hey it's me Gogeta904, known on Raichu12 and
Pojo as this name. I have a lot of tips, so some of them might already
of been listed. here they are:
My favs first:
Dark Vileplume + Sneasel + Chaos Gym/NRG:
Basically stops all ER and SER so you can
use Sneasel and Beat Up constantly.
Donphan + Mr. Mime:
Use Donphan's Rapid Spin and send out Mr.
Mime w/ a Recycle Energy and a Berry attached so he can block most
Dark Raichu + Murkrow:
Do bench damage w/ DR then pick off the
other cards w/ Murkrow.
E Venusaur + Bulbasaur + Aqua Vulpix +
Juggler + Ninetales:
Play Aquapolis Vulpix and a Bulbasaur. Use
Juggler and discard 1 Fire Energy and draw. Attach a Fire Energy to
Vulpix and use Collect Fire onto Vulpix. Next turn, evolve Vulpix into
Ninetales and breed Bulbasaur into Venusaur. Use Harvest Bounty onto
Ninetales and use Fire Blast! Keep using Harvest Bounty to keep
Aqua Donphan + Transparent Walls:
Attach a Fighting Energy to Donphan and use
his first attack (E-quake, I think) w/ a Transparent Walls in play. This
attack does 30 damage and does no damage to your bench because of
T-Walls! A new Baby Picker?
Chansey + Metal Energy x2 + Gold Berry:
Use Double Edge doing 60 to opponent, 40 to
Chansey. Then, discard Gold Berry to make it 60 damage to opponent, 0 to