why is weepinbell so good? because it can do 30 damage with oonly 2 plant energys. this might not seem like a lot, but a lot of pokemon have only around 60 hp, meaningg weepinbell could kill it in only2 hits. plus, weepinbell has 70Hp! that's really good, since it would need 3 hits from another weepinbell, and in this time, you would have lots of chances to use potion and save yourself. this would give most weepinbells a life span of about 5-8 turns, and in this time, it wouuld faint an estimate of 3 pokemon, picking up half of your prizes already!Also, its other move, poison powder, can be used to help out when you are battling a high hp'd pokemon like chansey or charizard. this is hard to believe, but weepinbell has a high chance of beating a charizard or chansey or kangaskhan or any other card which need a lot ofenergys for their only attack.and with 70 hp, one retreat cost is super cheap! Jolteon250 jolteon250@hotmailcom