My Thoughts On Pokémon TCG: Team Rocket Expansion cards:
(Monday, April 24, 2000 )

    Dark Machoke: a very deadly card to those with weak benches. this might
just bring back Fighting as a type to be reckoned with....but probobly not.
his attacks are really good, for those who dont own this uncommon card, heres
what it says:

    Dark Machoke
    Stage 1 Pokemon
    60 HP,
    Retreat cost: CC
        Drag Off: 20 damage,(FFC) "Before doing damage, choose 1 of your
opponents benched pokemon and switch it with the defending pokemon.  Do the
damage to the new defending pokemon.  This attack can't be used if your
opponent has no benched pokemon."
        Knock Back: 30 Damage, (FFC) "If your opponent has any Benched
Pokemon, he or she chooses 1 of them and switches it with the Defending
Pokemon.(do the damage before switching the Pokemon)"

Overall, very nice. has lower retreat than the Base Machoke, and also has
stronger attacks. HOWEVER, it pays dearly with VERY low HP.  Drag off is
awesome. you get to choose which benched pokemon to damage.  its second
attack, Knock Back can be powerful as well...if your opponent only has
Fighting-Weak pokemon. (or pokemon with no energy)

Pros: Nice attacks, can come from whatever machop you want, and lowered

Cons:Low HP and one BAD weakness to Psychics.

Rating: 7.0 (has many uses, (like undoing Scyther's Swords Dance), but his HP
is too low.)

I am Jasonu-kun,
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