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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards of 2012
#9 -
Rayquaza EX
- Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
December 18, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#9 Rayquaza-EX (Dragons Exalted)
When players first saw the spoilers for today’s card, it
took them exactly 2.54 seconds to think about what
Rayquaza-EX could do with Skyarrow Bridge and Eelektrik
NVI on the Field. Once they had worked it out, they
resigned themselves to a future in which this deck would
be the only game in town.
The reason for this was Dragon Burst, an attack that
cost one Fire and one Lightning Energy. When you use it,
you choose either Fire or Lightning, discard all copies
of that Energy from Rayquaza, and do a massive 60 damage
for each one. In other words, for one Fire and three
Lightning, Quaza would be taking one-hit KOs on every EX
in the format unless they had Eviolite (and hey, there’s
always Tool Scrapper for that). Getting those three
Lightning on Rayquaza? No problem thanks to its Retreat
cost being zero with Skyarrow Bridge in play: you could
charge up a Benched Rayquaza with multiple Eelektrik,
then swap it for the active. Every turn, you could
recycle the discarded Energy with Dynamotor and keep
switching between a couple of Rayquaza. It seemed to be
an unstoppable combo, capable of putting out a
ridiculous amount of damage turn after turn.
Now, I’m not going to pretend that Rayquaza was all hype
and no substance. It was a
successful deck during Battle Roads 2012 and is still
capable of winning tournaments today. However, it never
quite became the ‘play this or lose’ deck that was
feared. Players quickly learned that without multiple
Eelektrik in play, Rayquaza became a bit of a lame (Psy)duck,
and of course Eelektrik’s HP put it within OHKO range of
Darkrai-EX’s Night Spear or either of Terrakion NVI’s
attacks. In a format with Pokémon Catcher, this was a
real issue for the deck and although it won more than
its fair share of tournaments, it was never allowed to
completely take over the metagame.
Right now, all Eelektrik based decks have a new and even
deadlier enemy in the shape of Landorus-EX which is
every Tynamo’s worst nightmare. Unless they can somehow
adapt and counter it, I expect that the decline in play
for Rayquaza will continue. It’s still an absolute
powerhouse of a card, and when the deck sets up it’s
very scary to face. However it may be that Rayquaza-EX’s
best days lie in the past, rather than the future.
Modified: 4 (I’m relieved it wasn’t quite as dominant as
we once thought)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo! Today we're reviewing the #9
card on our Top Cards of 2012 countdown, and today's
card is a Pokemon-EX that has seen quite a bit of play,
but not as much recently (at least in my area). It's
still a very powerful card, though, and is quite worthy
of the #9 spot on this list. Today's Card of the Day is
Rayquaza-EX is a Basic Dragon Pokemon-EX. Dragon-types
have been fairly common in Modified since their
introduction in Dragons Exalted, and leading the way
have been Rayquaza-EX and Hydreigon. As a Pokemon-EX,
Rayquaza had better be pretty powerful, as the opponent
will take two Prize cards as a result of Knocking it
Out. 170 HP is great for a Pokemon-EX, and should allow
Rayquaza to take at least one major unboosted hit before
going down. Unfortunately, Rayquaza also has a Dragon
Weakness, which means that opposing Rayquaza DRV,
Rayquaza-EX, Hydreigon, and Garchomp all OHKO the Sky
High Pokemon pretty easily. To round out the bottom
stats, Rayquaza has no Resistance, as well as a very
inexpensive Retreat Cost of 1.
Rayquaza-EX has two attacks. Celestial Roar allows you
to discard the top three cards of your deck and attach
all of the Energy cards you find there to Rayquaza. This
is a pretty decent Turn 1 maneuver when you're still
trying to get set up, but after that, the attack isn't
terribly useful, as there are better ways to power up
Rayquaza (like Eelektrik NVI, for instance). Dragon
Burst is the real reason to use Rayquaza: for a Fire and
a Lightning, you can discard either all Fire or all
Lightning attached to the Sky High Pokemon, and then
deal 60 damage times the number of Energy discarded in
this way. Dragon Burst is very powerful, as a discard of
three Energy will deal 180 damage, enough to take out
most Pokemon-EX in a single hit, as well as every other
Pokemon in Modified not named Wailord. In addition, with
the acceleration granted by Eelektrik (or even Emboar),
Rayquaza can be dealing big damage fairly consistently,
which will be a constant problem for opponents.
Modified: 4/5 Rayquaza-EX is a very powerful Pokemon in
Modified, but you really need to play to its strengths
for it to be most effective. Since Celestial Roar takes
up an attack and is somewhat inconsistent in powering
Rayquaza up, you have to run it with an easily used
acceleration engine to get the most out of it. Eelektrik
is the most common partner, and while Dynamotor can
easily power up Rayquaza many turns in a row, it also
involves a lot of switching around, and can be somewhat
slow. At any rate, Rayquaza is very powerful, and should
definitely be considered when building your Modified
deck. Even if the Dragon's usage is going down slightly,
you still should be able to prepare for it.
