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Dragon Ball CCG Tournament Reports
Killer Decks

This section is for Tournament Reports only.  Deck ideas can be discussed in our Strategy section, or on our Message Board.  Scroll down to read our Deck Submittal Guidelines.


Report Submittal Guidelines: 

Killer Reports will only be taken from those participating in organized events (ie: store events, formal large-scale tourneys, and online Dragon Ball Apprentice tournaments).  We will not post tourneys held at sleepovers, or friends houses.   ALSO ... your reports have to be informative and written well. .  

If you submit a killer report, you MUST tell us:

  1. All submissions must include a header at the TOP of your report  which includes:   Deck Name, Your Name, City and State of tournament.  Also include the Date of the tournament in your header, and it's great if you include the # of people that participated. This gives your report some respect.  Be honest.  Tourneys at friends houses do not count as a large-scale tourney, as the world at large is usually not invited.

  2. List all cards in your deck and tell us the tournament results.   Even if your deck does bad .. write a detailed report if you want, everyone will still learn from it, and may recommend good changes for you.   Try to tell us the types of decks you faced each round.  Simply saying, "I won" each round, or even worse, saying things like "my deck just dominated all day" instead of giving details is a sure way for your report to NOT get posted.

  3. The deck name & your name must be listed in the subject line of your email.   

  4. Provide your name & e-mail address at the bottom of your report, so other readers can contact you.   We will not post your deck if you do not include your email address.  Let people contact you directly.  Fake names are fine (but no Dragon Ball-related names please).  No email address ... no posting.

  5. Do not use all capital letters in your report.  Yes, I know sometimes you need to put a word, or even an entire sentence in all caps to signify it being important, but if you entire deck listing or entire report is all caps, it will be discarded.

  6. Reports that do not meet the above Requirements are simply deleted.  We apologize if we hurt your feelings, but with the quantity of email we get, we had to set some standards.  Thanks!!!! 

  7. Don't be surprised if it takes a while to get your report posted.  We get a lot of mail we have to go through.  If you played in an organized event, told us where it was,  wrote a decent report, and followed the rest of the above guidelines ... don't worry we'll get it posted. 

  8. Submit your report to PoJo

We have always been thankful for each and every submittal we have received!!

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