Rated:R-maybe it doesn't deserve this rating, but I want to stay safe, so there you have it. --The Hunt-- By: Ben Weeks Note: This is a story I've been working on for some time now. Contact me at redwizardb@yahoo.com for comments, questions, or insults. The hard work I put into recently learning how to cook has sustained for those long nights when I am alone. Delicous spaghetti and cake (with me, every mix is a good one) reward me for my efforts. I'd had enough of those "syrup sandwhiches", believe you me. Note to Mr. Troy: I know you don't like the stories to come in parts, but Notepad won't let me type over a set limit, and it was either end it abruptly, or add much more to my story with a part 2. I hope you understand, and thanks for adding my previous story. Ciao! Our story takes place in Movietime, an alternate universe in which little or nothing from the Manga or the Series has any relative influence...... And so it begins....... "Soon we will return to every man's original home...the capital of all of Christendom....the Holy City of Jerusaleum!" ---Richard the Lionheart, in a speech to fellow members of the ill-fated Third Crusade He was the strongest saiya-jin ever to live. He was terrifying. Born as a lowly peasant saiya-jin, he quickly grew to astronomical powers. Planets feared his coming and the king of the race of saiya hesitated to give him orders. At puberty he abruptly overwhelmed the entire saiya-jin race with his pure mind-boggling power. Lord Freeza broke into a cold sweat when the topic of conversation turned to the saiya-jin; Freeza feared the coming of the legendary super saiya-jin. And come he did. Raging into power at the untimely death of the saiya-jin race at the hands of Freeza, he turned into a blonde-haired green- eyed beast with blazing yellow flames of death. He killed the evil Freeza after a brief battle, drinking from Freeza's blood to sate his thirst for destruction. On he went through the galaxy, conquering and destroying planets alternatively at his whim. Men wept; children screamed; women wailed. The universe trembled in fear, for no being had ever had such undeniable power. And his name was Kakarotto. Gokou suddenly bolted upright in bed, covered in sweat and breathing harshly. His heart pumped as his body shook in fear, making the soft bed beneath him quiver slightly. He raised his hand and looked at it's hard, slightly wrinkled skin. Flexing his fingers, he sighed. A dream....just a dream, that's all... Chi-Chi was gone, spending the night at Bulma's. He was alone in the house; Gohan was off training with Piccolo. The fear that continued to pump adrenaline through Gokou's nude body refused to subside, and it had been the worst fear he had ever felt. No enemy, no matter how powerful, no matter how evil or cruel or vicious, had ever inspired that kind of terror into his veins. But the recurring nightmare of what he might have been, the reminder of what he truly was, terrified him to unbelievable depths. What if I were to lose control, he thought. What if I reverted to my evil ways? What might have happened if I'd never hit my head on that rock? It never occured to Gokou that if any of these things had happened, he probably would have never become as powerful as he was now. So much would have been different. All he knew was that he could not stand this nightmare yet again. Getting up and clothing himself in his usual orange Gi, he walked outside the house and stared up into the sky. Somewhere out there, admist all those gaseous clouds of dust and vacuum....somewhere are the remnants of my true home. Strengthening his resolve, he tightened his belt and sighed, then flew brilliantly off into the distance, becoming merely another star on the horizon.... Vegeta suddenly looked up in surprise. He leaned back from the table and peered off into nothingness, his eye's focused far beyond anything in the room. Bulma was asleep in the other room with Kakarotto's wife,her quiet murmurings falling on his deaf-to-the-world ears. He squinted, trying to grasp the strands of the Ki he felt.... Suddenly, a snap of power hit him in the face like a jolt and he bolted upright, sensing, finally, who it was. He stood up at the table quickly, sending his wooden chair falling back behind him. He strode firmly towards the door and opened it, bringing a gust of the cool night air upon his sweating face. Feeling that air-conditioners were unnatural, he refused to turn one on when