>>Kate J. >>nytngale@iastate.edu ------------------------------ Professor Kate presents, for your playing enjoyment, Another Brushfire Reconstruct. 15 Fire Energy 4 Charmander 2 Potion 10 Grass Energy 3 Charmeleon 2 Gust of Wind 2 Double Colorless 3 Growlithe 2 Switch 2 Arcanine 2 Bill 4 Nidoran Male 2 Pokemon Traders 3 Nidorino 2 Energy Retrieval 2 Energy Removal Plenty of basics to begin (avoiding mulligan) and plenty of energy to power your pokemon. Nidoran Male and Nidorino are weak to Psychic, while the Fire Pokes are weak to water--so be careful. Bills and traders get you the evolutions you need, and energy retrieval gets you back discarded energies. All in all, a pretty inexpensive deck to make, because its mostly commons and uncommons. The only rares are the double colorless energies and the Pokemon Traders.