of the Coast
Complete English Pokemon TCG List
Here is the complete list of English Pokemon Cards
currently available. Current as of 12-11-00.
Complete Pokémon®:
Neo Genesis™ Card List
o 1 Ampharos <<H>>H
o 2
Azumarill <<H>>H
o 3
Bellossom <<H>>H
o 4 Feraligatr Lv. 56 <<H>>H
o 5
Feraligatr Lv. 69 <<H>>H
o 6
Heracross <<H>>H
o 7
Jumpluff <<H>>H
o 8
Kingdra <<H>>H
o 9
Lugia <<H>>H
o 10
Meganium Lv. 54 <<H>>H
o 11 Meganium Lv. 57 <<H>>H
o 12 Pichu <<H>>H
o 13
Skarmory <<H>>H
o 14 Slowking <<H>>H
o 15 Steelix <<H>>H
o 16
Togetic <<H>>H
o 17 Typhlosion Lv. 55 <<H>>H
o 18
Typhlosion Lv. 57 <<H>>H
o 19
Metal Energy <<H>>H
o 20 Cleffa <<H>>
o 21
Donphan <<H>>
o 22 Elekid <<H>>
o 23
Magby <<H>>
o 24
Murkrow <<H>>
o 25
Sneasel <<H>>
o 26
Aipom <<u>>
o 27
Ariados <<u>>
o 28 Bayleef Lv. 22<<u>>
o 29 Bayleef Lv. 39 <<u>>
o 30
Clefairy <<u>>
o 31
Croconaw Lv. 34 <<u>>
o 32 Croconaw Lv. 41 <<u>>
o 33 Electabuzz <<u>>
o 34 Flaaffy <<u>>
o 35 Furret <<u>>
o 36 Gloom <<u>>
o 37
Granbull <<u>>
o 38 Lanturn <<u>>
o 39
Ledian <<u>>
o 40
Magmar <<u>>
o 41 Miltank <<u>>
o 42
Noctowl <<u>>
o 43
Phanpy <<u>>
o 44
Piloswine <<u>>
o 45
Quagsire <<u>>
o 46
Quilava Lv. 28 <<u>>
o 47
Quilava Lv. 35 <<u>>
o 48
Seadra <<u>>
o 49
Skiploom <<u>>
o 50
Sunflora <<u>>
o 51 Togepi <<u>>
o 52
Xatu <<u>>
o 53
Chikorita Lv. 12 <<l>>
o 54
Chikorita Lv. 19 <<l>>
o 55
Chinchou <<l>>
o 56 Cyndaquil Lv. 14 <<l>>
o 57
Cyndaquil Lv. 21 <<l>>
o 58
Girafarig <<l>>
o 59 Gligar <<l>>
o 60
Hoothoot <<l>>
o 61
Hopip <<l>>
o 62
Horsea <<l>>
o 63
Ledyba <<l>>
o 64
Mantine <<l>>
o 65
Mareep <<l>>
o 66
Marill <<l>>
o 67
Natu <<l>>
o 68 Oddish <<l>>
o 69 Onix <<l>>
o 70 Pikachu <<l>>
71 Sentret <<l>>
o 72
Shuckle <<l>>
o 73
Slowpoke <<l>>
o 74
Snubbull <<l>>
o 75
Spinarak <<l>>
o 76
Stantler <<l>>
o 77
Sudowoodo <<l>>
o 78
Sunkern <<l>>
o 79
Swinub <<l>>
o 80
Totodile Lv. 8 <<l>>
o 81
Totodile Lv. 20 <<l>>
o 82
Wooper <<l>>
o 83
Arcade Game <<H>>
o 84 Ecogym <<H>>
o 85
Energy Charge <<H>>
o 86
Focus Band <<H>>
o 87 Mary <<H>>
o 88
PokéGear <<H>>
o 89
Super Energy Retrieval <<H>>
o 90 Time Capsule <<H>>
o 91
Bill’s Teleporter <<u>>
o 92
Card-Flip Game <<u>>
o 93 Gold Berry <<u>>
o 94
Miracle Berry <<u>>
o 95
New Pokédex <<u>>
o 96
Professor Elm <<u>>
o 97
Sprout Tower <<u>>
o 98
Super Scoop Up <<u>>
o 99
Berry <<l>>
o 100 Double Gust <<l>>
o 101 Moo-Moo Milk <<l>>
o 102 Pokémon March <<l>>
o 103 Super Rod <<l>>
o 104
Darkness Energy <<H>>
o 105 Recycle Energy <<H>>
o 106 {F} Fighting
o 107 {R} Fire
o 108 {G} Grass
o 109 {L}
Lightning Energy
o 110 {P} Psychic
o 111 {W} Water
holo, <<H>>=rare, <<u>>=uncommon,
& ® Nintendo.
Nintendo, Creatures, GAMEFREAK.Presented
by The Pokémon Company. Manufactured
and distributed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Pokémon: Neo Genesis Theme Decks!
