Compared to some other people, I watch hardly any anime at all, but to others, I'm a nut. So I guess you could call me a semi-anime junkie. ^_^;; Anyhoo, here's my opinion on the Top 10 Anime. 10. Princess Mononoke: Why isn't this earlier in the list? I don't know, I guess it just didn't catch my attention much. Very good nonetheless. 9. Digimon: Interesting plots, but unoriginal digimon running around. I liked how the second season ended, how they brought Myotismon back. It was a great plot twist. Interesting how at the end, it ended up being that the villian they had the most trouble beating was still there. 8. Pokemon Movie 3: Okay, this wasn't the best, but it still deserves a spot here. Of all the movies, this one was my favorite. The emotions of Mii were what made the movie what it was, which I loved. The fights were very well done. But I don't see why Team Rocket was bothered to be crammed into it. 7. Sailor Moon S: Wonderful. I loved how this series gave some of the characters a lot more personality, and how it was good VS good in many parts. It was confusing at first, but like all Sailor Moon series, everything became clear at the end. 6. Sailor Moon R: Of all the Sailor Moon series, R was my fav. Super S was just weird... Anyhoo, R had a lot of character development and the plot twists were great. 5. Endless Waltz: I really like this so far. The animation is great and so are the characters. I'm looking forward to seeing more from it. 4. Transformers: Robots in Disguise: Okay, you're probably thinking "hey! transformers isn't anime!", but this series is. This 36-episode series of an alternate version of Transformers was made in Japan and is pure anime. Just watch it on Fox (unless you perfer quality anime and decide to watch the original Japanese version) and see for yourself. Totally anime transformations, they say the names of their attacks, they sweat drop, they face fault, they do everything anime! I loved this series, it was hillarious! My only complaint would be how the new Megatron has no personality... =P 3. Escaflowne: A Girl in Gaea: The alternate version of the Escaflowne series crammed into a movie. Though the characters don't get much development due to being only 95 minutes long, it still grabs #3 on my list. AWESOME music, wicked animation and detail and the battles were just gruesome. Wicked movie. 2. Gundam Wing: I just started watching this (took me long enough *grumble grumble*) and I already really like it. The battles are spectacular and I just love the characters, especially Duo. And the theme song, perfect! Gotta love Two-Mix's music, afterall, the voice actress of Dilandau from Esca is in it. =) 1. The Vision of Escaflowne: An awesome plot, unforgettable characters and movie-quality music. Without a doubt in my mind, Escaflowne is THE best anime, though I can't stand watching the hacked-to-bits version YTV airs. Go Dilly-sama! Moechae! ^_^ By: Seadra Reef Copyright - Pojo's Anime All rights reserved