Most people would trade anything for charizard. But I tottally hate him.
Here are my reasons:

1. He's so popular its disgusting
2. He wastes 2 energy cards every attack so he's an energy waster.
3. He gets his hype from people because he's on the show and hes got 120hp.
4. He hurts em 100, (really at least 2 more guys that do that in america).
5. He has weakness to water which is soposedly unpopular.
6  He just has a great picture.
The good uses for him:
1. Using him to you advantage by selling him for big bucks at an auction.
2. Trading him for 7 holos.
3. Brag to others that you have one and they don't.
4. And finnally, put him in your grass deck for no reason other that to show
your opponant that there is a Charizard in your deck, (he he he :-)
See u later
                    Prof. Eric