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Dragon Ball Z: Androids - Invincible

Written by: Eric Gerson
Dragon Ball Z: Androids - Invincible
Producer: FUNimation
Suggested Retail Price: $ 24.98
Order from : $ 21.00
Running Time: 82 Minutes
Rating: B-

Androids: Invincible contains four episodes dealing with the defeat of the Z Senshi against 17 and 18, Piccolo's decision to merge with Kami-Sama, and the discovery of a second time capsule exactly like Trunks'. Most of the episodes contain informative information dealing with the story of the Android and Cell Saga such as Piccolo's merge idea, the second time capsule, and the truth about how time is effected when Trunks changed things in the past in regards to his future.

The cover contains a screen shot of Android 18 kissing Kuririn for the first time, which is an important scene for the future story. A screen shot will remain as the cover of the DVDs for the duration of Z, this is just something we will have to deal with. The Dragon Ball Z logo appears at the top followed by the title "Androids: Invincible" which has been given some layering affects. These same affects are used in the splash image stating the DVD as a dual version DVD. The back of the case is the same layout as the previous three Android DVDs except for different screen captures and the coloring is slightly different. Within the casing no extra is present yet again.

Same layout once again as the previous three Android DVDs. The main page contains a screen capture of Androids 16, 17, and 18 with the background music from the dub. Each page is the same except for different screen caps and musical scores. Navigation is extremely simple

These episodes began the more acceptable dub. Script changes are few and do not change the mood of the story. The voice actors begin to improve drastically as Chris Sabat, Meredeth McCoy, and even Sonny Straight begin to treat the characters as more human. Meredith McCoy has been a great voice for 18 since the appearance of the character, though she starts to voice 18 in such a way as to capture the varying emotions of the character. 18 is content most of the time though angered by anything damaging to her physical appearance. McCoy captures these personality traits very well. Android 16's voice however is horrible and never improves. Just because he is an Android does not mean he has to sound like a 1970s robot from Lost in Space.

All is well once again in the Japanese version. Voices, script, music, everything perfect. However, a few typos appeared in the subtitling process. In various scenes, the subtitle is missing a consonant, vowel, or has the wrong name listed. Examples include Piccolo's surprise that the Androids knew of the senzu beans, "What? You man they even knew the word Senzu!?" Of course "man" was supposed to be "mean." Later, Android 17 asks if 18 wants any of the clothes worn by the gang members harassing them, "Say, No. 17, how'd you like to try some of their clothes?". "17" was supposed to be "18" and was typed in wrong. Further, various dialogue that includes suffixes like "sama" and "chan" are left out in a few instances.

Same recycled extras from all previous DVDs, World of DBZ and commercials for Cell, History of Trunks, Bardock, Mystical Adventure, and DBZ Store. One new extra was included, a commercial for the Trunks soundtrack. Done in the same way as the Trunks commercial, the soundtrack commercial uses the cover for the soundtrack rather than the "Trunks" text though contains the same music. Various scenes are shown in between of Trunks and his battle with Furiza and King Kold. A narrator discusses what the soundtrack is and how great it is. One quote in particular caught my attention. "Cool DBZ sounds you love." Does anyone else see how wrong that statement is. The sounds I love? Yes, I'll admit they are better than season 3, but that does not mean that my ears don't bleed after hearing them.

Final Thoughts
Due to the lack of scenes that you wish to see continuously, "Androids: Invincible" is not the best of DVDs to purchase. Though important matters are discussed that effect the story immensely, you won't find yourself watching these episodes again for some time after your first viewing. I would recommend this DVD to only those who love these particular episodes or those who wish to own every DVD released. Later minna!

© Eric.