The Pokémon®: Neo Genesis set
introduces all-new Pokémon
trading card game rules—so check out the Neo
Genesis rulebook. Visit www.wizards.com/Pokemon,
to find out the latest! To strengthen your “Cold Fusion” and
“Hotfoot” theme decks, look for more Grass, Fire, Lightning, and
Water cards in Neo Genesis
11-card booster packs!
7 {R} Energy
21 {G} Energy
1 Ariados Lv. 29
2 Cyndaquil Lv. 14
2 Cyndaquil Lv. 21
4 Hoppip Lv. 21
1 Jumpluff Lv. 35
1 Magby Lv. 5
2 Magmar Lv. 37
4 Oddish Lv. 7
1 Quilava Lv. 35
2 Skiploom Lv. 28
3 Spinarak Lv. 15
1 Bill’s Teleporter
3 Moo-Moo Milk
2 Pokémon March
1 Professor Elm
2 Super Rod
Keep your opponents on their toes with the
controlled burn of the “Hotfoot” theme deck!
“Cold Fusion”
12 {L} Energy
16 {W} Energy
Chinchou Lv. 12
Croconaw Lv. 34
Croconaw Lv. 41
Electabuzz Lv. 38
Elekid Lv. 6
Horsea Lv. 22
Kingdra Lv. 50
Lanturn Lv. 26
Mantine Lv. 31
Pikachu Lv. 15
Seadra Lv. 36
Totodile Lv. 8
Totodile Lv. 20
3 Moo-Moo Milk
1 Professor Elm
1 Super Rod
Put a freeze on every attack with the high
voltage of the “Cold Fusion” theme deck.
Complete Pokémon
Base Set Card List
o 1 Alakazam <<H>>H
o 2 Blastoise <<H>>H
o 3 Chansey <<H>>H
o 4 Charizard <<H>>H
o 5 Clefairy <<H>>H
o 6 Gyarados <<H>>H
o 7 Hitmonchan <<H>>H
o 8 Machamp <<H>>H
o 9 Magneton <<H>>H
o 10 Mewtwo <<H>>H
o 11 Nidoking <<H>>H
o 12 Ninetales <<H>>H
o 13 Poliwrath <<H>>H
o 14 Raichu <<H>>H
o 15 Venusaur <<H>>H
o 16 Zapdos <<H>>H
o 17 Beedrill <<H>>
o 18 Dragonair <<H>>
o 19 Dugtrio <<H>>
o 20 Electabuzz <<H>>
o 21 Electrode <<H>>
o 22 Pidgeotto <<H>>
o 23 Arcanine
o 24 Charmeleon
o 25 Dewgong
o 26 Dratini
o 27 Farfetch’d
o 28 Growlithe
o 29 Haunter
o 30 Ivysaur
o 31 Jynx
o 32 Kadabra
o 33 Kakuna
o 34 Machoke
o 35 Magikarp
o 36 Magmar
o 37 Nidorino
o 38 Poliwhirl
o 39 Porygon
o 40 Raticate
o 41 Seel
o 42 Wartortle
o 43 Abra
o 44 Bulbasaur
o 45 Caterpie
o 46 Charmander
o 47 Diglett
o 48 Doduo
o 49 Drowzee
o 50 Gastly
o 51 Koffing
o 52 Machop
o 53 Magnemite
o 54 Metapod
o 55 Nidoran <<male>>
o 56 Onix
o 57 Pidgey
o 58 Pikachu
o 59 Poliwag
o 60 Ponyta
o 61 Rattata
o 62 Sandshrew
o 63 Squirtle
o 64 Starmie
o 65 Staryu
o 66 Tangela
o 67 Voltorb
o 68 Vulpix
o 69 Weedle
o 70 Clefairy Doll <<H>>
o 71 Computer Search <<H>>
o 72 Devolution Spray <<H>>
o 73 Imposter Professor Oak <<H>>
o 74 Item Finder <<H>>
o 75 Lass <<H>>
o 76 Pokémon Breeder <<H>>
o 77 Pokémon Trader <<H>>
o 78 Scoop Up <<H>>
o 79 Super Energy Removal <<H>>
o 80 Defender
o 81 Energy Retrieval
o 82 Full Heal
o 83 Maintenance
o 84 PlusPower
o 85 Pokémon Center
o 86 Pokémon Flute
o 87 Pokédex
o 88 Professor Oak
o 89 Revive
o 90 Super Potion
o 91 Bill
o 92 Energy Removal
o 93 Gust of Wind
o 94 Potion
o 95 Switch
o 96 Double Colorless Energy
o 97 {F} Fighting
o 98 {R} Fire
o 99 {G} Grass
o 100 {L}
Lightning Energy
o 101 {P} Psychic
o 102 {W} Water
holo, <<H>>=rare, <<u>>=uncommon,
Complete Pokémon: Jungle™ Card List
A dense jungle, undiscovered by humans . . . .
