From: Mike Rusche Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 10:06:09 -0500 Can you block an attack that has already been blocked if you only play one card? I will give you an example. Suppose the only two blocks I have in my hand are Time is a Warrior's Tool and Black Side Kick. My opponent attacks with an energy attack, so I defend with Time is a Warrior's Tool. I attack. My opponent attacks with a physical, knowing it will be blocked, but wanting to activate the secondary effects. Can I use Black Side Kick to block the attack and gain my anger? thanks, mike ********* I am pretty sure you can, but I'm not 100% sure. Email Score on this question to be 100% sure. It might be in the CRD. I checked the rule book and couldn't find anything, but I think you can. -- "You will not be allowed to do this to anyone else!" - Gohan --