he was awake. The air on planet Earth was unlike his home and he found he could get used to it easier without outside influence. He sensed the power abruptly drop out of his range of senses about one hundred kilometers from his current position. He ran outside, shutting the door behind him and walking down the pavement quickly, his shoes making a loud pat-pat that echoed around the quiet night climate. Then, with a burst of blue Ki energy, he zipped off towards the distant mountains where he felt that his target had stopped. Gokou sat quietly on the rock, looking up at the night sky. The stream that ran next to him quietly burbled and ran soothingly over round stones. The sounds of crickets and owls quietly formed a peaceful symphony that calmed Gokou's troubled mind. He sighed in the night and lay down on the cool, fresh green grass, mumbling in pleasure as he rested his tired muscles. He continued to look at the bright array of stars, like salt dusted against a backdrop of velvet satin, brilliantly wheeling away time, caring nothing of the affairs of men and their petty problems. Suddenly, the quiet serenade of life stopped, replaced by a silence so thick it could have been cut with a fork. Tension pulled at him like iron cords. He leaned up suspicously and looked up to see Vegeta standing next to a tree, his features hidden in shadow, silhouetted against the bright shining moon. As Gokou sighed and lay back down, continuing to stare at the stars, the sounds of crickets and forest life hesitantly returned, as if comforted by Gokou's seeming indifference to the new unnerving presence of the Prince of saiya-jins. Vegeta took a single step forward, casting the tip of his shadow across Gokou's preoccupied face. Gokou sighed and looked up at Vegeta, his body twisted around to face the newcomer. When Gokou spoke, it seemed muted, somehow, as if no-one wanted to hear what he had to say. "What are you doing here, Vegeta?" Vegeta curled the upper-left section of his lip into a sneer, but Gokou couldn't see this. "I think the question, Kakarotto, is what are YOU doing here? This is near my home." Gokou nodded and turned back to the sky, lying back down on the ground and placing his hands behind his head. "I need to think, Vegeta." Gokou bit off a curse as he realised that he'd opened himself up for a piercing insult from Vegeta. He waited for it to come, and indeed, Vegeta opened his mouth, but closed it silently, seeming suddenly thoughtful. When Gokou realised Vegeta wasn't going to say anything, he let the air out of his body in a deep sigh. Finally, after many minutes of silence, Gokou spoke quietly but passionately. "Vegeta, I...I'm a little glad you're here, in a way. I wanted to ask you of a favour that has been bugging me for a long time. Now, I need to get this out of my system." Vegeta stood, bewildered and surprised, waiting suspiciously for Gokou to say something. "I want...I mean, will you tell me about the saiya-jin race?" Vegeta blinked in astonishment, eyeing Gokou's body, not quite sure what to say. Gokou sat, not breathing, wondering what Vegeta was going to do. Finally, after a thoughtful minute in which Gokou's face began to turn blue, Vegeta sat down on a rock next to Gokou's much relieved form. Gokou sighed loudly, looking up to the sky and feeling peace steal over his form. Vegeta sat, not saying anything for several more minutes, listening instead to the quiet but moving symphony of night life that set feelings moving in his body, longing for his home. Finally, Vegeta spoke. His voice was quiet and faraway, seeming to take Gokou upon the wings of imagination and primal blood memories to the distant land that would forever be his true place of birth. "Let me tell you a story, Kakarotto. A story about a great saiya-jin that was blessed with power at an early age." Gokou sniffed in the scents of fresh night grass, listening to Vegeta's voice weave a tale around him and making him forget where he was. "The saiya-jin was born at the latest stage of his race's history. Bred into royalty and arrogance, he was raised to respect only those whose power were greater than his. And there were not very many of these. "Soon, however, his lust for power grew beyond that of his race, which he had quickly outgrown before he fully reached manhood. Spurning the many adoring saiya-jin women that would have threw themselves upon him, he instead spent a life traversing space with several trusted