Here, Pokémon have evolved into many strange and marvelous forms as
yet unknown to scientists. Drawn here in their never-ending quest for
Pokémon, the trainers of the world call this forest the “Pokémon
o 1 Clefable <<H>>H
o 2 Electrode <<H>>H
o 3 Flareon <<H>>H
o 4 Jolteon <<H>>H
o 5 Kangaskhan <<H>>H
o 6 Mr. Mime <<H>>H
o 7 Nidoqueen <<H>>H
o 8 Pidgeot <<H>>H
o 9 Pinsir <<H>>H
o 10 Scyther <<H>>H
o 11 Snorlax <<H>>H
o 12 Vaporeon <<H>>H
o 13 Venomoth <<H>>H
o 14 Victreebel <<H>>H
o 15 Vileplume <<H>>H
o 16 Wigglytuff <<H>>H
o 17 Clefable <<H>>
o 18 Electrode <<H>>
o 19 Flareon <<H>>
o 20 Jolteon <<H>>
o 21 Kangaskhan <<H>>
o 22 Mr. Mime <<H>>
o 23 Nidoqueen <<H>>
o 24 Pidgeot <<H>>
o 25 Pinsir <<H>>
o 26Scyther <<H>>
o 27 Snorlax <<H>>
o 28 Vaporeon <<H>>
o 29 Venomoth <<H>>
o 30 Victreebel <<H>>
o 31 Vileplume <<H>>
o 32 Wigglytuff <<H>>
o 33 Butterfree <<u>>
o 34 Dodrio <<u>>
o 35 Exeggutor <<u>>
o 36 Fearow <<u>>
o 37 Gloom <<u>>
o 38 Lickitung <<u>>
o 39 Marowak <<u>>
o 40 Nidorina <<u>>
o 41 Parasect <<u>>
o 42 Persian <<u>>
o 43 Primeape <<u>>
o 44 Rapidash <<u>>
o 45 Rhydon <<u>>
o 46 Seaking <<u>>
o 47 Tauros <<u>>
o 48 Weepinbell <<u>>
o 49 Bellsprout <<l>>
o 50 Cubone <<l>>
o 51 Eevee <<l>>
o 52 Exeggcute <<l>>
o 53 Goldeen <<l>>
o 54 Jigglypuff <<l>>
o 55 Mankey <<l>>
o 56 Meowth <<l>>
o 57 Nidoran <<female>>
o 58 Oddish <<l>>
o 59 Paras <<l>>
o 60 Pikachu <<l>>
o 61 Rhyhorn <<l>>
o 62 Spearow <<l>>
o 63 Venonat <<l>>
o 64 Poké Ball <<l>>
holo, <<H>>=rare, <<u>>=uncommon,
Cards 1–16 are holo versions of cards
17–32. Otherwise, these cards are exactly the same as their non-holo
Complete Pokémon: Fossil™ Card List
Two millions years ago, the first known Pokémon
walked the earth. Scientists thought many were extinct, like the
dinosaurs, because the scientists had found only fossils—until now.
A remote island has been discovered in the South Seas, an island where
the Pokémon fossils have come to life!
o 1 Aerodactyl <<H>>H
o 2 Articuno <<H>>H
o 3 Ditto <<H>>H
o 4 Dragonite <<H>>H
o 5 Gengar <<H>>H
o 6 Haunter<<H>>H
o 7 Hitmonlee <<H>>H
o 8 Hypno <<H>>H
o 9 Kabutops <<H>>H
o 10 Lapras <<H>>H
o 11 Magneton <<H>>H
o 12 Moltres <<H>>H
o 13 Muk <<H>>H
o 14 Raichu <<H>>H
o 15 Zapdos <<H>>H
o 16 Aerodactyl <<H>>
o 17 Articuno <<H>>
o 18 Ditto <<H>>
o 19 Dragonite <<H>>
o 20 Gengar <<H>>
o 21 Haunter<<H>>
o 22 Hitmonlee <<H>>
o 23 Hypno <<H>>
o 24 Kabutops <<H>>
o 25 Lapras <<H>>
o 26 Magneton <<H>>
o 27 Moltres <<H>>
o 28 Muk <<H>>
o 29 Raichu <<H>>
o 30 Zapdos <<H>>
o 31 Arbok <<u>>
o 32 Cloyster <<u>>
o 33 Gastly <<u>>
o 34 Golbat <<u>>
o 35 Golduck <<u>>
o 36 Golem <<u>>
o 37 Graveler <<u>>
o 38 Kingler <<u>>
o 39 Magmar <<u>>
o 40 Omastar <<u>>
o 41 Sandslash <<u>>
o 42 Seadra <<u>>
o 43 Slowbro <<u>>
o 44 Tentacruel <<u>>
o 45 Weezing <<u>>
o 46 Ekans <<l>>
o 47 Geodude <<l>>
o 48 Grimer <<l>>
o 49 Horsea <<l>>
o 50 Kabuto <<l>>
o 51 Krabby <<l>>
o 52 Omanyte <<l>>
o 53 Psyduck <<l>>
o 54 Shellder <<l>>
o 55 Slowpoke <<l>>
o 56 Tentacool <<l>>
o 57 Zubat <<l>>
o 58 Mr. Fuji <<u>>
o 59 Energy Search<<l>>
o 60 Gambler <<l>>
o 61 Recycle <<l>>
o 62 Mysterious Fossil <<l>>
holo, <<H>>=rare, <<u>>=uncommon,
Cards 1–15 are holo versions of cards
16–30. Otherwise, these cards are exactly the same as their non-holo
Complete Pokémon:
Team Rocket™ Card List
The number of criminal incidents involving Pokémon
is on the rise. Some suggest it may have something to do the rash of
Pokémon kidnappings that have occurred recently.
