
Splashing Wave
Ivan Lugo
Coliseum of Comics

Orlando, Florida
June 7, 2003
Alot of Participants Probably

        The following deck has been created out of the pure, unaltered hatred of the uncommon, unskillful "Macargo". I first wanted to do a rehular old Politoed deck with the NG style in it. The my friend Matt told me about the new Nintendo promo... Kyogre ex. That is then that i left the realm of psychic surprises and enters the water world. Well, heres the power deck ( as iv'e been told )
Splashing Wave
2x Cleffa (NG)
2x Delibird (Skyridge)
2x Articuno (Promo # 48)
4x Poliwag (Skyridge)
4x Poliwhirl (Skyridge)
4x Politoed (skyridge)
2x Kyogre ex (NEW NINTENDO PROMO... find in June 1st scrte magazine or inquest)
2x Pokemon Trader (LC)
2x Pokemon Breeder (LC)
2x Focus Band (NG)
4x Professor Elm (NG)
2x Oracle (Skyridge)
4x Fisherman (Skyridge)
4x Gold Berry (NG)
20x Water Energy
This deck has some pretty good all-around skills. You can make some alterations if you want, but i would advise not to. The following is my tourney history with the deck.
Round 1
        This one was easy. My opponent only had a slugma (yes! :) ) I had a Poliwag. I went first. I attached an energy, and did sleep bubble for 20. He flipped for sleep, didnt work >:-). He attached a fire then passed. Fipped for sleep, woke up. I drew a card: articuno, didnt need to, but placed him down. Attached another energy to poliwag, then flipped for double slap. Got one heads, but it was enough to kill the slug. I win
Round 2
        This one was tough. Towards the end, i pulled a politoed against a  Meganium deck. Found a fisherman, got three or four enrgy ( cany remember ) attached one, and energy splashed for the kill and final prize. I only had like 6 minutes for the match to end.
Round 3
        I pulled a cleffa, my opponent, a tyrogue. He went first, attached a fighting, and smashed me for the game. Amtch took less that 36 seconds :*(.
Round 4
        I beat this gu... ahem... girl to the ground pulled my politoed in three turns. Sudden growthed. Next turn cam, and energy splashed her baby. Heads. Next pokemon was a weedle. 50 hp. I frog hopped, got heads and won. YAY!
Final Round
        At this point im in 2nd place. If i win, im in first, if i lose, 3rd. Anyways, battle starts. I draw a poliwag, poliwhirl, 3 energy elm and something else. I put down the poliwag, to discover he has a cleffa out. I went first :) and attached an energy. Flipped for baby. Tails. His turn. He draws, attaches, and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks.I draw. Breeder. i attach an energy , flip for baby. Heads. I try for doubleslap. Both heads!!! WOOT!! I WON!!!
    Final score : 4-1
Props to my mom for...
1. Runnig the tourney
2. Winning a Reverse holo prof. elm
3. Props for all the easy killed cargo decks in fun play... hehe
1. To ultrapro for crappy sleaves.
Ivan Lugo