comrades. Ignoring all but his powerful boss, Freeza, he conquered lands and exacted blood rewards that would have made everyone else alive jealous. "But he was not satisfied. More than anything, he desperately wanted to surpass everyone in power. Total control was his fanatic goal, and nothing could stand in his way. "Then, later in his life, after discovering he was not indeed the strongest saiya-jin alive, his ambitions were ruined by a tiny problem: His own compassion. Ever his weakness, it prevented him from reaching the apex of his power. And he bitterly reaped what his flaws had sown for him." Gokou sighed after Vegeta finished telling the tale, watching the sky shine as he breathed in the cool night air, tasting fresh and lovely upon his tongue. "What happened to the saiya-jin? Who was it, Vegeta?" Vegeta rolled his eyes and sighed, leaning down to pick a small flower growing at the base of the rock where it met the ground. "That saiya-jin was me, Kakarotto." Gokou's mouth formed an O, as he blinked in surprise. Vegeta remained silent, contemplating the story he had just weaved to his hated enemy but closest kin. After a few moments of silence, Gokou said: "Were all saiya-jins that way?" Vegeta blinked, looking towards Gokou. "Of course. Every single one was born into a life of power and warfare, lusting for glory in battle and the pleasure of the kill." Gokou gulped. "What would happen if, somehow, I were to gain my saiya-jin instincts?" Vegeta answered immediately. "The earth, and the universe, would weep blood. No one would have a chance to stop you. No one. Ultimate power would be yours." Even as he spoke, Vegeta felt uncomfortable with telling Gokou this. He would be the saiya-jin I am supposed to be, Vegeta thought. Gokou nodded, comprehending what would happen. A perverse, deep dark side of him reveled in that thought, but he crushed it easily. Vegeta sighed and said: "Kakarotto, I'll gladly tell you more about the saiya-jin race, but now I would like to go home and sleep." Without waiting for a reply, he sped off back to where he had arrived from an hour earlier. Gokou continued to stare at the night sky, quietly searching the stars....... "Vegeta! Wake up! VEGETA!!!" The annoying sound of Bulma's morning voice made Vegeta groan and roll over in the sheets, seeking comfort in their soft texture. Fatigue rode over his body, and even if he had been promised immortality, he wouldn't have gotten out of that bed. "VEGETA! WAKE UP NOW!!" Vegeta growled and leaned up on one elbow, looking at the clock. 4:24. "What the fuck is it, woman, that you have to wake me up at this ungodly hour!? There had better be a GOOD FUCKING REASON!!" "Gokou wants you." Not good enough, thought Vegeta, drifting away back to sleep. "Hey, Vegeta. Vegeta!" Vegeta opened one eye and took a look at Gokou standing above him, then rolled back over to rest. Suddenly his eye's popped open and he turned around, gawking at the figure that stood next to his bed. Gokou was decked out in a colourful, strange looking outfit that had several nozzles and hoses located in differing sections of a bright yellow plastic-looking material. He had a large helmet cradled under his left arm and in his right hand was a replica suit, only smaller. On his face he wore a big goofy grin. Vegeta blinked. "Are you ready, Vegeta?" "What the HELL are you doing, Kakarotto? Nevermind, I do NOT want to know. Just leave me out of it. Get the FUCK out of my house." "What!? You're not ready yet? Aren't you going to come??" "What the fuck are you TALKING about?" Gokou grinned like an idiot and threw the suit in Vegeta's face. Vegeta cursed and threw the suit on the floor, looking up in bewilderment at Gokou. "We're going to go out to space!" Silence reigned in the room. Gokou began to shift uncomfortably under Vegeta's astonished face. The clock ticked away as a dog barked in the distance. Finally, Vegeta let out a loud yelp of a laugh and shook his head. "Very funny, Kakarotto. Very funny indeed." He looked up and comprehension slowly dawned on his face as he realised that Gokou was perfectly serious. He looked down to the suit on the floor and opened his mouth, struggling to find something to say. Vegeta gave up and shook his head, grabbing the suit. "Alright, Kakarotto." Gokou blinked in shock and laughed, walking out the room happily. Vegeta sighed and looked at the suit. What the hell was going on? Vegeta walked outside, wearing his