
Surprise from Above
The Game Keep

Hermatage, Tennessee
May 25, 2003
15 Participants

Another 3 or so months, another SBZ. This one was one I was looking forward to. My Birthday was 4 days before it. Before I talk too much, I will post my deck.
~PoKeMoN~ [16]
2x Cleffa [NG]
2x Electabuzz [Promo]
1x Elekid [NG]
2x Mantine [ND]
3x Pikachu [NG]
3x Dark Raichu [LC]
1x Raikou [NR Non-Holo]
2x Tyrogue [ND]
~TrAiNeRs~ [30]
2x Bill
2x Copycat
3x Double Gust
3x Focus Band
3x Gold Berry
2x Moo-Moo Milk
3x Pokemon Trader
1x Power Charge
4x Professor Elm
2x Rocket's Hideout
2x Switch
1x Town Volunteers
~EnErGy~ [16]
2x Darkness
10x Lightning
4x Water
Round 1: Me vs. Kid [with Illegal deck!]
I went first, He flipped over his card and it was a Fossil Zapdos. I thought, this kid must be running an illegal deck, but I wasn't going to win like that. I went first, attached a L. energy to Pikachu, Quick Attack, tails. He attaches, pass. I attach, attack, heads. He repeats the last turn all over again. I attach, evolve, attack. He attaches, pass. I gave him another turn to try to come back, but he didn't, so, I attacked and won. 2 matches later, he is caught for an illegal deck. Go figure.
Round 2: Me vs. Steven [Light Piloswine/Poliwrath deck]
This was quite hard for the beginning, I got Dark Raichu out, but he had Light Piloswine out, stopping me from any real damage. So, I had to get a Mantine out, and attack. After I blew away one, he got back another. I finnaly had 2 Dark Energy to Dark Raichu, and had K.O.d a lot of babies on his bench. I DGed out his Wrath, and hit him for 80. I told him that even if he did K.O. my Dark Raichu with a Water Punch [I had about 60 damage on me], I could still K.O. Poliwrath with my Electabuzz's Thundershock and draw my last prize. So, he lost.
Round 3: Me vs. Josh [Entei/Cargo]
He had an awful start: an lone Active Entei. I had a Cleffa and Pikachu. I started first. While he tried to get some draw power I was charging up Dark Raichu and Mantine. As always, he DGed out Mantine and K.O.ed it. I sent out Dark Raichu and K.O.ed 2 Babies and his Entei with Surprise Thunder. After that, he was easy to beat.
Lunch breaK
I called my dad, he said he would  come by in about 15 minutes. 20 minutes and he still isn't there. He gets there, and says he will get Mcdonalds. Thankfully, I had a free Large Fry sticker thing, so I gave that to him. The tournament got delayed so me and Brandon [Porygon146] could eat.
Round 4: Me vs. Poke-Prof. John [Scizor/Furret/Wartortle]
He had a bad start. He had no draw power for about 5 turns. In that time I rouged his Cleffa, Tyrogue, and Sentret. He got Scizor, but with only 1 Metal. Lol. I got passed that with my Darkness on my Dark Raichu. I finnaly won by K.O.ing his Wartortle.
Round 5: Me vs. Brandon Wallace [Metal Rage Gatr, or, as he likes to call it, Def Jam Gatr]
I knew he would win. I didn't want to waste my Dark Raichu, so i had to attack with Mantine some, but after he got 2 Gatrs up, I couldn't win.
Top 8:
1. Brandon Wallace [Def Jam Gatr]
2. Me! [Dark Raichu/Mantine]
3. Josh [Entei/Cargo]
4. John [Scizor/Furret/Wartortle]
5. Nathan [Entei/Cargo]
6. Matt [Scizor/Light Jolteon]
7. Joshua [Illegal T-tar/Espy deck]
8. Daniel [Octillery]
I have to play #7.
Round 6: Me vs. Joshua [Illegal T-Tar/Espy deck]
As always, I didn't want to win by just saying he had an illegal deck. It was back and forth, he drew a prize, I drew a prize. It all came down to his T-tar destroying everything [Exp.]. Then, I drew my last prize by DGing out his ND Hitmonchan and Quick Attacking it. :)
Round 7: Me Vs. Josh [Entei/Cargo]
He got Entei/Cargo up and running as good as possible, and I couldn't win, and, wouldn't you know it, he DGed out my Mantine and K.Oed that.
Well, I got 12 Booster Packs, and I was just happy I could get the chance to go.
Matt, Brandon, and Josh getting to come and play.
Being able to reset the time of my Bowling party to go to SBZ.
A ride to SBZ.
Lucky Coin Flips.
Good Draw Power.
Having a good time.
Emmanuel missed the chance to play. :(
Brandon for being a jerk.
Jared for not coming.
Gay threats of hacking.
People beleiving Crystal Energy actually can become a Darkness or Metal Energy.
Coin Flips for Power Charge and Elekid.
My email is ellis718@comcast.net. Thank you.
