Hey was up Pojo great site! I'm sure you heard tons and tons of articles about underrated and overrated cards. Well, suprisingly rattata and ratcaice never came up now I'm sure that u think they stink, but wait give me a second! rattata may only have 30 hp but has bite that does 20 damage for 1 energy and he's colorless! Free retreat cost resistance to psychic and is common not bad attach a defender and he is a colorless machop! Next is raticate 60 hp so-so once again bite for 1 colorless this is great but then attach a double colorless and use super fang! Super Fang can kill any pokemon in 2 turns ANY! super fang does half the damage of the defending pokemon!!! so heres charizard u have a lonely rattata on the bench u activate him and ur opponent laughs and falls out of his chair! After he gets up he realizes u have 3 energies on rattata he figures oh well nobody knows ratacaties attacks cause His not recognized) and u in two turns use super fang 2 times no matter if charizard has 120 health or 20 health raticaite can beat him! make fun of my thoughts at AEdude2837@aol.com