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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Roaring Skies Cards: #8 - M Rayquaza EX
Date Reviewed:
May 6, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.13
Expanded: 3.75
Limited: 4.17
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
And now for the reason Fairy decks
are gonna be a hit: MEGA RAYQUAZA-EX, THE GREAT
...well, maybe. Welcome back guys,
today we take a look at the monstrous M Rayquaza-EX! He
demonstrates some crazy stuff on him, so let's see what
makes him such a threat.
First off, we've got that Ancient
Trait with the new Delta symbol - that's right, we're
getting DELTA ANCIENT TRAITS now! The scary thing is,
this particular trait is unique to MRayquaza-EX - Delta
Wild! And while he's got it, it reduces the damage he
takes from attacks by 20 damage after
Weakness/Resistance - essentially, he's got 4
Resistances: Fire, Water, Grass, and Electric.
Sound familiar? That's cause those
are the original Resistances for the Dragon-type from
the games! Nice, right?
So what all does that mean? Well,
to really see how well that does, you have to look at
the meta to a certain degree. Grass-types are heavily
represented by the VirGen decks, which might get knocked
out by the upcoming rotation, but for the next couple of
months at least, they're still relevant, so M Rayquaza-EX
taking a little less damage from Genesect-EX's Megalo
Cannon Ace Spec card ain't that bad - or at least
forcing a little more investment. Water-types are
prevalent thanks to Seismitoad-EX - who's going to want
to Item-Lock for as much as he can, but his Quaking
Punch attack isn't gonna do much without Muscle Band (it
gets weakened to 10 damage from 30 by Delta Wild).
Fire-types aren't so hot (ha) at
the moment, but they still show up from time to time
with Flareon and Charizard-EX (whose own Megas I'll be
talking about in a sec), so it's nice to take a little
less damage from them. Likewise, Electric-types aren't
too big at the moment, but given the rise of the
Colorless-type, there may be some merit to checking them
out to try and counteract them. All the better for our
Delta Wild M Rayquaza-EX!
There's just one problem that could
arise from this whole exchange, and that's the big
reason I want to bring up the Mega Charizards from
Flashfire. We all saw what those were like - heavy
costs, ridiculous damage, but terrible drawbacks.
5-for-300 is PHENOMENAL overkill, so why wouldn't Mega
Rayquaza - the absolute STRONGEST Pokemon in the video
games - get one of his own? Dragon Ascent costs 3 Fire,
1 Electric, and 1 other Energy to deal 300 damage and
discards 2 Energy from M Rayquaza-EX - and that's
So how come M Rayquaza-EX, who is
in essence comparable to the M Charizard-EXs from that
dark time period, ended up on the Top 10 List? What's
changed since then? Well for starters, M Rayquaza-EX has
that Delta Wild Trait which means he's more likely to
stick around, his drawback isn't that bad compared to
either taking 50 damage or milling out your own deck -
not to mention you can actually recover from that, but
most importantly of all, he's got his own Spirit Link
card - something the M Charizard-EXs sorely lack.
Will this M Rayquaza-EX see play? I
don't doubt it. He's got a lot of support that we're
gonna be going over in this set pretty soon, and his
Trait is probably one of the better Ancient Traits we've
seen. I wouldn't say it's Alpha Growth levels of amazing
(geezus, can you imagine that?!), but it's a respectable
Trait nevertheless. So seeing him make the Top 10,
albeit personally a little surprising, is still pretty
Standard: 4/5 (combined with all
the support he's got, M Rayquaza-EX is going to be very
difficult to combat against without a Fairy of some type
- and no doubt Fairy-types are going to become much more
prevalent because of him)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (remember how
Rayquaza-EX from back in the day was powerful enough
with Eels? now he's got a new toy to play with, and that
just makes him scarier)
Limited: 5/5 (you get this, you get
Rayquaza-EX, you PLAY IT)
Arora Notealus: Funny enough,
Rayquaza needs to know Dragon Ascent in order to Mega
Evolve - which is completely different from any other
Mega Evolution. Guess it makes sense they'd assign him
an Ancient Trait, though I thought Dragon Ascent was
supposed to be a Flying-type move...
