by: Tom
Producer: Pioneer
Running Time: 140 Minutes
Suggested Retail Price: $ 29.99 Packaging:
Spectacular, as usual. The tradition of great DVD
covers for Sailor
Moon continues! The DVD comes in a clear case. On
the front side, there's a
picture of Super Sailor Moon on the cover. The
back has a summary and a nice picture of Mimet ^_^
reversable side has a picture of Sailor Pluto
holding her staff and a
Pure Heart. The back has a picture of the Inner
Senshi, Tuxedo Mask, and
Chibimoon. On the bottom half, there's a picture
of Eudial and Sailor Moon
racing for the Holy Grail. It's easy to flip the
cover around to whichever
you like more.
insert has the 6 episode names with chapter stops,
and a nice picture of
Sailor Uranus. The DVD itself has a very nice
profile of Sailor Pluto on it.
Audio: B
I listened to the DVD in Japanese. I saw the dub
on Cartoon Network
when it aired, and that was more than enough!
Overall, the audio was very
good. There were a few times where the quality of
the sound dropped a bit.
The original music was kept in tact, including the
opening and ending themes,
and it fits the show very well.
Video: A-
This show is a bit old (1994, I believe), so of
course the animation
isn't as spectacular as a show from today. But the
transfer to the DVD came
out very well. I didn't see any rainbows, but I
did see a bit of grain. The
subtitles are yellow with a black outline for the
dialog. I had no trouble
reading them.
Menu: A
Another great Menu. This time, we get Ami Mizuno,
AKA Sailor Mercury!
The menu loads quickly, and the animation in the
little heart in the corner
looks great. It's very easy to navigate through,
as well. It's Ami, so it's
good ^_^
Extras: B
There's a nice gallery/info section on Sailor
Mercury. It talks about
her personality, and then lists her stats (Blood
type, hobbies, etc.). There
wre only 3 or so pictures in the gallery, which
was a bit dissapointing.
second extra is the second version of the original
opening. Since
they didn't use the openings in order for the
actual episodes, its' nice that
we get to see the different versions after all!
The opening isn't too
different. Chibiusa and Sailor Pluto are no longer
in it, and we get to see a
bit of Kaolinite. But still, I'm glad they put it
Content: A
(There are spoilers here. Don't read this if you
haven't seen the episodes
This disk contains 6 episodes. And boy, are these
a great six! A lot
happens in them, storywise. I'm a huge Minako fan,
so the first episode on
this disk is one of my favorites. Minako is angry
because she hasn't been
target by the Deathbusters (She thinks her heart
isn't pure). So she tries to
show her "pure" traits around town,
hoping she'll get targeted. And she does.
Mayhem ensues (Minako runs around holding her pure
heart ^_^;). In this
episode, the Outer and Inner senshi figure out
their identites.
bunch of other big plot points happen. Chibiusa
meets and befriends
Hotaru Tomoe, who is the daughter of Prof. Tomoe,
leader of the Deathbusters!
But, Hotaru doesn't know this. There's a wonderful
two part story about the
discovery of the Talismans. Eudial calls Haruka
and Michiru at home, leaving
a message (Well, 2, the answering machince cuts
her off ^_^) telling her she
knows where the Talismans are, and to meet her at
an Church. Before going
there, Haruka and Michiru steal Sailor Moon's
broach so she can't transform.
They reach the Church, only to find out it's a
trap. Michiru is
captured by Eudial, and when Haruka reaches her,
it turns out that Michiru
has the first talisman in her. Usagi (who followed
them, even though she
can't transform) and the other senshi followed
then. Haruka tells them that
Michiru must die, since she has a talisman and the
world must be saved with
them. Haruka then shoots herself with Eudial's
Heart Crystal gun, revealing
the second talisman. The rest of the Senshi fight
with Eudial, and eventually
get the Holy Grail. (As pictured on the back
cover). Eudial runs away...but
it turns out her car was boobytrapped by Mimet,
and Eudial flies off of the
highway into the ocean, dying. Sailor Pluto
appears, holding the Garnet Orb,
the final talisman. The pure hearts leave the
Talisman, and Haruka and
Michiru come back to life. But still, the Outer
Senshi won't work with the
inner senshi.
disk also introduces Mimet, my favorite of the
Witches 5! She
only targets sexy celebrities. She seems like a
cute innocent girl, but she's
really very twisted and evil. The final episode
has Mimet and Minako entering
a contest to be in a movie with a pop star. It was
very funny ^_^
S is really picking up, and it's great!
I suggest picking this DVD up. It's the best of
the S season so far.
You get 6 episodes, which is pretty good for 25
dollars (the price I payed
for it at Sam Goody ^_^). Sailormoon S: Heat
Collection IV is a must have for
any Sailormoon fan. S is, in my opinion, the best
of the Sailor Moon series.
It's really nice to see it on DVD, rather than
fuzzy fansubs. Go and get it
now, you won't be disappointed! ^_^
© Eric.