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New Video Titles Post By: Andrew - 5.16.2001@4:32 PM EST News Source: Daizenshuu EX Here are the new videos for release:
- DBZ Movie 4 - Lord Slug Release date: 7 August 2001 - Babadi: Battle Royal Release date: 28 August 2001 - Babadi: Descent Release date: 28 August 2001 - Babadi: Showdown Release date: 25 September 2001 - Babadi: Dark Prince Returns Release date: 25 September 2001
This is really great! I can't wait to see Babidi work his thing in the dub. They changed Babidi to Babadi though. Well, cyas later.
More new DBZ Episode Reviews added! Post By: Pojo - 5.16.2001@3:56 PM EST News Source: I added a handful of Episode Summaries today. And I've got many more to go! Here's what I've added today: From the upcoming DBZ Saiyaman Saga (these episodes are on VHS & DVD, but not on Toonami yet): - U.S. DBZ #194 - Camera Shy
And the Upcoming World Tournament Saga: - U.S. DBZ #195 - The World Tournament - U.S. DBZ #196 - Trunks vs Goten - U.S. DBZ #197 - Best of the Boys
Content Update.. Post By: Andy - 5.15.2001@10:40 PM EST News Source: I had a larger update planned, but it doesn't look like it will get completed tonight. All that I was able to add was a new Manga Review. That review is of DNA2 and it can be found HERE.
Talk to everyone later.
Yareyare Post By: Eric - 5.15.2001@7:42 PM EST News Source: Official DBZ Site FUNimation has stated that the new Dragon Ball tapes will include trading cards. Here is the article from the Official Site:
Included with the first two Dragon Ball videos, titled Tournament -Roshi's Request and Tournament - Turtle Hermit Training, is a special bonus pack of six trading cards. These videos are available now at the DBZ Store as presales. The bonus pack includes Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball trading cards, five are regular and one is a special prism card. Get your copy of the new DB videos now so you can get a sneak preview before they air on TV, and enhance your trading card collection at the same time. Don't forget to start watching Dragon Ball on Cartoon Network June 25th right after Dragon Ball Z.
There are two problems with this. For one, if they can include cards in the Dragon Ball tapes, why not the DVDs where extras should be? Secondly, as stated by Douglas in the previous update, all these tapes are defected anyway and not worth buying until they are fixed. Oh FUNi, what antics will you put us through next? Later minna!
Defect in Dragon Ball tapes Post By: Douglas - 5.15.2001@5:32 PM EST News Source: Thanks to Steve from DB Vortex for this one:Got some important news here regarding new Dragonball VHS tapes. All new release VHS are defected. It seems that there is a blue strip coming down every second and it's impossible to watch or hear any of the action.
DBZ Choice Awards? Post By: Eric - 5.14.2001@1:49 PM EST News Source: Saiyan Z Rage Toonami is going to be allowing you, the fans, to vote for your two favorite episodes which will air on May 25th. Here is the article:
On May 25, Toonami will air the top two DRAGONBALL Z episodes chosen by viewers. Fans will essentially program the first hour of the block by choosing their favorite DBZ episodes via online voting. The top two episodes, selected by the fans, will be featured 5-6 p.m. (ET, PT) during the Toonami afternoon action adventure block. From May 14 through May 21, viewers can log on to CartoonNetwork.com to cast their vote and then tune-in on May 25 to watch the top viewers’ choice episodes.
Well, these are dub episodes we are voting for, but I'll probably go for the Cell Game episodes that I missed. Toonami's page can be found HERE. Later minna!
The Summoning review Post By: Eric - 5.12.2001@5:42 PM EST News Source: I have finally purchased the Frieza: The Summoning DVD as I promised and wrote a review. The main things I discuss is the new layout of the menu and the problems that ensued. So check out the review HERE. Later minna!
Just Like I Said, Updates For Friday... Post By: Andy - 5.11.2001@11:42 PM EST News Source: Yep, I told you I would find time to update on Friday and that is exactly what I did.
The first thing I have for you is a new section. That section would be a Manga Reviews Section. As of now I have four series reviewed and I will have even more by next week.
The other thing that I got a chance to update was the What If... section. I added around 10 new submissions to that page, so go check it out.
I will be out of town this weekend, so talk to everyone on Monday.
New CCG Info Post By: Andrew - 5.10.2001@8:19 PM EST News Source: DBZ CCG.com Time for more news on the CCG from Score
"Last Chance for Cool High Tech Cards! Hurry because time is running out so...if you haven't sent in your Saiyan Saga 9 card Booster Pack wrappers you'd better head to the nearest post office and get them in the mail. Visit www.dbzcardgame.com for more information.
DBZ CCG Hummer Races To Indy Want some really awesome promo cards? Join other DBZ CCG Warriors at the Media Play in Wilshire Plaza in Mishawaka, IN. on Saturday, May 12th from 12pm to 4pm. Come and hang out with the voice actors and see the DBZ CCG Hummer! Get a free autograph and learn interesting new ways to master the game.
DBZ CCG Regional Tournament At DieCon!!!! Don't forget that Score is hosting a DBZ CCG regional tournament June 2nd, at the Die Con Convention in Collinsville, Illinois."
About time... Post By: Eric - 5.10.2001@3:07 PM EST News Source: Official DBZ Site FUNimation has announced that they will finally be releasing DVD at the same time as VHS. Here is the article from the Official site:
This just in: World Tournament - The Draw and World Tournament - Blackout, which are scheduled for VHS release on July 17, are anticipated to be the first videos to have simultaneous release of VHS and DVD. That means you will be able to get these videos on DVD July 17. This is the anticipated schedule, which means that it is not final and there could be a change. This is very exciting news. In addition, it is anticipated that every release after these will be simultaneous with VHS and DVD, providing that any new video release has not aired on Cartoon Network. Be sure to regularly check the FAQ's for updates on the VHS and DVD release schedules.
I cannot express the joy I am feeling right now in regards to the fact that they mention how the Buu saga DVDs will be released when the videos are. Why am I happy about this you ask? Well, mainly because the Great Saiyaman saga to the end of the Buu Saga is my favorite set of episodes. Remember, do not buy the VHS, buy the DVD. If you don't have a DVD player, you will when they eventually discontinue making VCRs. Later minna!
Trigun soshite ririisu no aibiki appudeito Post By: Eric - 5.10.2001@12:59 PM EST News Source: My japanese is a little rusty, but the title simply says "Trigun and release date updates." And that is exactly what I have done for everyone today. I have added a review of Trigun vol. 1 DVD and I have updated the VHS and DVD Release Dates page with the newest information Andy discussed in the preceding update. So enjoy. Later minna!

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