The first time I saw someone play a Neo Genesis Sneasel, I looked at its
attacks. Fury Swipes, hmmm. Not too much of a threat. But as soon as I saw
its second attack, Beat Up, I thought, Oooooh...ouch. I better get rid of
this thing FAST!!!
As Sneasel became more and more popular, I heard a lot of people, due to
Sneasel Decks, say that they aren't going to play the Poke'mon Trading Card
Game anymore because Sneasel is too evil. Now wait just one moment. I know
Sneasel's evil, but does that mean the whole game has to be ruined by one
card? If you are one of those people that has quit playing the game because
Sneasel is always destroying you, then why don't you try my recommendation?
The key to beating a deck built around Sneasel, is using a powerful and
defensive deck (NOT Psychic, because Sneasel has Resistance to Psychic) THAT
than four Dark Energy in your deck, and if you play a Super Energy Removal
on a Sneasel with two Dark Energy attached, you pretty much deplete half the
deck's supply of Dark Energy. Even if you can only get your hands on a basic
Energy Removal, it still slows down Sneasel quite a bit.
But what if the person playing the Sneasel Deck whips out a No Removal Gym?
What do you do then? Easy. Really easy. Just counter with a Rocket's
Training Gym. It not only raises Sneasel's Retreat Cost from 0 to 1, it also
gets rid of No Removal Gym, so you can keep Energy Removaling away, making
it even tougher for Sneasel to retreat.
One more strategy to avoid Sneasel's evilness. Use attacks that cause
Sleep, Confusion, Paralysis, and Poison. They make it tougher, or
impossible, for that Sneasel to attack and retreat. If Sneasel can't attack,
how can it be evil??? And while your opponent is struggling to keep his
precious Sneasel from being KO'd, you can afford to retreat your poisonous
Active Poke'mon and bring in a Poke'mon that can Knock Out Sneasel.

----- Poke'mon T.V show fan (Favorite Series: The first one)
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