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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Rayquaza EX
- Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
Aug. 15, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: See Below
Limited: See Below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#6 Rayquaza EX
We end the week with a look at one of the most feared
cards of its day: Rayquaza
Why feared? Because
Rayquaza offered the holy
grail of effectively limitless damage. If you
could get enough Energy on it,
Quaza would do enough hurt to KO even the most
tank-y of Pokémon. Mega
Kangaskhan with Hard Charm
and Aspertia Gym?
Discard five Energy and it’s
gone. Not even Black Kyurem
EX could match that kind of firepower, and only those
Pokémon with built-in protection via Ability (Sigilyph,
were safe from its Dragonly
wrath. What’s more, because it discarded to attack, it
wasn’t especially vulnerable to
Mewtwo or Yveltal EX
heyday was back when Eelektrik NVI was in the format.
This otherwise weak Stage 1 offered brilliant Energy
acceleration via Dynamotor, enabling the deck to keep up
with the heavy Energy cycling demands.
Rayquaza/Eelektrik decks
were massively successful, winning multiple high level
tournaments and even surviving the release of
Landorus EX, which was
reckoned to be the end of Eels. When Eelektrik rotated,
Rayquaza took a real hit in
playability, but that attack was too good to ignore
completely, so players found another way, using
Emboar BLW and Super Energy
Retrieval. While nowhere near as good as the Eels
version, it still made for a very competitive deck.
Now that we can use Eels again in the Extended, expect
Rayquaza to have a huge
impact there - apparently, Rayquaza/Eels
is dominating that format in
Japan. While that doesn’t necessarily mean it will do
the same in the rest of the world, you would be very
wrong if you didn’t think that it was going to be one of
the decks to
beat. What’s more, a lot of relatively new/younger
players seem to have enormous nostalgia over
Rayquaza/Eels (not sure I
understand why) and they will be desperate to dust it
off and take it to tournaments once more.
Overall impact: 4.5
Extended: 4.5

aroramage |
It's the end of the week, and we're
here looking at the Top 10 Cards Lost to Rotation! And
naturally, we're at the #6 slot, bringing in a massive
card that defined the format until Noble Victories
rotated out. That's right, here we have the mighty
powerhouse that is Rayquaza-EX!
Being one of the first few Dragons
in the TCG, Rayquaza-EX set the bar for what Pokemon-EX
could be capable of. We'd seen a lot from just Mewtwo-EX's
ability to turn a high-Energy Pokemon into a devastated
one, but Rayquaza-EX never had to bother with
manipulation when all he needed was raw power! And
that's exactly what we got, alongside a cheap 1-Energy
Retreat Cost to combine with Skyarrow Bridge (which
makes him free to retreat, a scary combination)!
Rayquaza-EX has two attacks that
both help to do the same thing, in essence; first is the
colorless Celestial Roar. Now when Dragon-types started
out, most had attacks that tended to discard the cards
from your Deck; as disadvantageous as that sounds,
sometimes that's actually what you wanted, and Rayquaza-EX
took full advantage of his discard for Celestial Roar.
By discarding the top 3 cards, you could charge Rayquaza-EX
with any basic Energies found in those cards! That's
potentially a boost from 1 Energy to 4 Energy - in a
single turn!
But deck thinning isn't all that
Rayquaza-EX was good for. His next attack, Dragon Burst,
is absolutely brutal. At the cost of a Fire Energy and
an Electric Energy, Dragon Burst became usable. Now you
got to discard all the Fire Energy or all the Electric
Energy to unleash 60 damage onto the Active Pokemon -
for each Energy discarded this way. Assuming you used
Celestial Roar with one Type of Energy, and you managed
to get 3 of either Fire or Electric within those two
turns of attaching, Celestial Roaring, and attaching
again, that effectively is 180 damage to any Active
Pokemon - an EX killer!
Now there are - or should I say
were - ways to utilize Rayquaza-EX to the fullest. Super
Rod, which is also rotating out of the format, could
help recover some of the Energy lost from a Juniper that
needed to be played, usually the Fire Energy as Electric
would easily be covered. What? You're wondering what
Pokemon could do that? Why, Eelektrik (NVI), of course!
From the time that Rayquaza-EX became legal to the time
when the rotation hit, there were decks that ran him
alongside Eelektriks that used their Dynamotor skill to
attach Energy from the discard pile to a Rayquaza-EX on
the Bench - preparing them for an easy switch-in with an
Active Rayquaza-EX that just unleashed its own Dragon
Rayquaza-EX hasn't been as active
as he was then, but seeing as he's about to hit the
Expanded format, I can see those kinds of decks making a
major comeback. And against titans like Mewtwo-EX,
Yveltal-EX, and the Blastoise-Black Kyurem-EX combo,
Rayquaza-EX is about to unleash the thunder!
Modified: N/A (you will be missed)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (he's going to get
access to Eelektrik again, and that means he's about to
go all devastation on the format again!)
