
Godzilla J.R.
Ben King

Dales Kardz and Komicz
Colorado Springs, Colorado
May 24, 2003
40 Participants

Uh..Hey! I am new to this game so stay with me on this. I came in fifth, tied with a few others.
My deck is about pure power, with Tyranitar as its center.

             Godzilla J.r
20X Fighting energy
4X Larvitar
2X Pupitar
4X Tyranitar (3 Expedition, one Discovery)
1X Dual ball
2X Pokemon Breeder fields
1X Unown D
1X Strength Charm
1X Apricorn Forest
1X Multi Technical Machine 01
4X Darkness Energy
2X Pokemon Trader
3X Pokemon Breeder
1X Energy Charge
1X Cleffa
1X Tyrogue
1X Time Shard
1X Double Gust
1X Focus Band
1X Forest Guardian
1X Chansey (Aquapolis)
1X Town Volunteers
1X Gligar
2X Moo Moo Milk
2X Gold Berry

Round 1  v.s. Cole w/ Donphan
Cole is my best pal, so I know his deck pretty well. We are pretty even. He plays a great Donphan/Baby deck. We somehow always get matched. Well, However, he got a 2 prize head start while I got my Trample Tyranitar out. I skooshed his babies and won 6-4.

Round 2  Michael Perucca W/ Magcargo
I really didnt mind losing to him because a few years back he was #2 ranked in the world.
He played a fast magcargo deck. My deck stood no chance. Lose 0-6

Round 3  (Sorry, Forget his name) oops.. W/ Houndoom
It was a houndoom deck. he got a few hits on my chansey while I powered up and won.
I think he misunder stood how "Crunch" worked though...

Round 4  Josh W/ Crobat
I also lost here too. He was playing a Crobat deck. I knocked out a few Zubats, but I had his resistance. Loss 2-6

Round 5 (Oops, another lost name..) Typhlosion deck?
A big baby battle!  None of us got out our main pokemon, though he came close with a Quilava.. It was a restricted type tournament..but he played a Jungle Taurus, (I wonder if it was reprinted, though...) I won with a Gligar.        Win 6-0

Round 6 Matthew w/ Gyarados
A storng Gyarados deck, but he just couldnt get any energies. I just trampled his Magikarp and babies.       Win 6-1

Round 7 Cameron W/ Magcargo
He probably would've won but I got to draw extra because he had no basics in 2 tries.
I had 3 Tyranitars out and won, though he put up a good fight. Win6-3

Semi Finals Josh (again)
Same deal, I lost to his darn Crobats.. this time I did better though.
Loss 3-6

Well. I came in 5th and got 6 Skyridge packs so I'm not mad.
