First of all, I'm gonna try to start writing at least one single card
strategy a week.I probably won't.......I'll probably forget all about it but
still, everybody  needs to have goals.Anyway........

Dragonite is a stage 2 Pokemon with a kinda ok attack but not exactly a
really reliable attack.I mean don't get me wrong it's a great attack,but say
you have a Dragonite and a Beedrill on your bench and you're fighting a
vileplume so you think gee....I'll bring out my Dragonite and kill it with
one hit,Right??No,there's not much of a chance that will happen;however,with
beedrill it would be a sure kill in 2 hits.If you get Dragonite powered up
and get him going though he's really good,sure some people might say"oh,he
needs four energys for his only attack?"well if you're absent minded enough
to go all the way from Dratini to Dragonite without getting a few energys on
him it's your own fault.And he has the potential to do 80 damage without
discarding energy,hurting himself,or having any side
effects(poison,confusion,parlysis,sleep).Step in could be useful if your
active was almost knocked out or you were fighting a fighting
Pokemon.Dragonite is also great against Haymakers,100 HP and resistance to
fighting pretty much mutilates fighting pokemon.Thanks for your time.See you
next week(maybe,possibly)

(Jonathan Fluet)