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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Yanmega #5
Dragons Exalted
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 18, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.38
Limited: 3.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dragons Exalted)
Yesterday’s Pokémon may have been useless, but it was
pretty adorable. If today’s card doesn’t make the grade,
it won’t even have cuteness to fall back on as
Yanmega is one of the least
attractive of all the 649 Pokémon. Only
Garbodor is less appealing
to me than this deeply ugly bug. To be fair,
Yanmega Prime did become a
more than decent card (once Dialga
G LV X and Luxray GL rotated
out of the format), so let’s see if this version can
pull off the same trick.
Well, having free Retreat is a very good start as no-one
likes wasting resources like Energy or Switch to Retreat
a Pokémon if they don’t have to. Lightning Resistance is
still not a good thing to have, though not as disastrous
as it was now that some Eelektrik decks are primarily
focusing on the Dragon Type
Rayquaza. To be honest though, a Stage 1 with 100
HP isn’t terribly hard to KO regardless. Fighting
Resistance is a nice-ish
bonus, I suppose, though mono-Fighting decks are pretty
rare these days.
first attack, Agility, costs two Energy of any Colour
(or a DCE) and does low damage with the coin flip
possibility of protecting Yanmega
from any damage or effects of an attack on the next
turn. Of course, even if you hit the flip, the opponent
has the option of using Pokémon Catcher. It’s not
exactly an unbreakable wall, but it could be a mildly
annoying stall tactic. That strategy would only be worth
it though if Yanmega had
something bigger and better to offer in return for its
survival. The sad truth is that it falls way short of
this: Cutting Wind costs 3 Energy (again, any Colour
will do), but only does a vanilla 70 damage. By the
standards of the current format, that is poor. Sure,
Yanmega can hang around for
a while if you get lucky, but your opponent isn’t going
to be too worried about what it can do in the meantime.
So, what we have here is little more than a filler Stage
1 Grass Type Pokémon which is neither hard-hitting nor
fast enough to be worth playing. Agility is practically
a gimmick when the rest of the card is so unimpressive.
Not really worth a second glance when it comes to
competitive play, I’m afraid.
Modified: 1.5 (there isn’t any kind of rotation that
would help this Yanmega)
Limited: 3.5 (Colourless costs make it a reasonable,
splashable attacker)
virusyosh |
Greetings once again, Pojo viewers! We're continuing
our reviews today by reviewing yet another Grass-type
Pokemon from Dragons Exalted. Today's Card of the Day is
Yanmega is a Stage 1 Grass Pokemon. As stated yesterday,
Grass Pokemon are basically nowhere to be found in
Modified, so a good Grass-type that pops up could
definitely have a niche in the metagame. 100 HP is
decent for a Stage 1, allowing Yanmega to take at least
one medium-sized hit before going down, but it still
unfortunately falls to heavy hits and hits for Weakness.
Lightning Weakness is awful right now, as Zekrom is
still fairly common; Fighting Resistance is good against
Terrakion; and free Retreat is once again amazing.
The Ogre Darner Pokemon has two attacks. Agility does 30
damage for two Colorless Energy, and can prevent all
effects of attacks, including damage, done to Yanmega
during your opponent's next turn. This is fairly costed
for this sort of attack, and can be an absolute
nightmare for your opponent in Limited if you're lucky
with flips. Unfortunately, Agility probably doesn't do
enough damage to see much use in Modified, and the
protective effect's coin flip is unreliable. Finally,
Cutting Wind does a vanilla 70 damage for three
Colorless Energy, which is one again excellent in
Limited, but lackluster in Modified.
Modified: 1.5/5 Yanmega has decent HP, good Resistance,
and free Retreat coupled with a terrible Weakness and
lackluster attacks. Therefore, there are generally
better options for this format.
Limited: 4/5 Yanmega is an excellent Pokemon in the
Limited format. 100 HP is great on a Stage 1, free
Retreat is always a huge positive, and Colorless Energy
requirements allow Yanmega to fit into any deck,
allowing for great flexibility. Agility is a solid
attack with real potential for frustrating your
opponent, and Cutting Wind's damage output is very
respectable in Limited. Overall, Yanmega is a great
choice for Limited, even if you're not running Grass as
a primary type.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Yanmega is a Stage 1 Grass Pokemon with 100 HP. It
is weak to Lightning, resistant to Fighting, and has a
free retreat cost. The weakness is awful seeing
how one of the top decks right now run Lightning (an
Eelekrik could knock this out).
'Agility' costs 2 Colorless energy and does 30
damage. If you flip heads, prevent all effects of
attacks done to Yanmega during your opponent's next
turn. This is not a great attack. For 2
energy, it should be a minimum of 40 (Mewtwo EX).
With Pokemon Catcher existing, the effect means very
little since they will just target something else.
'Cutting Wind' costs 3 Colorless energy and does 70
damage. No effect. If it's not going to have
an effect, the attack should do more damage.
So this is not a great card. You can't easily
search for it, it has low HP, and weak attacks. It
can OHKO a Terrakion... still no reason to run a Stage 1
line (just to counter 1 Pokemon).
Modified: 1/5
Combo's With: ...
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