It came, lurking out of the deep, and into the hands of tons of kids
world-wide. Unless you've never seen the translation for the NEO promo
Odairu (holo), you know it has two attacks- Drench (pkmn power), and Tidal
Wave. These two attacks have the POTENTIAL of doing 580 damage (make a deck:
1 waninoko, 1 oodairu, 1 pokemon breeder, and 57 enery)! Of course, that's
next to impossible of acheiving. So instead make a REAL deck (eat your heart
out Scott Gerhardt) that can win matches, pounding your opponent with wave
after wave of discarded water energy. Of course, I'm no pro at
deck-building, but here's what I came up with  for a Odairu-based deck:

Tidal Wave

4x Waninoko (promo)
4x Arigeitsu (promo)
4x Odairu (promo)
3x Fossil Articuno
2x Jigglypuff
2x Chansey

3x Energy Search
2x Bill
1x PKMN Breeder
1x Double Colorless Energy

34x Water Energy

As you can see the basis of the deck is getting Odairu out and having loads
of energy to Drench then Tidal Wave. But until you get Odairu out, walls
like Chansey will keep opponents at bay. I'm getting off the point.  If your
going to use Odairu (and I suggest you do if you play water), you need to
really be beefed up with water energy. Although Odairu's a stage 2 pokémon,
you can get around that by letting Waninokos hang around your bench, getting
beefed up while walls or other strong pokémon stay in play. As long as you
can get Odairu out fully loaded, I don't see how any opponent can beat your

By Ryan Craffey

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