4 Elm
4 Copycat
2 Fan Club
2 Town Volunteers
2 Fast Ball
4 Double Gust
2 Scoop Up
4 Focus Band
1 Trader
20 fire Energy
Round 1 Me Vs Tyranitar deck????
I won this match fairly quickly. I do not remember many of the details
Record 1-0 3 pts
Round 2 Me vs Kabutops/Muk Deck
This was a very good match. I actually had given this player a buried
fossil and underground lake card to fit into his deck. We had talked
before the SBZ had started. He is a very good young man.
We each drew a couple prizes but the game slowed down. I double gusted
out his MUK with
no energies and he double gusted out my Magcargo with no energies. At
this point I was ahead of prizes 4 to two. My deck was thinning out and
I feared he would deck me. I checked my discard pile and found I still
had one town volunteers in my deck. For about 4 or 5 turns my opponent
could do nothing with his MUK active. I used the time to get
the Town Volunteers and place 5 energy into my deck. I was also able to
get energy on
Magcargo. I KOed Muk. He was unable to get the final Kabutops he needed
to KO my Magcargo. I collected my last prize to win the game.
Record 2-0 6 pts
Round 3 Me vs Cleffa
This was a very quick match. I went first with my tyrogue active. He had
only a cleffa. I explained that I roll dice instead of
flipping coins. Heads is even, tails is odd on the dice.... I roll the
I get a two and a four and kO the cleffa for the win.....
Record 3-0 9 pts
Round 4 Me vs Fast Fire (good young 11-14 old player)
The TO/Head Judge performed a deck check on my opponent. He passes. The
TO/Head Judge
looks at my deck and asks that I re-sleeve my deck. I am using thin
transparent sleeves. She
asks that I use opaque sleeves. I take a few minutes to re-sleeve my
I go first. All I have is an Entei active, a Scoop Up, Trader and 4
energy. I attach an energy
and say go. My opponent traders for a Magcargo, attaches an energy to
Slugma, Howls and gets
one fire energy. He says go. I draw my card. It is another energy. I
know he has the Magcargo
from last turn and figure he has one fire energy. I know the game is
lost so I scoop up my only
Record 3-1 9 pts
Round 5 Me vs water deck with Seal and other Pokemon???
I start with a Entei active. She has a Seal. She attaches an energy and
does 20 to my entei.
She does this for two more turns. In this time frame, I am able to set
up my Magcargo with at least three fire energy. She tries to build up
her other pokemon. On my third turn, I attach an energy to Entei and
retreat. I bring up Magcargo and KO Seal. My Magcargo is to powerful for
her other pokemon and I bench her for the win.
Record 4-1 12 pts
Round 6 Me vs Umbreon/Aquapolis Nidoking
She goes first. She attaches an energy to Eevee and tries to do energy
charge and fails. I
attach an energy to my Slugma, I have an Entei active and another
Slugma on the bench. She attaches a darkness energy, a gold berry and
evolves to Umbreon and does 30 to Entei.
I evolve to Magcargo and attach and energy and focus band and end my
turn. She attaches a
darkness energy to Umbreon and does 30 to Magcargo. I draw and get
an energy. I attach it to Magcargo. I end my turn. She starts to build
up Male Nidoran into Nidoking. She does 30 more
damage to Magcargo. All I need is an energy to retreat Entei and I can
KO her Umbreon. Well
I draw and I get nothing useful. She KOs my Magcargo, ( I fail the
focus band roll). I double gust out her male Nidorino to stall. She
evolves to Nidoking, adds an energy and KOs my slugma. She then
continues to KO all my Pokemon with her Nidoking. She draws 6 prizes to
my zero.
Record 4-2 12 points
The Top 8 Standings are posted. I have placed in the 3rd position. The
1st and 2nd places
each finished with only one lost and 15 points.
Top 8 quarter Finals Me Vs Umbreon/Nidoking Deck
This is the same person I played and lost to in the sixth round. In this
game though, I am able
to get Magcargo up and running really fast. I am able to KO her pokemon
really fast. She got a terrible start for this game. Magcargo KOs her
nidorans and Eevees.
Top 8 Semi Finals Me vs Fast Fire Deck
This is the same person I lost to in Round 4. This game went the
distance. I drew 6 prizes for
the win. I was able to get up Magcargo up really fast. He had a slow
start. I was able to KO a slugma and two babies with my first Magcargo.
He got up a magcargo. He tried to KOed my magcargo, but my focus band
was successful. I used it to KO his Magcargo. He failed his focus band
He KOed my magcargo the following turn. I KOed his pokemon with my
second Magcargo.
He was able to stall for a while with Promo No. 47 Mew. However, he did
not have psychic
energy to confuse me. I used the time to build up an Entei with three
energy. I eventually got three energy on Magcargo, retreated and KOed
Promo mew with Entei for the win.
Top 8 Finals Me vs Kabutops/Muk
This is the same person I played in the second round. This was a very
quick match. I went
first. I had cleff active. He had promo Hitmochan with 60 hp. I attached
an energy to slugma,
howled and attached two more energy. My opponent attached an energy to
Hitmonchan, Elmed and placed a cleffa on his bench. He did 20 damage to
Cleffa. I got the Magcargo I needed the second turn, attached an energy
and KOed hitmochan. He attached an energy
and eeeked for a new hand. I attached an energy to Magcargo, I rolled
the dice and got a
HEADS!!! The game was over and I won the Trophy and a box of Skyridge.
Props to
My opponents for being great players
The Card Shop for having SBZ
The WOTC Store in South Center Mall that donated extra promo cards to
give out at SBZ
Those that donated extra prizes for the younger players
Slops to
Incorrect understanding how WOTC had ruled in the Compendium on
correct interpretation of some of the cards function/ability.