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Pokemon Gold & Silver BRAVE
years ago in the region of Kanto, a young man aspiring to become a Pokémon
Trainer defeated the evil Team Rocket organization and bested the Pokémon
League to attain the title of Pokémon Master. Now,
in the region of Johto, a new Pokémon legend is about to be born. Welcome
to the world of Pokémon Gold & Silver (G&S for short), the
sequel to the smash hit Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow games. Released
in October 2000, this sequel has
already set sales records. For
those of you who have not yet played G&S, enjoy a taste of what
this new game is all about! Warning: This article contains the best way to beat the game. Reading it may spoil your enjoyment of the game. This English Walkthrough is based on Edo's fantastic Japanese Walkthrough. Edo has a great Pokemon Website located at: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/2247/Poke.htm The Japanese city & Pokemon names were converted to English by Bret Larwick. -------------- There are 16 badges: 8 in Johto (the new world) and 8 in Kanto (the old world). Johto Falkner (Violet City) In between: The Elite Four Kanto Brock (Pewter City) - EIgraine ______________________________________________________ New
Bark Town When you start the game, a little box appears on the right side of the screen. This is where you will set the time of day. Pressing up and down will change the hour. When you have decided, press A, and it will ask you if that’s OK. The top-most selection will be “Yes.” The box will be the minutes. Why bother with all of this? Well, some of the game’s Pokémon can be caught only in the morning (4am-9:59am), others during the day (10am-5:59pm), others at night (6pm-3:59am). The internal clock will keep track of time automatically, so when you play the game at night before you go to bed, the time of day in the game will also be night. After a rousing pep talk by Professor Oak, you’ll be asked to enter your name. The choices are: Your Own Name Gold (Silver in the Silver version) Kamon Now, go to the house all the way up and to the left. This is Professor Elm’s lab. Once you go inside, Elm will give you the choice of three Pokémon on the table. The left one is Cyndaquil (a Fire Pokémon), the middle one is Totodile (a Water Pokémon) and the right one is Chikorita (a Grass Pokémon). If you’re a beginner, choose Chikorita. It learns Razor Leaf at level 8. Its chance for critical hits is good, making it a nice starting Pokémon. It is also the only starter than can learn Flash. Before you leave, Elm’s assistant will give
you a Potion (you can’t avoid it). Don’t worry about Poké Balls
just yet; they’ll be given to you later. Cherrygrove
City and the Pokémon Elder Your destination is Cherrygrove City to the west, but you should take the time to raise your Pokémon up to level 10 just outside New Bark Town. You’ll have an easier time this way. If you need to heal your Pokémon, go to Elm’s lab and use the computer. It acts as a Pokémon Center. Once you’ve built up to level 10, go west. Don’t bother going north, because you won’t be able to get very far. Keep going until you get to Cherrygrove City. Talk to the old man at the entrance of the town, answer “Yes” to his question, and he’ll take you on a tour of the town. When the tour ends at his house, he will give you a Map Card. It will allow you to access a map from your PokéGear. Go north and into the house. Here, a man will give you a Berry. There are many different types of berries around the game (some heal, cure poison, cure paralysis, etc.), and you can get them from the fruit-bearing trees that appear during the game (there is one outside his house). The good thing about a Berry is that you can equip it on a Pokémon, and whenever it’s low on Hit Points, it will automatically use the fruit. Additionally, the trees replenish themselves once a day. Keep going northeast to the Pokémon
Elder’s house. He will give you a mysterious egg. Plus, Professor
Oak will give you a Pokédex and tell you to go to Violet City. If
that weren’t enough, he will heal all of your Pokémon. Back
to New Bark Once you step out of the house, Elm will call you, telling you there is trouble at the lab and that you should return immediately. Return to Cherrygrove City and use the Pokémon Center. Just before you leave town, you’ll encounter a young man who uses one of the Pokémon that you could have chosen in the beginning. You should be at a high enough level to defeat him easily, even though your Pokémon will be weak against the one he has chosen. Heal at the Pokémon Center if you need to, then go to Elm’s lab. The police will be there, and you’ll have to name the young man that you fought. That man will then be your rival for the remainder of the game. Elm will marvel at your egg and take it for a time to study. Just as you are about to leave, Elm’s assistant will give you five Poké Balls. Finally, you can catch those wild Pokemon! The first man you see outside of New Bark