saiya-jin armour over his night-blue jumpsuit. Behind him in the trash can was the "suit" that he had found totally unnecessary for anything at all. He sighed as before him he saw Gokou wandering around next to a spaceship that towered above him. He noticed with much astonishment the words "Capsule Corporation". How the in the HELL did the Corp make a ship without him knowing? All this time, they'd had this and he'd never known about it? "Hey, Vegeta! Where's the suit?" Vegeta ignored him and instead watched Gokou punch a button on the side of the ship. The door slowly opened with a hiss and a cloud of steam arose from the gears at the side. Vegeta looked around, still half asleep and not totally understanding what, exactly, was going on. He just tried to argue as little as possible so that the chances of him getting back to sleep were at a maximum. He looked up and rubbed his eye, searching for the others that were going to come. "Kakarotto, where are the other idiots that are coming?" Gokou looked up, surprised. "What? No, it's just going to be us." Gokou walked up the ramp, his booted feet making loud tromping sounds on the strong steel alloy. Vegeta blinked and followed suit, still half asleep. He was still trying to figure out why he had so quickly agreed to coming. As Gokou looked over the controls, trying desperately to shove the thought of food out of his mind and remember the crash-course Dr. Briefs had given him, Vegeta sat on the edge of a side-folding bed, trying to figure out why he was coming on a trip, BY HIMSELF, with Kakarotto. Dear Kami-sama, he could barely stand his company with the others there! He was going to spend Kami-knows how many weeks together, alone!? Vegeta sighed and slid off his armour, laying it down loudly on the hard tile floor. The low thrumming sound of the ship starting slowly to begin to take off was not enough to keep him awake. As he slid under the blankets and rested his head against the pillow, the answer he had been seeking suddenly came to him in a flash that made him open his eyes and lean up in a blast of comprehension. The hunt. It had been so many years since he had been on the hunt. His saiya-jin blood yearned in every orifice to go on the hunt, cruising the galaxy for prey. Even having to spend it with Kakarotto, it was still very tempting. Maybe spending it with another saiya-jin was WHAT made him do it. It had been so, so long since he had felt the power and prestige of flying through space with another saiya-jin. And Kakarotto? Ye gods, Kakarotto had never even done this before! No wonder Kakarotto wanted to come. Maybe that was what the conversation had been about? He sighed and lay his head back on the pillow, drifting away into sleep with a smile. The last thing he saw slightly disturbed him: The sight of Gokou standing over the control console going: "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe....." Vegeta suddenly awoke to the sounds of alarms and klaxons. A loud blaring voice informed that they had entered the Argon system dangerously near it's sun, Argo. The appx. distance was about ninety klicks, but the gravity was pulling them into it's flare range. Gokou was lying naked on the other side of the room on a soft bed and was rubbing his eyes, looking out the windows into the stars in the distant beyond. One star especially that was particularly close. Even the naked sight of Kakarotto was not enough to rattle him; he leapt off the bed with the ease of a seasoned spacer and ran up to the console. "Kakarotto! How long have I been asleep?" Gokou frantically pulled at his boxers while speaking in a panicked voice. "I don't know! About ten hours before I went to bed, and after that, I have no clue.." Vegeta cursed and hit up the computer log. A large screen full of messages were logged in, dating back about fifteen hours from the current time. "Lemme see....warning, entering Klacken sector....nearing Argon system......sweet Kami, how the hell did we get this fucking far??" Gokou ran up and looked at the controls much the same way Vegeta first looked at the earth language. "What's going on?" "Dammit, Kakarotto, why did I ever let you within ten feet of the controls? Get the fuck away!" Vegeta smacked Gokou on the face and scrolled down, searching for the malfunction he knew had to be there. Looked. And looked. Finally, he reached the end of the log. Not there. Not there? Shit! "Vegeta, what are you looking for?" "Kakarotto, listen