Pokémon breeders believe that to properly
raise and evolve a Pokémon, you have to treat it with love and
attention. But what happens if a Pokémon isn’t treated properly?
Will it evolve differently? What’s the secret behind this new threat
to Pokémon and their trainers?
o 1 Dark Alakazam <<H>>H
o 2 Dark Arbok <<H>>H
o 3 Dark Blastoise <<H>>H
o 4 Dark Charizard <<H>>H
o 5 Dark Dragonite <<H>>H
o 6 Dark Dugtrio<<H>>H
o 7 Dark Golbat <<H>>H
o 8 Dark Gyarados <<H>>H
o 9 Dark Hypno <<H>>H
o 10 Dark Machamp <<H>>H
o 11 Dark Magneton <<H>>H
o 12 Dark Slowbro <<H>>H
o 13 Dark Vileplume <<H>>H
o 14 Dark Weezing <<H>>H
o 15 Here Comes Team Rocket! <<H>>H
o 16 Rocket’s Sneak Attack <<H>>H
o 17 Rainbow Energy <<H>>H
o 18 Dark Alakazam <<H>>
o 19 Dark Arbok <<H>>
o 20 Dark Blastoise <<H>>
o 21 Dark Charizard<<H>>
o 22 Dark Dragonite <<H>>
o 23 Dark Dugtrio <<H>>
o 24 Dark Golbat <<H>>
o 25 Dark Gyarados <<H>>
o 26 Dark Hypno <<H>>
o 27 Dark Machamp <<H>>
o 28 Dark Magneton <<H>>
o 29 Dark Slowbro <<H>>
o 30 Dark Vileplume <<H>>
o 31 Dark Weezing <<H>>
o 32 Dark Charmeleon <<u>>
o 33 Dark Dragonair <<u>>
o 34 Dark Electrode <<u>>
o 35 Dark Flareon <<u>>
o 36 Dark Gloom <<u>>
o 37 Dark Golduck <<u>>
o 38 Dark Jolteon <<u>>
o 39 Dark Kadabra <<u>>
o 40 Dark Machoke <<u>>
o 41 Dark Muk <<u>>
o 42 Dark Persian <<u>>
o 43 Dark Primeape <<u>>
o 44 Dark Rapidash <<u>>
o 45 Dark Vaporeon <<u>>
o 46 Dark Wartortle <<u>>
o 47 Magikarp <<u>>
o 48 Porygon <<u>>
o 49 Abra <<l>>
o 50 Charmander <<l>>
o 51 Dark Raticate <<l>>
o 52 Diglett <<l>>
o 53 Dratini <<l>>
o 54 Drowzee <<l>>
o 55 Eevee <<l>>
o 56 Ekans <<l>>
o 57 Grimer <<l>>
o 58 Koffing <<l>>
o 59 Machop <<l>>
o 60 Magnemite <<l>>
o 61 Mankey <<l>>
o 62 Meowth <<l>>
o 63 Oddish <<l>>
o 64 Ponyta <<l>>
o 65 Psyduck <<l>>
o 66 Rattata <<l>>
o 67 Slowpoke <<l>>
o 68 Squirtle <<l>>
o 69 Voltorb <<l>>
o 70 Zubat <<l>>
o 71 Here Comes Team Rocket! <<H>>
o 72 Rocket’s Sneak Attack <<H>>
o 73 The Boss’s Way <<u>>
o 74 Challenge! <<u>>
o 75 Digger <<u>>
o 76 Imposter Oak’s Revenge <<u>>
o 77 Nightly Garbage Run <<u>>
o 78 Goop Gas Attack <<l>>
o 79 Sleep! <<l>>
o 80 Rainbow Energy <<H>>
o 81 Full Heal Energy <<u>>
o 82 Potion Energy <<u>>
holo, <<H>>=rare, <<u>>=uncommon,
Cards 1–14, 15, 16, and 17 are holo versions
of cards 18–31, 71, 72, and 80. Otherwise, these cards are exactly
the same as their non-holo versions.
