4x Skyridge Abra
4x Expedition Kadabra
3x Skyridge Alakazam
1x Legendary Collection Alakazam
2x Cleffa
1x Elekid
1x Skyridge Misdreavus
2x Aquapolis Entei
2x Promo Scyther
1x Promo Mew (LilyPad)
4x Professor Elm
3x Copycat
2x Prof Oak's Research
2x Pokemon Fanclub
3x Pokemon Trader
4x Double Gust
4x Focus Band
5x psychic energy
4x Rainbow Energy
2x Fire
2x Grass
2x Warp
Well, there it is. It works really well, and has worked nicely against most any
deck. Jumpluff with Starmie gives it some trouble just because Starmie hits the
Entei pretty hard, and Entei isn't always ko'ing the Jumpluff. The SK Kazam's
power is just soo incredibly awesome, I can't stress it enough. You play a
rainbow on something you don't care about, jump it to something else without it
taking damage. Gets around Entei's stupid power, enables you a surprise attack
with Scyther or Entei depening on whether you have 1 or 2 Kazam down. The LC
Kazam is a supreme combo with SK Misdreavus as it puts Counters on pokemon, not
damage, so it gets by metal energy. This mishandles Scizor most of the time and
puts up a fight vs. Magcargo and Gatr/Sect.
Its tricky to play the first few times, but you get used to it and find that its
really really fun to play. Hope you use it ^_^ its a great rogue deck to play.