Next Time: Time to figure out what
happened at the end of that Delta Episode...

Otaku |
Happy birthday to my nephew, Elijah! Even if odds are
against you actually seeing this…
…let’s push through the middle of the week with our
number eight pick, M Rayquaza-EX (XY: Roaring
Skies 61/108); this is one of two different cards to
bear the name as there is also M Rayquaza-EX (XY:
Roaring Skies 76/180, 105/108). Fortunately the two
are different Types making it very easy to tell them
apart at a glance. Well, maybe not the Full Art
version. Today’s version is the Dragon-Type Rayquaza-EX,
allowing it to tap the new Dragon-Type support we
received this expansion: Double Dragon Energy (XY:
Roaring Skies 97/108), Hydreigon-EX (XY:
Roaring Skies 62/108, 103/108), Reshiram (XY:
Roaring Skies 63/108) and more plus the older
Dragon-Type support (where it is still legal).
Dragon-Types also don’t have to worry about Resistance,
but will also rarely get to enjoy hitting for double
damage via Weakness as so far, only BW-era Dragons have
had Dragon Weakness. Of course as we’ll soon see, that
isn’t really an issue for M Rayquaza-EX.
Being a Mega Evolution marries the usual drawbacks of
being a Pokémon-EX (worth an additional Prize when KOed,
target of various counter-cards and inability to access
certain support) with the the additional drawback of
ending the turn when you Mega Evolve… unless you can get
around that, which in this case is possible by simply
running Rayquaza Spirit Link. It comes with the
bonus though of being able to tap Mega Evolution
support; until now that has simply been the Spirit
Link Pokémon Tools, which really just neutralized a
drawback, but now there is Mega Turbo (XY:
Roaring Skies 86/108), an Item which allows you to
attach a basic Energy card from your discard pile to
your Mega Evolutions. So far it has also included an
increase beyond what the underlying Basic Pokémon-EX
already enjoyed (so far nothing especially small has
received a Mega Evolution in the TCG). In this case
that means the 170 or 180 HP versions of Rayquaza-EX
are bolstered to 230 HP, just 10 shy of the maximum
we’ve seen on a Mega Evolution; no complaints here!
The Fairy Weakness hurts but not as much as many other
potential Weaknesses; while there are some excellent
Fairy-Type attackers and the Weakness will allow them to
score a OHKO, they seem to be confined to Fairy-Type
decks and the only competitive deck I’ve seen that uses
them are some versions of Fairy Transfer decks. There
is no Resistance printed on the bottom of the card which
is how it is with most cards so I won’t consider it a
drawback but a missed opportunity. We’ll wrap this
paragraph up with the Retreat Cost of [CC] - most decks
will pack something to reduce this cost (the earlier
mentioned Hydreigon-EX would zero it out) or will
include at least a few cards to get it out of the Active
slot without manually retreating (either at all, or at
least without manually retreating M Rayquaza-EX
itself). Still when you do have to pay the full cost,
it is the (relatively) happy medium; giving up two
Energy hurts but most decks will be able to handle it.
M Rayquaza-EX
sports an Ancient Trait and that (unless I missed it on
a promo) is both new to this expansion and unique to
this card: Δ Wild. The
effect of Δ Wild is that any damage done to M
Rayquaza-EX (that is to say “this Pokémon”) by
attacks from your opponent’s Grass, Fire, Water or
Lightning Pokémon is reduced by 20. This is a nod to
the more complicated mechanics of the video games, but
in TCG terms its a good-but-not-great; -20 damage isn’t
much but when its against four different Types and
you’ve got 230 HP it adds up. It does bring up a small
gripe though; instead of burning the Ancient Trait slot
on this, they could just give it four different
Resistances. As for the attack on the card it is called
Dragon Ascent and hits for an amazing 300 points of
damage. Of course, that phenomenal damage is usually
going to be overkill and comes with both a massive
[RRRLC] Energy requirement as well requiring you discard
not just one but two Energy attached to itself.
