Dear Pojo, please post this uder the "true best card article written 10/6,

First of all, I thought this was a fight between Jigglypuff and Hitmonchan,
not Wigglytuff against Hitmonchan.  Second, hitmonchan didn't attack when it
first got the fighting energy.  Third, Jigglypuff would take double the
damage from because of its weakness. Fourth, you only talked about powering
up Jigglypuff, what about Hitmonchan? you were suppose to talk about powering
him up too. When hitmonchan becomes fully powered in three turns, it could
kill wigglytuff in one hit! Finally, Wigglytuff couldn't do 70 damage, it
could only do sixty, and that's with a full bench! If Wigglytuff is the first
pokémon out, then it can only do 10 with Do the Wave.  I hope you think again
about the pokémon you are writing about.

David Z.