
Seena Ghaziaskar
Michigan SBZ

Monroe, Michigan
May 24, 2003
Alot of Participants

Kind of late, but I'm bored so I'll type this.
The SBZ wasn't worth all of the hype. In my opinion, poorly ran and the environment was dull. But oh well, I'll never drive 2.5 hours for something like this again. The deck I played was Gatr, here's the list.

3Feraligatr (2riptide,1exh)

4Professor Elm
4Double Gust
3Gold Berry
1Town Volunteers
1Healing Field
3Pokemon Trader

19Water Energy
1Metal Energy

The list is flawless. Too bad my luck wasn't...  EXH Gatr helps against Muk/ grass :)

Match1 vs. Ninetales/Beedrill

The night before I figured I'd have this kind of luck. I didn't get any draw for a while and his Beedrills picked up 5 prizes. I built an EXH Gatr which got 4 prizes but with a few minutes left in the round he Double Gusted and got heads with Ninetales attack on Cleffa. The game came down to a flip if you didn't notice. 0-1

Match 2 Voltorbs

All I saw were two Swift Voltorbs and it was pretty easy as I got a Croconaw out fast. 1-1

Rounds 3 and 4 maybe vice versa

Match 3 Crobat/Muk
I definately did not have a good feeling coming into the match but I built an EXH Gatr and mowed two Crobats. He went down and a Riptide Gatr mowed another + Muk. I won on time only getting two points. 2-1

Match 4 Meganium/Muk
His deck was much too slow and I went through alot of stuff getting 13ish water in the discard for the KO on Meganium. 3-1

Match 5 Scizor/Buzz
I had this game but I had the WORST start possible and ELECTABUZZ did alot of damage. Slashdowned my Croconaw too. :-/ + 3 Double Gust or so CONSECUTIVE. 3-2 =/

Match 6 EXH Gatr
He builds like two of them but I also get one + one Riptide and it's too much for him. 4-2

Match 7 Gengar/Murkrow

There was no way he would beat me if I had an AVERAGE start but lone Totodile gets feinted two turns in. All those frickin skater punks =/ Cost me the 11-14 trophy and a chance at winning it all. This game sucks. 4-3.

Still the best deck. Wouldn't change a thing. If you didn't notice by my report, every loss was not because of misplays, honestly... okay, MAYBE the first one but still 6-1 makes it... 11-14 winner's horrible.

Fubu got 4th not bad he did better than me actually but I still own him.
Saw Moss again he also got bad luck I presume cause he also went 4-3. 711!!!
AJ, the luckiest pokemon player alive got 2nd. I mean, he is really lucky and had what was coming to him.
Dillon Deloye won 10- but he can't even make his own decks let alone write out the decklist for the tournament. Good job, NOT.
I'm tired of complaining. I'll have like 5 reports from Origins 2003 side events, I'm only 14, etc.

Seena Ghaziaskar
