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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Pupitar #39/95

HS Unleashed

Date Reviewed: July 28, 2010

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 1.25
Limited: 1.67

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Baby Mario
2010 UK National

Pupitar – the bad one (Unleashed)


Ok, so yesterday we reviewed a Pupitar with a nice PokeBody and an attack which could be useful in a Tyranitar deck. Today, we review a Pupitar with none of those things.


True, it does have an extra 10 HP, but it also has two completely useless vanilla attacks. You can choose between paying [F][C]  to get 30 damage with Hammer In, or you can add another [C] and do 50 with the ironically-named Speed Attack. Or, better still, you can play a different Pupitar.


Probably the worst thing about this card is that it requires Fighting Energy to use its attacks. You aren’t going to want to run Fighting Energy in your Tyranitar deck are you? And even if you did (maybe for a Machamp tech), you wouldn’t want to attach it to Pupitar.


It’s a short review today, but that’s still probably more than this Pupitar deserves.




Modified: 1 (unnecessary)

Limited: 1.25 (you will wish you pulled the other one instead)


Happy Wednesday, Pojo readers! Today we are reviewing the other Pupitar from HS Unleashed.

Since I went into great detail about Pupitars yesterday, I'll keep this review short. This Pupitar is a Stage 1 Fighting Pokemon with 80 HP, and has the same Water Weakness, Lightning Resistance, and Retreat Cost of 1 yesterday.

This particular Pupitar has two attacks. Hammer In costs [FC] and deals 30 damage, and Speed Attack costs [FCC] and deals 50 damage. Each of these attacks are very vanilla, and probably cost to much to be seriously used in Modified.

Modified: 1.5/5 If you have no other options for getting a Tyranitar out, this Pupitar can help with that. However, it doesn't do anything spectacular on its own, and is largely outclassed by its Stormfront and Boost Gas versions.

Limited: 2.25/5 Not great here, but better than in Modified. Although the attacks are average, they can work out here and are mostly Colorless in cost, making splashability easy (though not as easy as yesterday). 80 HP is pretty good for an evolving Stage 1, too.

Mad Mattezhion
 Professor Bathurst League Australia

Pupitar 39/96 (HS Unleashed)
Here we have the other Putitar from the Unleashed set, and I'm afraid there really isn't much to tell. Okay but not brilliant stats, overpriced attacks devoid of any bonus effects and a much better option in the form of Pupitar SF mean that this card gets the boot. I could print out the stats verbatim and point out why they are so horrible, but I think you readers have had enough of that being repeated in every review. At least this version gets the 80 HP and lightning resistance to give a bit of survivability, but 30 damage for FC or 50 damage for FFC is just inexcusable. Leave this in the shoebox with the other set filler.
Modified: Do you really want to ask? Okay, I'll give it 1.25
Limited: 1.25 (use the other one if you get Tyranitar)
Combos with: a lovely fire for toasting marshmallows


What to say about this card?  Sometimes I have a hard time saying its name without laughing?  This version of Pupitar is a Fighting Pokémon that has 80 HP, tying the Stormfront version.  The Stormfront has Grass +20 Weakness instead of double Water Weakness, so #39/96 isn’t an improvement.  I am pleased that every currently legal version of Pupitar has -20 Lightning Resistance.  Would I rather it was -30?  Yes, but at least they have it!  This #39/96 has an affordable single Energy Retreat Cost, but it is beaten by the Mysterious Treasures version that has a free Retreat Cost and the version we looked at yesterday has a Poké-Body that grants it a free Retreat Cost as long as it has any Energy attached.  It is a minor thing but should be noted.


Boding somewhat ill for the card it has two attacks: Hammer In and Speed Attack.  They aren’t bad attacks, but they aren’t great either: (FC) for 30 and (FCC) for 50, respectively.  I’d probably rather use yesterday’s (if you have the ability to use lower-Stage attacks, Rage is always nice) even with the slightly lower HP or Storm Front with its damage soaking ability.




Modified: 2/5 – In Tyranitar deck.


Limited: 2.5/5 – If you don’t pull anything better, it can get the job done.  Hurt by the amount of Water to Lightning Pokémon.


I’d also like to add I’ll be selling quite a bit of my soon-to-be-former possessions on eBay.  You can take a look here to see all I am selling.  Just a reminder, Pojo is in no way responsible for this and was merely kind enough to let me mention the auction here. ;)


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