Town will instruct you on how to use the balls. Violet
City and the Zephyr Badge At this point, you may want to catch some Pokémon to add to your team. A good choice to catch would be Sentret, the flying raccoon, which can be caught only during the morning or day. It can learn Cut, and, strangely enough, Surf. Another good one is Pidgey, which can learn Fly. And while you’re at it, pick up a Geodude (in the area I previously advised you not to enter because you couldn’t get very far or in the dark cave here) if you want to learn Strength. Keep at least one slot open in your party. I’ll tell you why later. Make your way to Violet City, then beat Falkner at the gym. The gym members and leader use Bird-type Pokémon and should be relatively easy if you built up your levels, especially if you snagged a rock-type. Defeat Falkner to get the Zephyr Badge. It increases the attack of all your Pokémon, and it allows you to use Flash at any time. He also gives you TM 31, Mud-Slap. It’s basically a high-damage ground-type Sand Attack. Elm will call after you exit the gym. He’s discovered your egg needs to be with fighting Pokemon in order to hatch and he wants your help. Go to the Pokémon Center of Violet City, and Elm’s assistant will be there. Answer “Yes” to his question, and you’ll be given your egg back, but this time it will be in your party. It cannot attack but will eventually hatch into Togepi! Now, go to the northern part of town to the
Sprout Tower. Battle your way to the top, and defeat the temple master
for the Flash HM. You may
also find it advantageous to pick up a Gastly at night in this tower
for use against later gyms. Bugsy
and the Hive Badge Go south through the cave to Azalea Town (if you try going west, you’ll be blocked by some sort of tree). Enter the Pokémon Center and talk to the fisherman to get the Fishing Rod. Talk to Kurt, the Poké Ball maker, at the northern end of town, and he’ll ask you to save the captive Slowpokes. He’ll then leave the house. Now go to the front of the town and into the hole previously blocked by a man. Kurt will be there. Defeat all the Team Rocket members, and Kurt will give you a Lure Ball. Next, go to the gym and defeat the leader for the Hive Badge. It allows you to control Pokémon up to level 30 and enables you to use Cut outside of battle. She also gives you TM 49, Fury Cutter. It’s the Slash attack that she used on you earlier. Heal at the Pokémon Center, then go west
through the gate. Just as you are about to leave, your rival appears
again. This battle is a little tougher but shouldn’t be too
difficult if you have built up your Pokémon. Goldenrod
City and the Plain Badge Go through the forest, and play a game of “Catch the Farfetch’d” to get the Cut HM from the grateful man. Cut your way north into Goldenrod City. Explore the town but don’t go into the gym yet. You should be able to find a Coin Case in an underground tunnel (you won’t be able to go into the door yet) and a Bicycle in the Bicycle Shop — both for free. Go to the radio tower (the large building to the west end of town) and talk to the woman at the right end of the counter. Answer her questions correctly and she’ll give you the Radio Card. You’ll be able to access the radio from your PokéGear. You can go to the gym now, if you want. However, you may want to build up each of your Pokémon to at least level 25. This is because the gym leader, Whitney, uses a Pokémon called “Miltank.” The “tank” part is accurate, because it has massive HP and can easily wipe out low-level Pokémon. Not only that, it has an attack called “Attract,” which charms your Pokémon into not attacking if they’re the opposite gender of Miltank. If that weren’t bad enough, it has another attack “Milk Drink”, so when you reduce its HP, it can heal itself! This will be one of the most difficult battles you have faced up to this point. If you picked up a Gastly earlier, you can use it in this gym since it is immune to normal-type attacks; however, it’s attacks are also useless against the normal-types except for Hypnosis. You will get the Plain Badge for winning. At
first, she won’t give it to you, but one of the club members will
coax it out of her. It allows you to use Strength outside of battle.
