Here's a deck.
Fix it.
It works ell against all types. How could I make it work in modified
format? Thanks.
4 Grimer
3 Dark Muk
3 Murkrow
2 Cleffa
2 Magby
4 Professor Oak
3 Item Finder
2 Focus Band
1 Energy Charge
4 Computer Search
3 Gust of Wind
2 Nightly Garbage Run
1 Scoop Up
4 Super Energy Removal
3 Lass
2 Sprout Tower
1 Switch
12 Grass
4 Dark
I don't get it. In my career, until recently, I received a total of 2 deck
fix requests. Now I suddenly have five people asking for fixes, two of which
thought I was a Pojo staffer.
Ok, the Pokémon
4 Grimer
3 Dark Muk
3 Murkrow
2 Cleffa
2 Magby
This is fine, but drop the Magby for 2 more Cleffa. If you wanted to be
original, you could try Dark Ariados. But Muk is the original.
4 Professor Oak
3 Item Finder
2 Focus Band
1 Energy Charge
4 Computer Search
3 Gust of Wind
2 Nightly Garbage Run
1 Scoop Up
4 Super Energy Removal
3 Lass
2 Sprout Tower
1 Switch
This is good for standard, but for Modified it is a whole different boat.
For draw power there is Oak and Elm. For Search you use Breeder Feilds and
Master Ball. Focus Band is a must. Maybe a few Boss's Way for the Muks.
Nightly rulez in this format. Try some Rocket's Hideout.
And the Energy is fine.
Props to you Dragonmeta, the only work this deck needed was to be tweaked to
Dark, Mysterious Destroyer
I Do Deck Fixes