Limited: 3.5/5 Rayquaza is an interesting card in
Limited, because it has high damage potential hampered
by constant Energy discard. An additional problem for
Rayquaza's Limited prospects are the sheer number of
powerful Dragons in Dragons Exalted that will easily
make short work of the Sky High Pokemon. Overall,
Rayquaza is still a powerful force, but it's not quite
as good here due to the format being much slower
Combos With; Eelektrik NVI
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Rayquaza EX
What to say about Rayquaza EX... well let's start with
when he came out. The main deck that utilized Eelektrik
was Zekrom, Mewtwo EX, and Raikou EX. Darkrai EX had
just been released and was causing problems for the
deck, so something was needed that could OHKO Darkrai EX
(it was all about the OHKOs). When Rayquaza EX was
released, the deck shifted from mono Lighting to
Lightning with some Fire tossed in. This allowed for
the 180 damage from Rayquaza EX when needed. Just
attach a Fire energy and 'Dynamotor' till the cows come
home. I believe Shining Rayquaza came out in the same
set, so the deck got an addition boost. A sort of
schism occurred when the Eelektrik deck was split into
RayEels and ZekEels (it had the non Dragon attackers,
not sure if it went by this name still, I referred to is
as this).
With the release of Boundaries Crossed, the deck has
seen less play. It was definitely a tier 1 deck, and in
some cases it still is. But with so much hate
(counters) for the deck out there, it is hard for the
deck to survive. Darkrai EX and Landorus EX pick off
Tynamos when they are dropped. Eelektrik is pretty much
OHKOed by all main attackers of the big decks. Hydreigon
(when it came ot) was able to OHKO Rayquaza EX. Plus
everyone should know by now how to play against the
deck. So very skilled players with the deck should be
able to do well.
Me... I tried the deck and learned Rayquaza doesn't like
me. I got the worse possible starts and hands. I could
never keep Eelektiks up long enough to take advantage of
Rayquaza's attack. It just got to a point where I
didn't want to play with it anymore.
The RayEels deck consisted of Rayquaza EX, Rayquaza, and
Eelektrik lines. The goal was to use Skyarrow Bridge
and 2 Rayquaza EXs to constantly do 180 every turn. Rayquaza
was in there for early damage as well as 2HKO anything
out there. A very nasty deck to go against when it got
going. The key is obviously to take out the Eelektriks. |
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Had this at #5 on his Top 10 List |

Otaku |
Our ninth best card of 2012 is…
Rayquaza EX (BW: Dragons Exalted 85/124, 123/124)!
You can read what we thought of it
So… why did this card make the Top 10?
“Rayeels” decks, which for those
few who need to be told, consist of
Rayquaza EX
backed by
Eelektrik (BW: Noble Victories 40/101) made
their mark this year as fierce decks, capable of OHKOing
anything in the format, barring protective effects like
Safeguard, found on
Sigilyph (BW:
Dragons Exalted 52/124).
As you can tell from the scan and the older
reviews, this was not an easy prospect and required it
be the deck’s primary focus, but if your opponent
couldn’t destroy your set-up, odds are they couldn’t
OHKO Rayquaza EX
fast enough to prevent Rayeels decks from generating
The deck saw a lot of play… after
it was released but before BW: Boundaries Crossed
joined the format.
Now it seems to be on a decline, as
Landorus EX (BW:
Boundaries Crossed 89/149, 144/149) makes Fighting
Weakness even less desirable than it was before while
also possessing the capacity to hit fast and hit both
Active and the Bench, or hit crazy hard.
We have another few decks born into the format,
and since they aren’t particularly vulnerable to
Rayquaza EX,
they just divide the “pie” that is the total possible
amount of tournament wins into smaller pieces.
Perhaps more important is the
introduction of
Skyla, a Supporter that allows you to fetch a
Trainer from your deck and add it to your hand.
Suddenly your opponent didn’t have to blindly
draw into a
Pokémon Catcher (to force
Eelektrik up
front), get a search card for a useful counter-Pokémon,
or pull out a Switch to help with a particular tactic of
Eelektrik backed decks.
While it seems so long ago now, the
trick was just using
Victini (BW:
Noble Victories 14/101, 98/101) to give better odds
of an opening Tynamo (BW: Noble Victories 38/101) Paralyzing its target,
which in turn could help it survive the turn to Evolve.
Another small change that piled onto the others
was competition for
Skyarrow Bridge in the form of
Aspertia City
Gym. So
really, even the most important reasons for its decline
weren’t “big”, but the moderate to small challenges all
seem to have piled up.
Rayeels isn’t gone, so don’t let me
lead you into thinking the deck is totally extinct.
It just isn’t the presence it was not so long
ago, and sneaking a peak at future releases, it some
more cards will come out that further erode its
Rayquaza EX is
one of the many strong cards that show you exactly how
powerful this format is; what might have ruled an older
format has now at least hit a rough patch.
In fact, despite its presence I left it off my
own Top 10 list, because
Rayquaza EX
really depended upon the potency of other cards, on
truly being “a deck” to leave its impact.
Rayquaza EX,
other Eelektrik
decks would have, if not filled the void, remained
significant to the format.
It really affects just its own deck, since it
hits so hard (and can’t be overly precise to avoid
overkill) for it to matter as a “Weakness” match-up.
Compare and contrast that to yesterday’s pick,
Keldeo EX (BW:
Boundaries Crossed 49/149, 142/149), which both made
is mark as the main attacker in a Water deck as well as
splashed into a variety of others.