to me. The automatic control system would have immediately woken us up as soon as we got close to the Argon System. But apparently, the system has broken, and without it, we can't override the emergency rehab control. If the rehab control takes over, we'll be shipped to god knows where and we'll have no track of where we are! I need to find the malfunction so I can either fix it or delete the root entry, that way the backup console will come into play!! Do you understand!?" Gokou stared blankly at Vegeta. "Um...Y...es....." Vegeta sighed. "Dammit, where's the malfunction warning?" Gokou made a little laugh and uneasily shifted in spot, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh...well, eheh...you see, it's kind of funny, but when the computer told me the emergency alert system would be on while I slept, I wanted to turn it off, and...." Vegeta looked incredulous and cursed. "Well, then, what's the passcode?" "The what?" "The passcode! I need to know it so I can turn on the emergency alert system back on so I can see what the fuck is wrong! What the hell is the passcode?" "Um...well, I didn't know, you see, and so when it asked me to enter in the six-digit-passcode, I kinda, um, well, just sorta guessed, you see.." "YOU WHAT!????" "I..um, guessed.." "That's impossible! The chances of you correctly guessing six digits, not even in the correct order, are astronomical! That's not even thinking about them being in place!" "I did!" Vegeta was agape. Kakarotto may be many things, but he was no liar. "You...you say you...g...guessed!?" "Dear Kami-sama, Vegeta, YES!!" Vegeta slumped against the console, small beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "That's it, then. We may be powerful, but I don't think we can survive the heat of a sun....and even if we could, with our ship destroyed, we'd perish in the vacuum of space. And to think, my death would come out in the cold and not in battle..." Gokou laughed and walked to his bunk, pulling out the suit and putting it on. Meanwhile, Vegeta watched dejectedly, only mildly interested. "Kakarotto, if you want to put off the inevitable, that's your choice." "Don't worry, Vegeta! I handled this sort of thing before, on my way to Namek." Vegeta suddenly sat up, hopeful. "You mean you can fix it from the outside?" "No! I'm going to fire a beam at the star and propel us back!" Gokou blinked in surprise, waiting for Vegeta to answer. But all he was doing was sitting there gaping like a fish. Maybe he's hungry, thought Gokou. Well, he can eat if he wants. Finally, Vegeta shook his head and spoke, sounding slightly annoyed. "Kakarotto, you moron, you can't tell me you actually shot a beam of Ki at a sun to propel yourself away from it!" "I did!" "Impossible! Sun's do not even have a solid surface; it's all flaming gases and boiling liquid. And if you did hit it, it would then promptly supernova and destroy the entire system! And us along with it!" "But that's not what happened before!" "I don't care!" "But I'm going to do it!" "No, you're not!" "Yes, I am!" "No, you are NOT!" "Yes I am!" "DAMMIT KAKAROTTO, YOU KNOW GOOD AND WELL THAT THAT'S NOT GOING TO BE GOOD FOR THE PLOT! IT'S ALREADY BEEN DONE! AND BESIDES, THAT WAS A MAJOR LOOPHOLE IN THE SERIES!!!!!! SO STOP MAKING ME HAVE TO FIND EXCUSES TO KEEP YOU IN HERE!!" "Alright already, I won't do it. Geez..." Gokou sat down sullenly on the chair, staring at the floor. "Well then, I guess we're just going to die here, then, burning slowly to death..." Vegeta gasped and leaned forward, snapping his fingers. "Kakarotto! Get your ass out there!" Gokou's face lit up. "Yeah! I told you it would work.." "Not that, you idiot. If I run a diagnostics program, you can fix the problem from the outside of the hull." "No way! I don't know how to do all that stuff. Why don't you do it, Vegeta?" "I don't have a suit, you dumbass!" "Ohhhh...." "Alright, get your ass out there and I'll talk to you through the headset on the suit." "Wait a sec...why don't we just run the diagnositc whatsit in here now and find out what's wrong?" Vegeta sighed and put his head between his hands, shaking it back and forth. "Just do as I say, Kakarotto..." "Um..Okay..." Gokou walked into the depression chamber, mumbling under his breath. Vegeta sat at the control console and slipped the headset over his head, thinking back to the unimaginable events that had taken place within the last twenty-hours. I was working