Hello Pojo you can call me Pokemaster Ivan .I attended the Pokemon League at ToysRus in Dublin,California
on 10/24/99.There were about 30 people . I only played five games and I was undefeated.
                                  Here is my deck:
POKEMON                  ENERGY                                 TRAINERS
4 electabuzz               10 fighting                              4 bill
3 hitmonchan              09 electric                              2 oak
3 scyther                      2 double colorless                 4 e. removal
3 Doduo                                                                     2 s.e. removal
2 Dodrio                                                                     1 comp. search
                                                                                  2 PKMN trader
                                                                                  4 Plus Power
                                                                                  3  gust of wind
                                                                                  1  Item finder
                                                                                  1 e. retrieval
Here is the report:
Round 1 VS. Billy
In my opening hand I got 1 Electabuzz and the rest energy.
I got to go first .(He had a Squirtle) : )
I attacked with Thundershock which did 20 damage because of the
weakness but didn't paralyze. He Bubbled and paralyzed me, so I
skipped my turn. He evolved into Wartortle gave energy, withdrew
and...HEADS!I e. removed Wartortle and passed.He gave energy and withdrew,
Tails. ON my turn I finished of Wartortle with Thunder punch and he had no
more basics so I won! 20 points, record:1-0.
 Round 2 VS.Billy
He went first.He put out a Squirtle and I an Electabuzz. He attacked and
paralyzed me .I drew a card and got a Pluspower.He attacked again but
this time he didn't paralyze me.I gave Buzz an energy slapped down
a Pluspower,Comp. Searched for another Pluspower: )and 
won again.40 points, record:2-0.
Round 3 VS.Billy
Very, VERY long game.I didn't get the right type of energy for about 9
turns!I survived by using e. removals on his Growlithes and Wartortles.
He eventually got a Blastoise(with no energies)which I toasted with my
Electabuzz.He took Buzz down after 6 turns, by that time I had
2 Prizes left .I sent out Hitmon against Arcanine(with 2 water energies,
and 1 fire energy,he needed at least 2 fire to attack)
so I removed the fire energy.After 4 turns he had 80 damage but he
used 2 potions then used revive on a Charmander(!!??) and placed a defender
on Arcanine.On my turn I used gust of wind and Pluspowers to send Charmander
back to the discard pile.He killed my Hitmonchan with Arcanine and I killed
Arcanine with Scyther for the Win.
60 points, record:3-0
Round 4 VS. Chinese Kid(he was pretty cool)
Both of these last battles were over after about 6 rounds.
He went first and started out with a fossil Zapdos and I started  
with a Scyther.He gave an energy and passed.I removed that energy
and also slapped down an energy and benched a Hitmonchan.After
2 more turns I was fully charged up and KOed the Zapdos in 2 more
turns with Pluspowers he had no more pokemon so I won.
80 points, record:4-0.
Round 5 final round VS. Chinese Kid
He started with a Hitmonlee and  I with a Scyther, and a benched Chan.
I KOed Lee in 4 turns . He sent out a fully powered Zapdos( Fossil)and did
40 damage to Scyther and 20 to Chan.I s.e. removed Zapdos and knocked
him out in 2 turns with Pluspowers(AGAIN!)so he sent out a Ponyta and KOed
Scyther!I won the Game when I KOed his Last in play Pokemon:Ponyta,with
Hitmonchan.100 points!, record 5-0.
I went undefeated the Whole time. Time for...props and slops!
props,to Scyther for being the best darn basic there is,in my opinion.
props,to everyone who was a good sport.
props,to TOYSrUS for having free admission.
props, for handing out free Promo cards.
Slops,to the kid who "accidentally" stepped on my deck!: (
Slops, to the Gym leader for not wanting to play me after I went undefeated.: (
Slops,to the kid who said base set Haunter was better than Scyther!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Pojo you are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
(Please post this , I spent about 2 hours typing this)Thanks!
My name Is Ivan V. Farkas and my email adress is:
(E-Mail Me if you need help with your deck!)  :-)