Limited: 4.5/5 (just cause
acceleration is a little trickier here doesn't mean
you're not running him)
Arora Notealus: Of the various
illustrations of Rayquaza in his cards, all popping out
of their cards or just being a flying dragon, I gotta
say the Full Art of his EX form is the best! Well,
except maybe for the Shiny variants.
Next Time: The continued countdown
heads for the jewels!
Weekend Thought: What're your
thoughts on the Expanded format, which will include all
sets from the Black&White Base Set onwards?

Otaku |
As is usually the case, we end the first week of our Top 10 list
with the sixth most important key card cut by the
pending rotation to BCR-On: Rayquaza-EX! You can
see the Pojo crew’s original review
and a follow up
Rayquaza-EX was at one time a major force in the
format, partnered with Eelektrik (BW:
Noble Victories
40/101) and if needed Skyarrow Bridge. Eelektrik
was cut by the last rotation, so Rayquaza-EX
moved onto Emboar (Black & White 20/114;
BW Promo BW21; BW: Next Destinies 100/99;
BW: Legendary Treasures 27/113).
So why did Rayquaza-EX see moments of intense
play, but then fade away? It is a Dragon-Type, which
mostly meant some support it didn’t need and hitting
other BW-era Dragon-Types for double damage… which only
came in handy on occasion because, as we’ll see when we
look at the attack, it excels at OHKOs. It is a Basic,
making it easy to play, save for being a Pokémon-EX and
giving up an extra Prize when KOed, being unable to use
certain pieces of support, and being targeted by certain
counter cards. Being a Pokémon-EX did help to justify
its impressive 170 HP; just 10 less than the most we’ve
seen printed on a Basic Pokémon-EX, though many
competitive decks can hit this amount with the right
Dragon Weakness used to be universal on Dragon-Types,
but now there is a disconnect between the BW-era ones
and the XY-era ones: the latter are Fairy Weak. Factor
in Druddigon (XY: FLashfire 70/106) and
its gotten dicey for Pokémon like Rayquaza-EX; a
big OHKO can be turned around with a Double Colorless
Energy. No Resistance is common to many Pokémon,
and at worst a missed opportunity as it tends to only
provide a small bonus (reducing damage by -20 is nothing
compared to the doubling Weakness triggers). The single
Energy Retreat Cost proved very important in the past;
it is great anyway, but as mentioned earlier it was
comboed with Skyarrow Bridge and Energy
acceleration from the discard to the Bench for a mighty
Celestial Roar is handy in a pinch, but as the only
Energy acceleration option it proves pricey: remember
how fast decks tear through themselves, now imagine
losing three cards from your deck every turn. Now
remember you’re giving up a chance to attack for damage.
The rules change preventing it from merely being a T1
tactic also diminished its value. Dragon Burst remains
solid. Yes it requires [LR] at minimum to use, and
discards all basic Fire Energy or Lightning
Energy attached to Rayquaza-EX when used, but
for 60 per Energy discarded (and factoring in the Energy
acceleration), it was well worth it; with enough Energy
anything could be OHKOed, unless protected by another
card effect. It does always require hitting at full
power, so if you may waste some Energy on overkills.
So why isn’t this tops now? Well, Druddigon is a
huge reason. Pyroar (XY: Flashfire
20/106) added another invincible wall (in addition to
Safeguard Pokémon) for the deck to deal with. It seems
like Garbodor (BW: Dragons Exalted 54/124;
BW: Plasma Freeze 119/116; BW: Legendary
Treasures 68/113) is everywhere, and without Inferno
Fandango (or similar acceleration), Rayquaza-EX
becomes too slow. Lastly, more and more decks can score
repeated OHKOs in some preferable manner, each
diminishing Rayquaza-EX just a little more. It
might make a comeback in Expanded, when it regains its
old dance partner Eelektrik, but it is hard to
say; something better may replace it or perhaps the
strength of Fighting-Types will make Eelektrik
use too risky. For Limited play, you can probably make
a good +39 style deck with it; you’ll only be able to
attack every other turn, but it should usually be for
OHKOs. There is a real risk of being KOed before you
hit four Prizes, however.
Modified (NXD-On):
3/5 - Definitely not a “generic” score; in the right
deck Rayquaza-EX is a great attacker, but it is
no longer quite the powerhouse it once was due to the
ever shifting metagame.
Modified (BCR-On):
N/A, of course.
Expanded (BW-On):
3.5/5 - This is actually my optimistic score. Rayquaza-EX
really must rely on its partners to really win, and so I
don’t score it as high as most other proven Pokémon-EX
4.9/5 - A bit risky as it is unlikely you’ll be able to
OHKO a series of 60 HP Pokémon and thus never need a
turn to build Energy, but great nonetheless.
Rayquaza-EX enjoyed a good, long run but its not
quite fast enough or reliable enough to dominate even
though it can bring the hurt. It’ll be getting another
chance to partner with Eelektrik in Expanded, but
things may have chanced to the point where even that
level of support is not enough.