Hello Pokemaniacs! It is I, Ryanace (a.k.a the true leader of T.R.) with yet another card tip for you.
              Today on the agenda, we have.. no that's not it..... nope..wait, is tha- Yes! Here it is! SABRINA'S GENGAR!!
 Sabrina's Gengar 80hp Resistance-Fighting     Retreat-1
Hologram Rare
            Give 10 Damage to each of your opponents Pokemon that already have damage on them.
PPPP-Voice of Darkness-40
           If opponent's pokemon was not KO'd as a result of this attack, flip two coins. If both are heads, opponent's Pokemon and all cards attached to it must be shuffled into opponent's deck.
     I'm impressed, but not by much. There are better all around Gengars, or Psychic guys in general. Amplify is good for bench hitting decks, but Voice of Darkness? C'mon People! I think that it's second attack has too high of a cost, and the effect is just horrible! Luckily, Sabrina has another Gengar.
 Sabrina's Gengar  90hp   Resistance-fighting   Retreat-2
 --- (you can only find this card in her deck)
PP-Wave Motion in the Dark-20
        Until the end of your opponent's next turn, no pokemon(your's or your opponent's) can use pokemon powers and pokemon powers currently in effect disappear.
PPP-Tie up Shadow-40
         The opponent's active pokemon cannot retreat next turn.
Whoa!! Now that's a Gengar! Wave motion in the dark is great, and so is Tie up Shadow. I definetly think this card is a good reason to get the Sabrina deck.
Before I go, I guess I could tell you who my next card is.....Well,it looks like a.....it's a........
Oh my, the..BBZZZZZ...signal is.....BBZZZZZ.....going dead. This is........Ryanace signing...BBBZZZZZZZZZZ...off.
Ryanace, the true leader of T.R.
E-mail me at Ryan11elite@yahoo.com.