Complete Pokémon
Base Set 2 Card List
o 1 Alakazam <<H>>H
o 2 Blastoise <<H>>H
o 3 Chansey <<H>>H
o 4 Charizard <<H>>H
o 5 Clefable <<H>>H
o 6 Clefairy <<H>>H
o 7 Gyarados <<H>>H
o 8 Hitmonchan <<H>>H
o 9 Magneton <<H>>H
o 10 Mewtwo <<H>>H
o 11 Nidoking <<H>>H
o 12 Nidoqueen <<H>>H
o 13 Ninetales <<H>>H
o 14 Pidgeot <<H>>H
o 15 Poliwrath <<H>>H
o 16 Raichu <<H>>H
o 17 Scyther <<H>>H
o 18 Venusaur <<H>>H
o 19 Wigglytuff <<H>>H
o 20 Zapdos <<H>>H
o 21 Beedrill <<H>>
o 22 Dragonair <<H>>
o 23 Dugtrio <<H>>
o 24 Electabuzz <<H>>
o 25 Electrode <<H>>
o 26 Kangaskhan <<H>>
o 27 Mr. Mime <<H>>
o 28 Pidgeotto <<H>>
o 29 Pinsir <<H>>
o 30 Snorlax <<H>>
o 31 Venomoth <<H>>
o 32 Victreebel <<H>>
o 33 Arcanine
o 34 Butterfree
o 35 Charmeleon
o 36 Dewgong
o 37 Dodrio
o 38 Dratini
o 39 Exeggutor
o 40 Farfetch’d
o 41 Fearow
o 42 Growlithe
o 43 Haunter
o 44 Ivysaur
o 45 Jynx
o 46 Kadabra
o 47 Kakuna
o 48 Lickitung
o 49 Machoke
o 50 Magikarp
o 51 Magmar
o 52 Marowak
o 53 Nidorina
o 54 Nidorino
o 55 Parasect
o 56 Persian
o 57 Poliwhirl
o 58 Raticate
o 59 Rhydon
o 60 Seaking
o 61 Seel
o 62 Tauros<<u>>
o 63 Wartortle
o 64 Weepinbell
o 65 Abra
o 66 Bellsprout
o 67 Bulbasaur
o 68 Caterpie
o 69 Charmander
o 70 Cubone
o 71 Diglett
o 72 Doduo
o 73 Drowzee
o 74 Exeggcute
o 75 Gastly
o 76 Goldeen
o 77 Jigglypuff
o 78 Machop
o 79 Magnemite
o 80 Meowth
o 81 Metapod
o 82 Nidoran <<female>>
o 83 Nidoran <<male>>
o 84 Onix
o 85 Paras
o 86 Pidgey
o 87 Pikachu
o 88 Poliwag
o 89 Rattata
o 90 Rhyhorn
o 91 Sandshrew
o 92 Spearow
o 93 Squirtle
o 94 Starmie
o 95 Staryu
o 96 Tangela
o 97 Venonat
o 98 Voltorb
o 99 Vulpix
o 100 Weedle
o 101 Computer Search <<H>>
o 102 Imposter Professor Oak <<H>>
o 103 Item Finder <<H>>
o 104 Lass <<H>>
o 105 Pokémon Breeder <<H>>
o 106 Pokémon Trader <<H>>
o 107 Scoop Up <<H>>
o 108 Super Energy Removal <<H>>
o 109 Defender
o 110 Energy Retrieval
o 111 Full Heal
o 112 Maintenance
o 113 PlusPower
o 114 Pokémon Center
o 115 Pokédex
o 116 Professor Oak
o 117 Super Potion
o 118 Bill
o 119 Energy Removal
o 120 Gust of Wind
o 121 Poké Ball
o 122 Potion
o 123 Switch
o 124 Double Colorless Energy
o 125 {F} Fighting
o 126 {R} Fire
o 127 {G} Grass
o 128 {L}
Lightning Energy
o 129 {P} Psychic
o 130 {W} Water
holo, <<H>>=rare, <<u>>=uncommon,
Complete Pokémon: Gym Heroes™ Card List
o 1 Blaine’s Moltres <<H>>H
o 2 Brock’s Rhydon <<H>>H
o 3 Erika’s Clefable <<H>>H
o 4 Erika’s Dragonair <<H>>H
o 5 Erika’s Vileplume <<H>>H
o 6 Lt. Surge’s Electabuzz <<H>>H
o 7 Lt. Surge’s Fearow <<H>>H
o 8 Lt. Surge’s Magneton <<H>>H
o 9 Misty’s Seadra <<H>>H
o 10 Misty’s Tentacruel <<H>>H
o 11 Rocket’s Hitmonchan <<H>>H
o 12 Rocket’s Moltres <<H>>H
o 13 Rocket’s Scyther <<H>>H
o 14 Sabrina’s Gengar <<H>>H
o 15 Brock <<H>>H
o 16 Erika <<H>>H
o 17 Lt. Surge <<H>>H
o 18 Misty <<H>>H
o 19 The Rocket’s Trap <<H>>H
