Hey, I'm SlingStone from a while back (circa early 2001), and I've been out of the pokemon info loop for quite a while. I wanted to respond to Jamesbeedrill's post on Blaine's Magmar from gym heroes.  I was in the 2001 east coast STS (9 and 9 for the event) and I was testing a Blane's Magmar deck for the occasion. It looked like this:


Energy 48

    48 Fire


Pokemon'nTrainers 12

    4 Blaine's Magmar

    1 Berry

    3 Good Manners

    2 Chaos Gym

    2 Nightly Garbage run


I had it organized like this so that 4/5 (48/60)of the deck was fire energy and 1/5 (12/60)was pokemon and stuff. This way I would always deal an average of 80 damage off a lava burst. This was great, but I found that I needed the trainers just to keep my Magmars alive and operational.  The Good Manners allows me to search my deck for a basic when a have none in my hand. The Nightly Garbage Run lets me recycle dead Magmars and energy. And the Chaos gym keeps me from being ERed to death.  Without these or similar cards the deck would not be competitive at all.  Even so, resources inthis deck are so few and far between, that if you mulligan several times before finding a basic, your opponent may have an irreversable advantage.  I found that a player who thinks before they act has no problem defeating this deck.  Even a knuckleheaded player who has a water deck can and will beat you.  These players would have an even easier time beating your trainer-less deck than mine. All in all, this deck is unstable at best.  I'd classify it as 'Radical and untrustworthy' with the Old-school Mewtwo decks (4 Mewtwo, 56 Psychic) because it is frustrating and deadly to a bad deck/player but a piece of cake to the skilled.


Thanks for listening to me and suffering through my poor spelling.
E-mail to Kem14@scasd.k12.pa.us