She also gives you TM 45, Attract. Ecruteak
City and the Fog Badge Exit the gym and go to the house on the top-right. Talk to the lady next to the flowers, and she’ll give you a Squirt Bottle. Go north through the gate and all the way around until you get to something that looks like a tree. If you have the Squirt Bottle, examine it, then answer, “Yes.” (Normally, if you examined the tree, it would simply shake). The tree will then turn into a Pokémon, Sudowoodo, and attack you. This is your only opportunity to catch this Pokémon. After you do, walk a little bit to the right and encounter the pudgy man, and he’ll give you TM 08, Rock Smash. You need this to destroy the broken rocks that you encounter within the game. Now enter Ecruteak City. You’ll encounter, but not fight, your rival at the Pokémon Center. Go to the house to the left of the Pokémon Center and answer “Yes” to get an Item Finder. Now go to the house north of the Pokémon Center that has dancing girls. Defeat all of the girls (they use Eevee evolutions, including the two new ones) and talk to the gentleman in the room. He’ll give you the Surf HM. Now you can go to the gym and defeat the leader (who uses Ghost Pokémon) for the Fog Badge. It allows you to control Pokémon up to level 50 and enables you to use Surf outside of battle. He also gives you TM 30, Shadow Ball. Go to the smaller temple in the northwest
portion of town. You will encounter your rival there. Break the rocks
and walk around until there is a pit to fall down. Walk to the stairs,
and the three Pokémon that are there will jump away. Olivine
City Go west to Olivine City. You can stop by the Miltank farm if you want. One of the Miltank is sick. Feed it seven Berries, and it will get better. Then you can talk to the mother in the house, and she will give you TM 13, Snore. Plus, you’ll now be able to buy milk from the father, which heals a substantial amount of HP. You don’t have to complete this little side-quest if you don’t want to. In Olivine City, you’ll notice that the gym is empty. Climb the lighthouse (the large building) and talk to Jasmine at the top. The Pokémon is sick, and you will need medicine to cure it. Exit the lighthouse and go to the last house
just before the beach. Talk to the sailor to get the Strength HM. Cianwood
City and the Storm Badge Surf over to Cianwood City (the city over the sea) but avoid all of the little caves that you see along the way (since you won’t be able to do anything about them at the current time). Defeat the gym leader to get the Storm Badge. It will allow you to control Pokémon up to level 70. He also gives you TM 01, Dynamicpunch. Talk to the woman just outside of the gym to
get the Fly HM. Go into the very last house at the bottom of Cianwood
City and talk to the man. He will give you some medicine. Back
to Olivine City and the Mineral Badge Now, go back to Olivine City and climb the
lighthouse again. Talk to Jasmine, and she will go down to the gym
after healing the Pokemon. Defeat her for the Mineral Badge, which
increases your Pokémon’s Defense. She also gives you TM 23, Iron
Tail, for the massive attack that her Steelix uses. Mahogany
Town and the Glacier Badge Go west from Ecruteak City to Mahogany Town. There is a man blocking the gym door, so you can’t go in just yet. Go north and defeat/capture the Red Gyarados. Once you do, look for the sign in the same area. Lance will be looking at it. Talk to him, and he’ll ask for your help before running off. Go back down to Mahogany Town and enter the shop. Lance will be there, and he’ll show the way into Team Rocket’s HQ. Go into the HQ. Defeat the Researcher at the computer, and examine the computer to turn off a switch. If you don’t, then every statue you walk past will cause two Rocket Grunts to run out and challenge you to duels. On the next floor, you will meet Lance again. He will also heal your Pokémon. Defeat the two Team Rocket members behind the scientists to get passwords. (Don’t worry; you don’t have to write them down or anything.) Those passwords will allow you to open up the gate into the boss’s room. Enter the boss’s room at the top and defeat him. Talk to the bird to get the final password. Go back down to the floor that had the large
machine behind a gate. Defeat the Team Rocket members with Lance’s
help, then go into the Generator Room. Defeat the three Electrodes on
your side (the left one). Lance will then give you HM 06, Whirlpool.
