I have played this deck, I seriously love it, got me 2nd Place in the SBZ.
~PoKeMoN~ [15]
2x Cleffa [NG]
2x Electabuzz [BS]
2x Murkrow [NG]
1x Pichu [NG]
3x Pikachu [NG]
3x Dark Raichu
2x Tyrogue [ND]
~TrAiNeRs~ [30]
3x Copycat
4x Double Gust
2x Energy Charge
3x Focus Band
3x Gold Berry
2x Moo-Moo Milk
2x Pokemon Fan Club
4x Professor Elm
2x Rocket's Hideout
2x Switch
2x The Boss's Way
1x Town Volunteers
~EnErGy~ [16]
4x Darkness
12x Lightning
Strategy: Dominate your opponent's bench using Dark Raichu and Krow. Electabuzz
is backup support, and Pichu is for any Pokemon Powers or Bodies that get in the