Download Page
Pokemon Trading Card Game
Seth "IRC Goliath" Jackson maintains
checklists of all Pokemon TCG cards. He's been kind
enough to maintain to provide them here for download. These are great printable
checklists for your binders.
These files have been
zipped to conserve disk space & download time. You will
need Microsoft Word to read these (or a recent version of Internet
Computer Backgrounds
Below are some Desktop Backgrounds that you
can use on your computer.
Available in many different sizes. Some of these
are Zip files. Grab the size
that you need. Each zipped file contains one *.bmp file for you to
use. (You'll need unzipping software, like www.winzip.com).
Others are straight JPEG files. On
Windows, just right-click and save them.
Blaine - Gym Leader Background (preview)
Brock - Gym Leader Background (preview)
Ash Background (preview)
POJO Banner: Many people have asked for one
of our banners to post on their sites. This is very cool of
you! Here are a couple for you. In Windows, just right click on the
banner to grab it. You can save it, or just cut & paste
it into your site.
The above two banners were created by JonnyO. The
one below is courtesy of Trinitum. Thanks guys!
Here's a 120 x 60 button created for us by Robbert:
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All material copyright of the Pojo.
This site is not associated with
Nintendo, Wizards of the Coast, Creatures, or GAMEFREAK. Pokemon, Gameboy, and Gotta catch
'em all! are registered trademarks of Nintendo.