This HM is used to fill in whirlpools. Once outside, you will see that
the man is no longer in front of the gym. You can now enter and defeat
Pryce for the Glacier Badge and TM 16, Icy Wind. Goldenrod
City and the Radio Tower At this point, since you will have seven badges, you will get a call from Professor Elm. There is trouble at the Radio Tower in Goldenrod City. Enter the Radio Tower and defeat all of the Team Rocket members. There will be a gate on one of the floors. Ignore it for now and continue to go up the stairs to defeat the boss at the top. You will then get a key. Exit the Radio Tower, and go just north of it to the underground passage (the place where you got the Coin Case). Unlock the door, and go in. Your rival will then enter and attack you. You will have to manipulate the switches at the top part of this room in order to open the gates. Not only this, you will have to defeat the Team Rocket members who are waiting for you. Get the card key from the guy who is trapped on one of the floors. Then enter the elevator and you’ll end up in the shop. Re-enter the Radio Tower, and go through the
gate that was previously locked. Defeat the remaining Rockets, and the
tower is free! Blackthorn
City and the Rising Badge Now that Team Rocket’s taken care of, go back to Mahogany Town, and east to Blackthorn City through a cave. This cave is basically one big puzzle. The ground is slick with ice, and whenever you take a step, you will continue in that direction until you hit a wall or block. The goal will be to get to the top and push the blocks through the floor. Then drop to that floor as well. The blocks will help you get to the ladder in the middle. Also, HM 07, Waterfall, is in this cave (in an Item Ball), and you need it! In Blackthorn City, defeat Clair at the Gym,
but she won’t give you your badge yet. Surf on the area behind the
gym and through the cave. Find the Item Ball with the feather in it,
and Clair will show up. She will then give you your Rising Badge. It
allows you to control all Pokémon. She also hands you TM 24,
Dragonbreath. Preparing
for the Pokémon League After getting the badge and exiting the cave, Elm will give you a call. Go to him, and he will give you the infamous Master Ball. Now that you have all eight badges, you can go to the Pokémon League. Access it from New Bark Town (the first town). Surf to the right, and a man will give you a new Map Card (to see the second map). However, you may need some firepower. You
should start your quest for one of the two new legendary birds. If you
are playing Gold, you can get Ho-Oh first; if Silver, you can get
Lugia. Whichever one it is, it will be at level 40. Ho-Oh
and Lugia Ho-Oh is in the Legendary Temple. Go back to Ecruteak City and into the double-space house that has a door on it. Follow it around until you get to a temple. Ascend to the top, and Ho-Oh will be there. Lugia, on the other hand, is in the set of
caves to the east of Cianwood City (the network of caves will remind
you of Seafoam Islands). Go into the middle-right cave. You will be
nearing Lugia’s area if you go down a waterfall. Enter the cave, and
Lugia will be there. To the
Pokémon League Once you have received the second map from the man, go into the cave and walk all of the way through. Prepare for a long walk up to the League. Go through the very last cave (it’s not very long), and your rival will confront you for the last time. Defeat him and enter the league. Defeat the Elite Four — Will (Psychic),
Koga (Poison), Bruno (Fighting) and Karen (Dark) — and finally the
current champion, Lance (Dragon). The
Second Quest Well, you finished the first game. You did
know that there is a second quest, didn’t you? Vermillion
