
Re: Show Pokemon USA That We Care!
Mario Williams

March 14, 2003

Dear GymLeader Phil,

       Maybe you should start a petition to send to Wizards of the Coast and/or Pokemon to create a new license or something like that. I myself played Pokemon in the past and still like it but it really should not stop just because of a lost license. Maybe Konami can create the cards or other popular Trading Card makers. If you start that petition I'll sign it no matter what. Hope you like my idea.

Mario Williams


GymLeaderPhil: Unfortunately Wizards of the Coast and The Pokemon Company have decided to go separate ways after this. The cards will continue to be printed, it just will not be by Wizards of the Coast.

The real issue is since Wizards of the Coast will stop printing cards, this also means they stop supporting Pokemon in DCI Tournaments like Super Battlezone, Battlezone, Pokemon League, WCSTS, ECSTS, STS Qualifiers, World Championships, Stadium Challenges, Gym Challenges, and at conventions. What we are trying to do is convince Pokemon USA and The Pokemon Company (TPC) that organized play is important for the Pokemon Trading Card Game. Without it, we would be stuck with a bunch of cards that we could only play with our friends. We would never be able to meet anyone else, interact, trade cards, gain experience, see new deck ideas, and most importantly buy Pokemon TCG Products. Players do not collect the cards. Players play with cards. I urge everyone to continue calling and mailing your opinions to Pokemon USA. Here is their address:

Pokemon USA
400 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017

