
Big Bad Beatdown
Derrick Krenke
Hobby Town USA

Brookfield, WI
June 21, 2003
19 Participants

    This was a sealed tournament. I think I did pretty well over all. Check this out!!!
    I got there before pretty much everyone else. I hung with my cousin Matt and my friend Tyler before the tournament. Then the tournament started at 11:00 AM. At 11:00 AM, we got our products.
I got the Body Guard theme deck, and 2 Legendary Collection Boosters. Here was the deck I built!
3 Abra (LC)
2 Kadabra (LC)
3 Spearow (LC)
1 Fearow (LC)
3 Koffing (BS)
2 Brimer (F)
1 Snorlax (LC)
4 Potion (BS)
2 Super Potion (BS)
2 Professor Oak (BS)
1 Pokemon Center (BS)
8 Psychic
8 Grass
Okay. That was my deck. Then we went to Cousin's Subs for lunch. Yum, yum! Anyways, I ate there with my friends Jasmine, Daryl, and Kyle. Afterwords, the battling begun.
1st Round vs. Danny Costigan
Well, this battle was pretty simple, but unfortunatly I had to stall with Fearow for a while. I kicked with Kadabra. 1-0 (3 points)
Then everyone (but me) swarmed this one kid about some Crystal Charizard.
2nd Round vs. Chris Miller
This round, I just can say that I stalled with Spearow, then killed 4 Cyndaquil in a row. 2-0 (6 points)
3rd Round vs. Jim Lasner
I got out a quick powered Koffing... I owned. My final KO was with Fearow vs. Poliwag. Another win... 3-0 (9 points)
4th Round vs. Tyler Spriggs
Well, this officially was THE HARDEST battle yet. It was though, but my opponent's mistake with Gust of Wind cost him the game. 4-0 (12 points)
5th Round vs. Jared Spriggs
This was way tough. Fortunatly, Fearow pulled me through... AGAIN! 5-0 (15 points)
6th Round vs. Kyle Gessler
This was tough. I almost lost! 6-0 (18 points)
7th Round vs. Cody Krenke
Okay, this match stunk. I had to play my... little brother. I needed one more turn, but I decked out... 6-1 (18 points)
Well, no doubt, I made top 8... In the first seed too!
Top 8 Match (1) vs. Joseph Miller
This match was one of the easiest all day! Simp! 7-1
Top 8 Match (2) vs. Tyler Spriggs
I get to play him again! Yeah... I'm so excited... Well, I won. This was officially the easiest match all day! 8-1
Finals vs. Cody Krenke
Oh no! Final match against my brother!?!?! Gotta be kidding me! He got Dewgong too fast... I sucked... 8-2
I guess the day wenr fine... The only bad part was losing to my little brother... TWICE! What can you do? Nothing...
Jared Spriggs for holding the tourney
Nintendo for releasing EX: Ruby and Sapphire
Cousin's Subs for the seafood sub (YUM!)
Wizards for getting us all Pokemon TCG
Fearow for winning easily
Koffing for starting 6/10 games
Nintendo for their rule changes
My brother for winning
Team Rocket packs for crappy cards
Signing off (with 2nd place),