o 20 Brock’s Golem <<H>>
o 21 Brock’s Onix <<H>>
o 22 Brock’s Rhyhorn <<H>>
o 23 Brock’s Sandslash
o 24 Brock’s Zubat
o 25 Erika’s Clefairy
o 26 Erika’s Victreebel
o 27 Lt. Surge’s Electabuzz
o 28 Lt. Surge’s Raichu
o 29 Misty’s Cloyster
o 30 Misty’s Goldeen
o 31 Misty’s Poliwrath
o 32 Misty’s Tentacool
o 33 Rocket’s Snorlax
o 34 Sabrina’s Venomoth
o 35 Blaine’s Growlithe
o 36 Blaine’s Kangaskhan
o 37 Blaine’s Magmar
o 38 Brock’s Geodude
o 39 Brock’s Goldbat
o 40 Brock’s Graveler<<u>>
o 41 Brock’s Lickitung
o 42 Erika’s Dratini
o 43 Erika’s Exeggcute
o 44 Erika’s Exeggutor
o 45 Erika’s Gloom Lv. 24 <<u>>
o 46 Erika’s Gloom Lv. 28 <<u>>
o 47 Erika’s Oddish
o 48 Erika’s Weepinbell
o 49 Erika’s Weepinbell
o 50 Lt. Surge’s Magnemite
o 51 Lt. Surge’s Raticate
o 52 Lt. Surge’s Spearow
o 53 Misty’s Poliwhirl
o 54 Misty’s Psyduck
o 55 Misty’s Seaking <<u>>
o 56 Misty’s Starmie
o 57 Misty’s Tentacool
o 58 Sabrina’s Haunter
o 59 Sabrina’s Jynx
o 60 Sabrina’s Slowbro
o 61 Blaine’s Charmander
o 62 Blaine’s Growlithe
o 63 Blaine’s Ponyta
o 64 Blaine’s Tauros
o 65 Blaine’s Vulpix
o 66 Brock’s Geodude
o 67 Brock’s Mankey Lv. 10
o 68 Brock’s Mankey Lv. 12
o 69 Brock’s Onix
o 70 Brock’s Rhyhorn <<l>>
o 71 Brock’s Sandshrew Lv. 13 <<l>>
o 72 Brock’s Sandshrew Lv. 20 <<l>>
o 73 Brock’s Vulpix <<l>>
o 74 Brock’s Zubat <<l>>
o 75 Erika’s Bellsprout Lv. 12 <<l>>
o 76 Erika’s Bellsprout Lv. 15 <<l>>
o 77 Erika’s Exeggcute <<l>>
o 78 Erika’s Oddish <<l>>
o 79 Erika’s Tangela <<l>>
o 80 Lt. Surge’s Magnemite
o 81 Lt. Surge’s Pikachu
o 82 Lt. Surge’s Rattata
o 83 Lt. Surge’s Spearow
o 84 Lt. Surge’s Voltorb
o 85 Misty’s Goldeen
o 86 Misty’s Horsea<<l>>
o 87 Misty’s Poliwag
o 88 Misty’s Seel
o 89 Misty’s Shellder
o 90 Misty’s Staryu
o 91 Sabrina’s Abra
o 92 Sabrina’s Drowzee
o 93 Sabrina’s Gastly
o 94 Sabrina’s Mr. Mime
o 95 Sabrina’s Slowpoke
o 96 Sabrina’s Venonat
o 97 Blaine’s Quiz #1
o 98 Brock <<H>>
o 99 Charity
o 100 Erika
o 101 Lt. Surge
o 102 Misty
o 103 No Removal Gym <<H>>
o 104 The Rocket’s Gym
o 105 Blaine’s Last Resort
o 106 Brock’s Training Method
o 107 Celadon City Gym
o 108 Cerulean City Gym <<u>>
o 109 Erika’s Maids
o 110 Erika’s Perfume
o 111 Good Manners
o 112 Lt. Surge’s Treaty <<u>>
o 113 Minion of Team Rocket
o 114 Misty’s Wrath
o 115 Pewter City Gym
o 116 Recall <<u>>
o 117 Sabrina’s ESP
o 118 Secret Mission
o 119 Tickling Machine
o 120 Vermilion City Gym <<u>>
o 121 Blaine’s Gamble<<l>>
o 122 Energy Flow
o 123 Misty’s Duel
o 124 Narrow Gym <<l>>
o 125 Sabrina’s Gaze
o 126 Trash Exchange
o 127 {F} Fighting
o 128 {R} Fire
o 129 {G} Grass
o 130 {L}
Lightning Energy
o 131 {P} Psychic
o 132 {W} Water
holo, <<H>>=rare, <<u>>=uncommon,
Cards 15–18 are holo versions of cards 98,
100, 101, and 102. Otherwise, these cards are exactly the same as
their non-holo versions.