City and the Thunder Badge Press “continue” after the credits roll and the title appears. Elm will call you. Go to him and get a Boat Ticket. Go to Olivine City and down the pathway until you get to the boat. Enter it and go to your room (the one with the sailor standing in front of it). Look at the bed to heal if you need to. Enter all of the rooms and talk to the man in one of them. His daughter is missing. Go up the stairs and talk to the sailor who won’t let you through. Go back down to the room to the right of yours and defeat the sailor. Go back up and defeat the passengers and sailors on that floor. Ascend the stairs and talk to the little girl with the captain. You will both be warped back to her cabin. At this time, you should be at your
destination, Vermillion City! Go to the gym and defeat Lt. Surge for
the Thunder Badge. It increases the speed of your Pokémon. Saffron
City and the Marsh Badge Go north to Saffron City and defeat Sabrina for the Marsh Badge. Now go east to Lavender Town and into the Radio Station there. Talk to the men, then exit. Go north from that town and around. Surf down until you get to the Power Station. Talk to the man in the Generator Room, then leave. Cerulean
City and the Cascade Badge Return to Saffron City, and go north to Cerulean City. Enter the gym. A Team Rocket member will bump into you, and then leave. The gym is empty. Exit the gym and go north up the trail, where you will find the Rocket. Defeat him, and he will tell you about an item that he hid in the gym. This item is the component that they are missing at the Power Station. Go back to the gym and to the little pool in the middle of it. Examine the upper-left corner of the pool for the item. Go north again, and fight the string of trainers. You should then see a young lady. Talk to her, and she will go back to the Cerulean City Gym. Return to the gym and defeat her (Misty) for the Cascade Badge. Return to the Power Station and give the item to the man. He will give you TM 07, Zap Cannon, in return. Now, go back to the town on the second map with the Radio Tower. Talk to the man, and he will give you a Radio Upgrade. Return to Vermillion City and visit the Pokémon Fan Club. Talk to the plump man at the table, and he will give you a Clefairy Doll. Go back to Saffron City and into Mimic’s house. Go up the stairs and talk to her. She will give you the Magnet Train Ticket. You can now go back and forth between the maps much more easily. Celadon
City and the Rainbow Badge Go back to Saffron City and go to the west to Celadon City. Defeat Erika at the gym for the Rainbow Badge and TM 19, Giga Drain. Fuchsia
City and the Soul Badge Go west down Cycling Road to Fuchsia City. Enter the gym and defeat Janine. She is the girl who is on the lower left. She will give you the Soul Badge. Pewter
City and the Boulder Badge Return to Vermillion City and up to the Snorlax. Enter your Radio Screen, and go to the last tunable station (the one with nothing but music). Exit the menus and examine the Snorlax. It will wake up and attack you. Once the Snorlax is dealt with, go through Diglett’s Cave and emerge near Pewter City. Next, go to Pewter City and defeat Brock at the gym for the Boulder Badge. There is also a trainer’s house in this town. You can go into the basement to fight a high-level trainer. You can only do this once per day, though. You can also go right to Mt. Moon (a very short cave). You will fight your rival for the very last time here. At the top is a shop (people are in it only during the day) and an open field. Viridian
City and Pallet Town Now, go south to Viridian City. The gym is empty. (Sense a pattern here?). Go south to Pallet Town and talk to Professor Oak in his Lab. Surf south from Pallet Town to a little island. There will be a young man examining a rock. Talk to him and he will leave. Cinnabar
Island and the Volcano Badge Surf to the right into a little cave. This is the Cinnabar Island Gym. Defeat Blaine and get the Volcano Badge. Viridian
City and the Earth Badge Return to Viridian City, and defeat Blue (also known as Gary) to obtain the Earth Badge. Now you have all 16 badges! Good news: Now you can go back and get the other new legendary bird. Talk to everyone in Pewter City again. One of them will give you another feather. This will allow you to go to the other location to grab the bird. However, this bird will be at level 70! Want a good way to capture it? Run it out of attacks. Mt.