at the desk, and then BLAM! I'm out in space, cruising the galaxy with Kakarotto; about to plunge into the molten depths of Argo. He shook his head. It was all as if some author had conjured up the tale late at night, and then worked on it periodically and sporadically every night after; as if the author was also too lazy and whiny to include many plot details, instead going after things far too fast and not letting the plot pace itself out and throwing in many impossible happenings without explanation simply to let the story roll along. Vegeta shook the thought out of his head as he looked up, watching Argo's bright surface beginning to take up much of the screen. He heard a loud "ClUMP" as the outside of the depression chamber opened into nothingness, letting Gokou float out. He waited silently and anxiously. Surely, he thought, Kakarotto cannot mess this up. It's too simple. Looking at the diagnostic table, he got a readout of what had gone wrong. Damn! The core Almaentron is busted into the Praefecture and shot to hell. Running at only 7% capability??? Dear Kami-sama..... "Vegeta..come in, Vegeta..." He looked up and tapped the side of his headset to filter out some of the static caused by the flares from Argo. Speaking into it, he began to scan down the list of locations from the blueprint control. "Come in, Vegeta..." "Alright, Kakarotto, I want you to walk directly five paces to your left, right above the "L" in "Capsule". You got that?" CLUMP. CLUMP. CLUMP. CLUMP. CLUMP. "I'm here, now what?" "Open a square roughly 3 feet high and 1 foot wide." Vegeta listened nervously as Gokou formed a beam and started to cut the material that formed the outside of the spaceship they were on. I hope he doesn't breach the hull! Finally, after an agonizing three minutes he spent watching Argo grow continually closer and closer, the sound of cutting stopped. "Now what should I do?" "Look inside.." "Um, okay, what am I....oh man, there's two small boxes that are busted into each other! And they're all sparkin' and everything.." "Okay, what you need to do is open the yellow one.." "What!? I'm not touching those, I'll get electrocuted!" Vegeta sighed in frustration. He then highlighted the area that Gokou was working in and hit the Specific Power Switch. "Whoa, the sparking stopped! Is it fixed?" Vegeta ignored him. "Open the yellow box and reach inside.." "Okay, um, there's a bunch of wires and things..." "Cut the green one..." "Which one, there's like fifty.." "That's just one, it's coiled around everywhere..." SNAP! "Alright, now, I want you to cut the red one and connect it to the green one.." "But there's like fifty red ones..." "Hmmm...the one that has white letters on it and says 'KFS-PRAE-V'." SNAP! "Alright, now weld the green one and the red one together.." "Okay, is that all?" "We'll find out...get your hand out of there..." Vegeta reached forward and hit the Specific Power Switch back on. Suddenly, the annoying red klaxons and alarms stopped going off, replaced instead by a single red light flashing on the panel. "Alright, Kakarotto, it worked. Get your ass back in here, because I'm going to jump us to a new location." Vegeta hit the button under the light and it stopped flashing as the ship suddenly righted itself. He entered in new coordinates speedily, his gloved hands working over the keyboard panel like a flash. HISSSSS!! Gokou stepped in from the depression chamber, his helmet in his hand and a stupid grin on his face. "Yeah! We did it!" Vegeta suddenly stopped typing, without entering the last two digits of the coordinates for an old saiya-jin outpost. He stepped up and walked over to the other side of the console, to consult the diagnostics to make absolutely sure the ship was in perfect condition. Gokou strolled over to the keypad Vegeta had just been typing in and looked down at it. He saw the message saying: "Enter in last two digits of your coordinates to make jump now." He shrugged. Things suddenly began to happen in slow motion. Vegeta suddenly turned, faster then can be believed, and his eyes popped open as he saw Gokou move his hand over the keypad. He lunged, still in slow motion, toward Gokou, attempting to tackle him down. A thousand thoughts raced in his head.... *Click* Vegeta continued to leap, so close, almost there, he could almost touch him. Gokou looked up at Vegeta in slowly as his finger hovered above the keypad. Vegeta yelled at the top of his lungs. