Dear Pojo,
    I played my new and inprouved Raindance deck at the colonial inn.This deck,wich is still called Hydrodance of the Water Warlords,came out victorous on about 20 or so people.In October's killer deck report,i entered my last Raindance deck.This deck is almost the same except a few it is.
4 squirtles
  2clefable(both foil)
  4pokemon trader
4 professor oak
  4 switch
28 water energy
Round 1:he played a potpourri,with scyther and hitmonchan.He won the coin flip and had only a hitmonchan in play and i had a magikarp.HeJabed me for 20.when it was my turn,I evolved to gyarados and hitmonchan was useless,I domanated complety over his pokemon with gyarados.I won!

<editor's note:  This is wrong.  You can not evolve on the first turn - Luke, you are lucky your opponent did not call you on this>

Round 2:Since there was a uneven number of people in the tournament i only got to play 3 times.This was my second battle.This girl played a grass deck.I new before starting that i would demolish her because i watched her play before.By the middle of the game,she quit because she saw that i had 2 Blastoise and a Gyarados all fired up ready to fight
Last and final battle.This guy was totally ready for me.He had watched me play before and new my strategys.Before we started the matched,he asked me if I would give him a few minutes to finish hi deck.I agreed.When we stared playing,i realized that he had a grass and electric deck.when he picked his active pokemon,i saw what it was.It was a jungle pikachu.I had a Magikarp but i also had a gyarados in my hand with 4 energy and a pokemon trader.his picachu was useless for the first turn.That gave me time to evolve magikarp to gyarados.Then he evolved his picachu to raichu but my gyarados kicked his sorry but.
For winning,i reseived a promo pikachu and 15$
If you have eney idea changes for my deck,please e-mail me
Thanks alot pojo...........