
Dark Muk
Seena Ghaziaskar

June 13, 2003
9 Participants

Guess who's wasting their Summer? <--- One week has gone by and I haven't done much productive.

If you didn't know, I have no friends so on Friday night I just sit on the internet, well lol I do have friends but nothing to do today.
This was a No Rare Unlimited tourney, I was just thinking of good deck ideas. I knew Dark Muk was good and Noctowl is somewhat of a Slowking replacement...

4Dark Muk

4Professor Elm
3Professor Oak
4Gold Berry
3Rocket's Hideout
2Gust of Wind
1Double Gust
4Energy Removal
1Town Volunteers
1Fan Club

12 Grass
2Full Heal

I added Full Heal expecting other Dark Muk's, but didn't run any.
Dark Muk is a beast without SER and a plethora of OHKOers gone. and Noctowl denies them their trainers

All I saw was a Venonat which I wasted with a quick Dark Muk.

Brock's Sandslash I believe he ran and with the weakness and all I demolished him.2-0

He got 2Pluspowers with Gligar Slash on 2 Rogues (Or was it Mootoon) which got me mad down 0-2 but I built Noctowls, took away an Oak he decided NOT to use and killed his Dewgongs. He once got heads on Aurora Beam, I got FHE and that crushed him.3-0

Again. Bad start for me with lone Tyrogue I didn't get draw for a while but he couldn't KO it. I couldn't KO a Chinchou after like 5 Smash Punches. In the end though, after Elms/Oaks I got THREE Dark Muk going which destroyed a Lanturn, 2 Venemoths which constantly got tails on the choose special condition attack and a Chinchou + 2 Tyrogues. I actually smash punched the Lanturn the turn after I got tails on SP and he KO'd it. I know I'm being vague here, bite me.4-0

So I'm supposed to get a Skyridge pack in the mail and my ladder rank should be improved heavily with 3 Top15 wins or so....

Seena Ghaziaskar

