Hello Pojo! I would first like to say that your site is by far the best
Pokemon site on the web! I have told everyone I know to bookmark this!

I have a post here for the single card strategies.

A lot of people have been skeptical about promo mew, but let me tell you, he
can be very effective under the right circumstances. Last Saturday, I was
playing at the local league. There was a kid there with a wildfire deck, like
multiples of Moltres, all set up to burn decks down to just a few cards. I
watched him play this deck a few times, all with the same result. His
strategy was the same every time. Get and bench Moltres, stall while putting
massive energy (9-10 or more) onto it, then use wildfire.

Well, before I challenged him I changed out a couple of Jinx's, a mewtwo and
an extra energy in my psychic deck for 4 promo mews. I held the first mew I
drew, along with a gust, and a psychic energy, waiting for him to do the same
thing to me that he had done to the others. He benched Moltres and began
attaching energy after energy. I could hardly wait. When he had a stack of
energies on the Moltres, I struck.

I benched my Mew, played the gust of wind to make his Moltres active,
retreated and replaced my active with promo Mew. I then laid down my single
Psychic energy, and attacked, 10 damage times the number of energy cards
attached took the dumb bird off the table. He immediately had to change his
strategy, I didn't let him get any energy on for solid wildfire attacks. I
was using Golduck to back up mew. Mew was weak, I had to move him back and
forth from my bench, I had a couple of them knocked out, but in the end this
kid deck'd.

Mew's devolution beam came in handy later in another match, de-evolving an
arcanine back to a growlithe while it had 70 damage on it won me prize. Mew
can do some damage if you use him right.

-General Tsao