
Jumpluff from Aquapolis
Paris Garavaglia

March 14, 2003

Helllooo Pojo and everyone else,

I have a card idea for the new Jumpluff from Aquapolis. I have yet to try it out, but I think it is a good idea.

Jumpluff's Pokemon power states that if there is one or more damage counters on jumpluff, your opponent has to flip to attack it. So let's say it's your first turn. You start with Hoppip as your active, attach and energy, and do Hop or likewise, depending on your version of hoppip) On your next turn, pokemon breeder Hoppip into Aquapolis Jumpluff, attach rainbow energy (dealing ten damage, so your opponent has to flip to attack from now on ~_^) attach grass cube 01, and use sleep poison. This puts them out and deals them damage. Then start pounding in with cotton punch. Also, starting with jungle scyther on your first turn could be a good idea, seeing as your opponent would be really freiked out if a scyther dealt them first turn poison and sleep.   If you would like a full version of my deck, please e-mail me at:

       Thanks and happy playing,
             ~Paris Garavaglia