Complete Pokémon:
Gym Challenge™ Card List
o 1 Blaine’s Arcanine <<H>>H
o 2
Blaine’s Charizard <<H>>H
o 3
Brock’s Ninetales <<H>>H
o 4 Erika’s Venusaur <<H>>H
o 5
Giovanni’s Gyarados <<H>>H
o 6
Giovanni’s Machamp <<H>>H
o 7
Giovanni’s Nidoking <<H>>H
o 8
Giovanni’s Persian <<H>>H
o 9
Koga’s Beedrill <<H>>H
o 10
Koga’s Ditto <<H>>H
o 11 Lt. Surge’s Raichu <<H>>H
o 12 Misty’s Golduck <<H>>H
o 13
Misty’s Gyarados <<H>>H
o 14 Rocket’s Mewtwo <<H>>H
o 15 Rocket’s Zapdos <<H>>H
o 16
Sabrina’s Alakazam <<H>>H
o 17 Blaine <<H>>H
o 18
Giovanni <<H>>H
o 19
Koga <<H>>H
o 20 Sabrina <<H>>H
o 21
Blaine’s Ninetales <<H>>
o 22 Brock’s Dugtrio <<H>>
o 23
Giovanni’s Nidoqueen <<H>>
o 24
Giovanni’s Pinsir <<H>>
o 25
Koga’s Arbok <<H>>
o 26
Koga’s Muk <<H>>
o 27
Pidgeotto <<H>>
o 28 Lt. Surge’s Jolteon <<H>>
o 29 Sabrina’s Gengar <<H>>
o 30
Sabrina’s Golduck <<H>>
o 31
Blaine’s Charmeleon <<u>>
o 32 Blaine’s Dodrio <<u>>
o 33 Blaine’s Rapidash <<u>>
o 34 Brock’s Graveler <<u>>
o 35 Brock’s Primeape <<u>>
o 36 Brock’s Sandslash <<u>>
o 37
Brock’s Vulpix <<u>>
o 38 Erika’s Bellsprout <<u>>
o 39
Erika’s Bulbasaur <<u>>
o 40
Erika’s Clefairy <<u>>
o 41 Erika’s Ivysaur <<u>>
o 42
Giovanni’s Machoke <<u>>
o 43
Giovanni’s Meowth <<u>>
o 44
Giovanni’s Nidorina <<u>>
o 45
Giovanni’s Nidorino <<u>>
o 46
Koga’s Golbat <<u>>
o 47
Koga’s Kakuna <<u>>
o 48
Koga’s Koffing <<u>>
o 49
Koga’s Pidgey <<u>>
o 50
Koga’s Weezing <<u>>
o 51 Lt. Surge’s Eevee <<u>>
o 52
Lt. Surge’s Electrode <<u>>
o 53
Lt. Surge’s Raticate <<u>>
o 54
Misty’s Dewgong <<u>>
o 55
Sabrina’s Haunter <<u>>
o 56 Sabrina’s Hypno <<u>>
o 57
Sabrina’s Jynx <<u>>
o 58
Sabrina’s Kadabra <<u>>
o 59 Sabrina’s Mr. Mime <<u>>
o 60
Blaine’s Charmander <<l>>
o 61
Blaine’s Doduo <<l>>
o 62
Blaine’s Growlithe <<l>>
o 63
Blaine’s Mankey <<l>>
o 64
Blaine’s Ponyta <<l>>
o 65
Blaine’s Rhyhorn <<l>>
o 66
Blaine’s Vulpix <<l>>
o 67
Brock’s Diglett <<l>>
o 68 Brock’s Geodude <<l>>
o 69 Erika’s Jigglypuff <<l>>
o 70 Erika’s Oddish <<l>>
71 Erika’s Paras <<l>>
o 72
Giovanni’s Machop <<l>>
o 73
Giovanni’s Magikarp <<l>>
o 74
Giovanni’s Meowth <<l>>
o 75
Giovanni’s Nidoran <<female>>
o 76
Giovanni’s Nidoran <<male>>
o 77
Koga’s Ekans <<l>>
o 78
Koga’s Grimer <<l>>
o 79
Koga’s Koffing <<l>>
o 80
Koga’s Pidgey <<l>>
o 81
Koga’s Tangela <<l>>
o 82
Koga’s Weedle <<l>>
o 83
Koga’s Zubat <<l>>
o 84 Lt. Surge’s Pikachu <<l>>
o 85
Lt. Surge’s Rattata <<l>>
o 86
Lt. Surge’s Voltorb <<l>>
o 87 Misty’s Horsea <<l>>
o 88
Misty’s Magikarp <<l>>
o 89
Misty’s Poliwag <<l>>
o 90 Misty’s Psyduck <<l>>
o 91
Misty’s Seel <<l>>
o 92 Misty’s Staryu <<l>>
o 93
Sabrina’s Abra Lv. 12 <<l>>
o 94
Sabrina’s Abra Lv. 18 <<l>>
o 95
Sabrina’s Drowzee <<l>>
o 96
Sabrina’s Gastly Lv. 9 <<l>>
o 97
Sabrina’s Gastly Lv. 10 <<l>>
o 98
Sabrina’s Porygon <<l>>
o 99
Sabrina’s Psyduck <<l>>
o 100 Blaine <<H>>
o 101 Brock’s Protection <<H>>
o 102 Chaos Gym <<H>>
o 103 Erika’s Kindness <<H>>
o 104
Giovanni <<H>>
o 105 Giovanni’s Last Resort <<H>>
o 106
Koga <<H>>
o 107 Lt. Surge’s Secret Plan <<H>>
o 108 Misty’s Wish <<H>>
o 109 Resistance Gym <<H>>
110 Sabrina <<H>>
o 111 Blaine’s Quiz #2 <<u>>
o 112
Blaine’s Quiz #3 <<u>>
o 113 Cinnabar City Gym <<u>>
o 114
Fuchsia City Gym <<u>>
o 115
Koga’s Ninja Trick <<u>>
o 116 Master Ball <<u>>
o 117 Max Revive <<u>>
118 Misty’s Tears <<u>>
o 119 Rocket’s Minefield Gym <<u>>
o 120 Rocket’s Secret Experiment <<u>>
o 121
Sabrina’s Psychic Control <<u>>
o 122 Saffron City Gym <<u>>
o 123 Viridian City Gym <<u>>
o 124 Fervor <<l>>
o 125
Transparent Walls <<l>>
o 126 Warp Point <<l>>
127 {F} Fighting Energy
128 {R} Fire Energy
129 {G} Grass Energy
130 {L} Lightning Energy
131 {P} Psychic Energy
132 {W} Water Energy
holo, <<H>>=rare, <<u>>=uncommon,
Cards 17–20 are holo versions of cards 100,
104, 106, and 110. Otherwise, these cards are exactly the same as
their non-holo versions.
