . . . Legend cards

virusyosh Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we will continue our previews of HS Undaunted by reviewing one of the Trainer cards from the upcoming set. Today's Card of the Day is Legend Box.

Legend Box finally provides the LEGEND card type with some support, and it does a fairly decent job: you look at the top 10 cards of your deck. If you reveal a LEGEND set, you can put it on your bench with all of the Energy you find there as well. As far as support goes, this is quite impressive: Not only do you get a very powerful Pokemon, you will also probably have at least a few Energy to work with as well.

There are a few drawbacks, however. Even though 10 cards are a lot to worth with, there are still chances where you won't get a LEGEND set, therefore making this card useless. Second, this is not a card that you can just randomly throw into any deck: it needs a deck built around LEGENDs to work effectively. The problem with this is that LEGENDs are hard to build around due to their difficulty to get into play without this card, don't have much support (yet), and only a few of them currently stand out for use in competitive play.

Modified: 2/5 This card is very difficult to evaluate. Most LEGENDs aren't played often due to their relative lack of speed, in getting both pieces to play them and their large Energy requirements. However, this card tries to remedy both of those problems, and does a pretty good job of it. So as of right now, this card won't see much play; however, as new LEGENDs and more support come out, there may be a possibility of some crazy LEGEND based deck (maybe with Entei & Raikou, and the upcoming Rayquaza & Deoxys, or something crazy like that).

Limited: 1.25/5 I can't see this being played here at all. I guess it's worth playing if you somehow manage to get two LEGEND pieces (or more, if you're really super lucky), but outside of that, it's completely unusable.

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