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" *Click* Suddenly, time stopped as the ship sped faster than light to it's new destination. Vegeta sat quietly and silently on the large rock, nursing his hurt arm and watching the burning remains of what had once been the ship. Gokou sat next to him, holding his hand over his bloody eye, watching grimly as well. Vegeta was silent for a long time. So was Gokou. The only sound was the roaring of flames that ate away the gutted interior of the ship, sizzling the plastic and destroying the electrical components of the computer. The smell of burnt material wafted strongly into their noses, making the air all the more bitter. Gokou cast a nervous side-glance at Vegeta. Smoke filled the sky around the crater whose edge they sat upon. Finally, Vegeta spoke. "Tell me, Kakarotto.....what exactly was going through your mind as you recklessly decided to strand us on some barren rock where we would meet our collective doom?" Gokou squirmed a little, gulping. "Well, uh....." "Because before I kill you.....and I will kill you, believe me....I would like to know why exactly this happened, so I can tell the leaders of Hell why we are blessing them with our presence." "Vegeta, I..." WHAM!! Vegeta, in a frenzy of rage, leapt on Gokou and grabbed his neck, his eye's bloodshot and the veins in his neck popping. He gritted his teeth as he started to thump Gokou's head on the ground, yelling at the top of his lungs. "YOU GODDAMN FUCKING IDIOT! DIE! DIE! DIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Gokou managed barely to get his arms up and start to slowly tear Vegeta's hands from around his neck. Vegeta abruptly jumped away, his face suddenly calm. Gokou rubbed his reddened neck and gasped for air. Vegeta lay down on the ground and started to laugh hysterically. He turned over and inhaled some dirt into his mouth, snorting it back out while chuckling. Gokou ignored him and turned around. The air was different from earth, and yet at the same time, it was as if it was home. The air tasted fresh in his lungs and heartening, and the landscape was strangely familiar and comforting. Dark, long forgotten ancient instincts, dusty from the unspeakable ages from which they came, began to take form as he immediately started to feel more at home here than at Earth. Vegeta noticed it too, and he was instantly suspicous. "Vegeta, is this....planet Vegeta?" Vegeta scowled. "Of course not, you moron. Planet Vegeta was destroyed by Freeza many years ago...you know that!" "But this all feels like...like home.." Vegeta nodded as sweat began to form on his face and his heartrate increased significantly. Too much like home...even more like home than Planet Vegeta....but that's.....that's impossible!! Suddenly an idea entered his head and he blinked, looking around. "Kakarotto....Kakarotto...." "Yo?" "You notice how the planet's gravity is nearly thirty times that of Earth's?" "Uh-huh..." "Kakarotto...dear Kami-sama, Kakarotto, I think I know where we are!" "Where?" Vegeta ignored him and stood up, his armour clanking as he jumped around happily, surveying the land with an almost childish glee. His eyes were lit up and his face was full of awe. "We've reached utopia....We've reached nirvana....heaven.... paradise.......Kakarotto, we've reached the planet that the entire saiya-jin race and many others have been searching for! The lost Atlantis of our kind!! "This is the planet.... "Sai." Gokou blinked. "Never heard of it. Sounds kinda like saiya-jin." Vegeta ran over to the rock Gokou was sitting on, breathing in the air and looking years younger than he was. "Don't you understand? This is the original planet of the saiya-jins!! This is where we originated! This is the resting place of our ancestors!" "But I thought that Planet Vegeta was..." "No, Kakarotto." Vegeta said, interrupting him. "The saiya-jins never originated on planet Vegeta. That's just where we eventually headed for in ships, long ago, for some unknown reason...we had no idea how to use the ships. Our ancestors simply got in and punched the keys, looking for new worlds to conquer. They were taken to planet Vegeta, where they crashed and were unable to return. "They populated the planet and eventually conquered it. Then, later, when they began to understand technology, they attempted to find the original planet of Sai, where we got our name. But it was thought of only to be a myth, and besides, we had no idea where