Silver But wait — there’s still a little more. Go back to Pallet Town and talk to Professor Oak. He will tell you about Mt. Silver, which has some strong Pokémon. Return to Viridian City (again) and go west. Go through the small cave to emerge by some grasslands. Warning: This area contains some of the most-powerful wild Pokémon in the game, with levels of 40 or greater. This is a good place to build up levels. Here’s some good news: There is a Pokémon Center there. What’s more, you can fly to the Pokémon Center here from the locations on the first map. Red
(Ash) But there is also a cave. Go through it (it isn’t very difficult) to find someone at the end. This is Red, also known as Ash. He has the game’s most-powerful Pokémon. He has a level-81 Pikachu, level-77 Blastoise, level-77 Venusaur, level-77 Charizard, level-73 Espion and level-73 Snorlax. Can you defeat this Pokémon Master? OTHER
Breeding Pokémon breeding is a way to increase your stockpile of Pokémon. What’s more, it’s the only way to get the much sought-after “baby” Pokémon. Take two Pokémon of the same type but different genders to the house to the south of Kogane City. If you can’t get two of the same type, a Ditto will often work as well. Here, you will find two people. Give the male Pokémon to the old man and the female Pokémon to the old woman. After doing so, go out to the pen and look at your Pokemon, if they show interest in one another, they will likely produce eggs for you. Baby Pokemon often take their species from the female and possible starting attacks from the father. This means, that some Pokemon can learn attacks that can only be taught to them by their father. For instance, our poor Mareep normally can never learn Thunderbolt, a very nice Lightning-type attack, neither normally nor by TM. However, if you get a Female Mareep and a Male Lightning Pokemon that knows Thunderbolt together and they produce an egg… there is a chance the Mareep they produce will know Thunderbolt when it hatches! Now, go out and explore, fight, walk around, etc. After a few hours, return to this house. If done correctly, you should see the old man in the pen, where the two Pokémon are. He will have an egg for you. Make sure you have an open slot in your party! There is a computer in the house, where you can make room. Go and talk to the old man to get the egg. You can then get your Pokémon back by paying a certain amount of money or leave them there to create more eggs. Certain Pokémon have baby evolutions and
hatch in the normal way. Here
is a sampling of the baby evolutions: Jigglypuff Igglybuff Clefairy Cleffa Electabuzz Elekid Pikachu Pichu Magmar Magby Jynx Smoochum Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, & Hitmontop Tyrogue Ruins
of Alph If you’ve been to the pyramid with the strange writing on the walls, chances are that you’ve encountered the Unown Pokémon. They are the Pokémon with more than one “shape.” (If you capture and use one, it will never evolve or learn more than one attack.) The goal of this special little area is to catch all 26 different shapes of this Pokémon. After catching three different types, exit the monument, and a scientist will be outside. Talk to him, and he will take you into the small lab to get your Pokédex upgrade to view the Unown that you have already captured. To view this upgrade, go into your Pokédex, and hit Select. It will be the last option there. At first, you will only be able to catch a few of them. This can be solved by completing the four puzzles hidden in similar caves. You should be able to immediately find and solve the Kabuto puzzle. The Aerodactyl puzzle will require the use of Surf. For the other two, exit the area to the right, then go south into Union Cave. You will need Surf to get to the other ladders in the cave and Strength to move boulders aside. These ladders (after a little exploring) will lead to the other two puzzles: Omanyte and Moltres. Once you solve them, they unlock another set of Unown for you to capture. (Return on a Friday - there is a Lapras there on Fridays. You will need SURF to get to it. If you enter the cave from the Azalea City end, go up, then left, then SURF down, you'll come to a ladder, climb it, then SURF and walk around until you spot Lapras! It's Level 20, and relatively easy to catch. Might not hurt to SAVE first, though, just in case!) Once you have all 26 Unown, go into the small lab and use the machine in the upper-right corner of the room. It allows you to print out the Unown as stickers via your Game Boy Printer. Oh, and if you didn’t figure it out yet, each of the Unown Pokémon represent a letter in the English alphabet. Get it… Ruins of Alph (Alphabet)? The
Three Legendary Dogs In Ecruteak City, if you go into the temple in the northwest corner of the city and smash the blocks, you eventually will fall into an area that has three Pokémon sitting there. Once you step onto the stairs, they will jump away, leaving the temple. These are the three new legendary Pokémon, which have been nicknamed “legendary dogs.” Capturing these elusive Pokémon is extremely difficult. The first time that you encounter them in the wild will be completely random; in fact, you may never even see one. The good news is that after you encounter one of them for the first time, its location will appear in your Pokédex, but they will jump to a new, random place each time you enter a new area (like a town or cave). Try entering and exiting a town until it’s in the same location that you are. The bad news? They’re almost impossible to catch, since they run at the very first chance they get. However, if you manage to damage one of them, their HP remains damaged the next time you encounter them. Just try to put them to sleep or immobilize them in some way. Make sure you equip your lead Pokemon with the Quick Claw when you go hunting for these legends. If you really want one of them, use your Master Ball.
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