Even with acceleration, five Energy is a lot and
its also two different Types plus a two Energy discard;
it needed to hit ridiculously hard. The discard
isn’t all bad simply because so many cards do damage
based on Energy in play, attached to the Defending
Pokémon, etc. and so that is less damage to be done by
those attack, though with three Energy still attached
you can still expect some hard hits.
Before we think about how we might run M Rayquaza-EX,
we should consider where it can come from (Rayquaza-EX)
and what else it might Mega Evolve into (the other M
Rayquaza-EX). I won’t dance around it; some of
these are going to show up in a later CotD so we’ll just
look at Rayquaza-EX (BW: Dragons Exalted
85/124, 123/124; BW Black Star Promos BW47) and
Rayquaza-EX (XY: Roaring Skies 60/108).
The former is an Expanded only option and has been
reviewed repeatedly; for your convenience here are links
for the
August 8, 2012,
December 18, 2012
August 15, 2014
reviews. Each of those reviews are a Top 10 list: the
#3 for Top 10 of BW: Dragons Exalted, #9 for the
Top 10 cards of 2012 and the #6 (of 10) most important
card cut due to last year’s rotation. If you don’t care
to read those reviews, the short version is that this
Rayquaza-EX is a 170 HP Dragon-Type Basic Pokémon-EX
with Dragon-Type Weakness, no Resistance and a Retreat
Cost of [C]. It has no Ability, no Ancient Trait (yeah
I know that’s obvious due to its age) and two attacks:
Celestial Roar for [C] discards the top three cards from
your own deck but you get to attach any Energy cards you
discard to itself and the phenomenal Dragon Burst for
[RL] which requires you select either [R] or [L] Energy,
discard all of said Energy attached to Rayquaza-EX
but does 60 damage for each copy of said Energy
discarded. Backed by Eelektrik (BW: Noble
Victories 40/101) it was one of the top decks while
both were Standard Legal and is still a great
deck for Expanded as far as I can tell. Without
Eelektrik players tried other options but they never
worked as well.
The other Rayquaza-EX we will cover in this
review is XY: Roaring Skies 60/108 starts out
similar to the original; the differences are 10 more HP,
Fairy Weakness instead of Dragon Weakness, +1 to the
Retreat Cost and of course two different attacks. For
[CC] it can hit for 30 damage with Dragon Claw while for
a hefty [RRLC] its Dragon Strike hits for 130 but
requires a coin flip; if “tails” it can’t use Dragon
Strike during your next turn. Benching should end this
effect, so if you can re-promote it you can Dragon
Strike with the same Rayquaza-EX twice in a row.
These attacks are “okay” - they do enough that as a
stepping stone to M Rayquaza-EX they will do, but
I wouldn’t want to base a deck on them. With sufficient
buffs you could - throw in the new support mentioned
earlier and Altaria (BW: Dragons Exalted
84/124; BW Black Star Promos BW48, BW:
Boundaries Crossed 152/149) and it should be
possible to hit some key OHKO/2HKO numbers. Of course,
there are other Pokémon I’d probably try to work into
such a deck before this one. In the end if I am trying
to build a M Rayquaza-EX deck I’d recommend…
Rayquaza-EX (XY:
Roaring Skies
75/180, 104/108). I just think it has better attacks,
even if it is a Colorless-Type; while it can’t tap
Dragon-Type support, in general it just looks easier to
work with (which can be a lifesaver if your set-up
So should you run today’s M Rayquaza-EX? In a
word… no. While 300 damage isn’t the overkill it once
was you’re pretty much just getting what you paid for;
great in a format with a well-balanced card pool, not
enough among the metagame of cutthroat, competitive
play. If you get a partial set-up, odds are you won’t
be able to do anything at all. If you want a new Mega
Evolution to rock the house, look elsewhere. If you
specifically want to try to dominate with M Rayquaza-EX,
use the other version. If you want a Dragon-Type Mega
Evolution then okay, you finally found a tiny niche for
the card. This should be a lot better than M
Charizard-EX (XY: Flashfire 69/106, 108/106).