Collect All 4 Pokémon:
Gym Challenge Theme Decks!
To strengthen your “Blaine,”
“Giovanni,” “Koga,” and “Sabrina” theme decks, look for
more Blaine, Giovanni, Koga, and Sabrina cards in Gym
Challenge 11-card booster packs!
28 {R} Energy
1 Blaine’s Arcanine Lv. 42
3 Blaine’s Charmander Lv. 18
2 Blaine’s Charmeleon Lv. 29
1 Blaine’s Dodrio Lv. 26
2 Blaine’s Doduo Lv. 17
2 Blaine’s Growlithe Lv. 15 (Gym Heroes™)
2 Blaine’s Growlithe Lv. 20
4 Blaine’s Ponyta Lv. 13
2 Blaine’s Rapidash Lv. 31
2 Blaine’s Vulpix Lv. 18
2 Bill (Base Set 2)
1 Blaine
1 Blaine’s Gamble (Gym
1 Cinnabar City Gym
2 Fervor
1 Max Revive
2 Potion (Base Set 2)
1 Super Potion (Base Set 2)
Blaine can get very agitated, and when Blaine
gets mad, watch out! Blaine’s Fire Pokémon heat up the competition
and send your opponents running for cover!
20 {G} Energy
8 {F} Energy
3 Giovanni’s Nidoran <<female>> Lv.
4 Giovanni’s Nidoran <<male>> Lv. 14
2 Giovanni’s Machoke Lv. 36
4 Giovanni’s Machop Lv. 18
3 Giovanni’s Meowth Lv. 12
1 Giovanni’s Meowth Lv. 17
1 Giovanni’s Nidorina Lv. 35
2 Giovanni’s Nidorino Lv. 32
1 Giovanni’s Persian Lv. 23
2 Bill (Base Set 2)
2 Energy Removal (Base Set 2)
1 Full Heal (Base Set 2)
1 Giovanni
2 Potion (Base Set 2)
1 Viridian City Gym
2 Warp Point
Giovanni has a mixed bag of Pokémon, including
Colorless, Fighting, and Grass Pokémon. When you let the cats out of
the bag, your opponent will run for cover as the fur flies.
28 {G} Energy
1 Koga’s Beedrill Lv. 34
3 Koga’s Ekans Lv. 17
3 Koga’s Grimer Lv. 19
2 Koga’s Kakuna Lv. 21
3 Koga’s Koffing Lv. 10
1 Koga’s Koffing Lv. 15
3 Koga’s Pidgey Lv. 15
4 Koga’s Weedle Lv. 13
2 Koga’s Weezing Lv. 31
1 Energy Removal (Base Set 2)
1 Fuchsia City Gym
1 Full Heal (Base Set 2)
2 Gust of Wind (Base Set 2)
1 Koga
1 PlusPower (Base Set 2)
3 Potion (Base Set 2)
The goal of the “Koga” deck is to slowly
eliminate the opposition using poisonous Pokémon. With healing and
potions, your Pokémon stay fit and strong while your opponent’s Pokémon
grow weak.
28 {P} Energy
2 Sabrina’s Abra Lv. 12
2 Sabrina’s Abra Lv. 18
1 Sabrina’s Alakazam Lv. 44
3 Sabrina’s Drowzee Lv. 18
4 Sabrina’s Gastly Lv. 9
2 Sabrina’s Haunter Lv. 29
2 Sabrina’s Jynx Lv. 21
2 Sabrina’s Kadabra Lv. 41
3 Sabrina’s Porygon Lv. 17
2 Bill (Base Set 2)
2 Potion (Base Set 2)
1 Sabrina
2 Sabrina’s Gaze
(Gym Heroes)
1 Sabrina’s Psychic Control
1 Saffron City Gym
2 Switch (Base Set 2)
likes to manipulate the field with her array of Psychic Pokémon. With
your variety of Pokémon that can Paralyze your opponent’s Pokémon
or put them to Sleep, your opponent will be too slow to withstand the
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