If you want something that hits for a flat 300 damage,
then same deal only it also outclasses the other M
Charizard-EX (XY: Flashfire 13/106, 107/106).
In Expanded I guess it might be an okay “one-of” in a
deck built around Emboar (latest printing BW:
Legendary Treasures 27/113) and
(BW: Dragons Exalted 85/124, 123/124; BW Black
Star Promos BW47), just in case you need a massive
and/or Evolved attack that hits 300 for slightly less
Energy. In Limited, go ahead and include it; even in a
+39 deck you should have the room and so it shouldn’t
As you can tell by my scores and my recommendation not
to run this card, it didn’t make my top 10. It wasn’t
even in the running. As I finally stated by the end,
this strikes me as an improved M Charizard-EX as
it has more/better Type support as well as a Spirit
Link, plus it was released after Mega Turbo
(which makes pretty much all Mega Evolutions better than
they once were). The thing is… M Charizard-EX
isn’t a good card (either version), so out performing it
still leaves us with something wanting.

Emma Starr |
Hi everyone! And welcome to my first review on here
ever! *one person cheers* Ahem, anyway, today, we review
what would be the most broken Mega Evolution – that is,
if he was in ORAS. However, this one is not, as he is
today’s TCG card, which, admittedly, is not too broken,
at least in my eyes.
As one can see, he has a nice 230 HP, which seems to be
the in the higher end of the standard range for any Mega
out there, tying with a few, and only being passed by
Mega Aggron EX. With only Fairy weakness, he’s likely
going to be around for a good while, since Fairy decks
aren’t exactly the most popular…or overall damage
output, minus a few exceptions. Overall, you probably
couldn’t ask for a much better weakness! *gets attacked
by Fairy users*
*brushes off the dirt, and gets back to the review*
Anyway, you’ve probably noticed the HUGE attack power
next to the attack by now, right? Yep, Dragon Ascent,
the attack that sounds like it’s a Dragon type move, AND
actually is in the TCG now…is technically a Flying type
move in the games. Welp, that’s Gamefreak for you.
Anyhow, with a damage output of 300, this only equals
the power of both Mega Charizard EXs! Of course, those
two came with some obvious disadvantages, the Fire one
causing 50 damage to itself, each time it attacked,
probably being the worst of these. The Dragon type one
made you discard the top 5 cards of your deck, causing
you to lose essential cards, if you were unlucky, which
unfortunately, aren’t as easy to get out of there as it
is in Yu-gi-oh. :P So, how does Dragon Ascent hold up,
compared to the former’s severe recoiling effects? Well,
you have to discard 2 energy cards attached to it.
However, with a single attack which costs 5 energy
already, is there a way to mitigate this? Well, there is
always Energy Transfer, and Emboar, being obvious ways
of getting around this. Of course, the latter requiring
you to get a Stage 2 on the field can always be
bothersome. Not to mention that Double Colorless
wouldn’t help either, since the attack only has one
Colorless requirement on it. So, although, at worst, you
can only attack once every turn with it, (making it most
useful for Fire Decks), it’s still a huge attack that
will nuke pretty much anything else, provided you can
provide the energy for it.
But wait – is there an energy in this set that almost
sounds like it was made for this card? But can also be
highly beneficial to other Dragon cards as well? And
that reminds me of an 80s arcade game, at the same time?
Well, you’ll have to stay tuned, to find out if a card
such as this really does exist! (okay, it does, I get
it. I’ll stop being all announcer-y now.)
Standard: 3.5/5
Expanded: 4/5 (it can combo with Rayquaza EX from
Dragons Exalted, though it’s effects which call for it
to discard all energy from itself is actually…in direct
contrast with what the Mega version needs. Thankfully,
we have a couple Rayquaza EX now that we can work with,
but it’s still an option. Just not a very viable one.)
Limited: 3.5/5 (may as well use it, if you pull this and
a Rayquaza EX. Just know that you’ll be setting this guy
up for awhile, so you’ll definitely want a different
attacker out while you’re getting this guy ready.)