it might have been. So we never got a chance to return. "But legends tell of the four moons that form a cross at all times, and the sun that shines green in the atmosphere. And look!" Vegeta pointed in the sky to four moons, high above them, where they wheeled slowly away, coloured greyish-white. The sun on the horizon flashed green, making it look like some sickly orb that made Gokou feel calm and peaceful. The landscape was torn to pieces, looking as if the planet had been on the brink of explosion millions of years ago. There was no vegetation, no animal life, and the water was murky and oily. Huge craters dotted the landscape as unnaturally jagged peaks jutted out of the ground like teeth. "We're here! What luck! What bitter luck! Now that we find it, we cannot leave. Stuck..." Gokou sighed. "Well, at least we're home...sort of..." Gokou lay down, suddenly exhausted. He felt tears forming in his eyes at the thought of never seeing Chi-chi or Gohan again...of never laughing with Kurillin....never sparring playfully with Yamucha or Tien.. Never. And he was trapped on a planet with other saiya-jins, most likely. Gokou fell asleep as Vegeta let him lay there, ignoring Gokou in his excitment. Vegeta looked around himself, giddiness pumping through his veins and making him lightheaded, much the same way you would be if you had won the lottery. "Sai..." Vegeta got up and with a flash, blue energy flared up around him as he flew off into the horizon, searching the land.. Many hours later, after he had entered the dark side of the planet, he suddenly saw something that made his breath catch in his throat. The glint of moonlight off of something metal... He stopped in midair and floated down quickly. He looked at the source in awe, shaking with joy and hope. A ship. A ship exactly like the one's the other race that inhabited Planet Vegeta had used. (author's note: I don't know what they were, but I refuse to call them "Tuffles". I have my pride, you know...) He looked over it in excitement and eagerness, feeling like a young saiya-jin again. He checked the ship and saw that it was miraculously still working, by the status light of the main power source. It hadn't even kicked into auxillary power yet! He started to fly back to get Gokou, then stopped. Why should I get him? It's his fault we're here. Besides, if I get back without him, I'll be the strongest person on earth! My dream will come true!! He sighed and flew off to get him anyway. When I triumph over Kakarotto, it will be because of battle. Not chance. "Kakarotto!" Gokou opened his eye's as he recognized Vegeta's voice. He sighed and pulled himself up off the ground, staring bleary-eyed at the prince of saiya-jins. "Kakarotto, follow me. Quickly!" "Why?" "DO IT!" Gokou moaned and got to his feet, feeling that he owed Vegeta some for getting them stranded on the place forever. Tightening his Gi, he flew off after Vegeta with firm resolve to do his level best to get off of "Sai". "Wow! A spaceship! What luck! Does it run?" Gokou was filled with a feeling of luck and happiness. Yes! They had a chance!! Vegeta smiled, and was about to answer, when suddenly a scratchy, ancient-sounding yet firm voice interrupted him. "Of course it does, my young friends...." They both whirled instantly. Standing there was a young saiya-jin that belied his voice. He had a sharp eye and cruel demeanor, with black hair shaped like Gokou's. His face was hawklike and well-chiseled and he had a shortly-clipped mustache. On his body was some strange form of armour that Vegeta had never seen before. It was like his, only much more unwieldy and ugly. It also was obviously ineffective in handling all but the weakest attacks. He was smirking wickedly, his arms crossed and his stance cocky. "Who are you?" demanded Vegeta, sneering at him. "My name is Saki. I am the ruler of this dead planet." Vegeta snorted. "Saki? Puh. A saiya-jin name. How long have you been here?" The saiya-jin named Saki smiled. "For over one thousand years." Gokou was boggled. "Whoa! How come you're still alive? Are you immortal?" "Something like that. You see, this planet's air makes me live as long as I want without food or water and forever remain young while I am on it." Vegeta, however, scoffed. "Why, then, didn't you leave?" "Because if I left, I would die of old age immediately. The planet is the only thing still keeping me alive...however, if I found a young body to kill and then inhabit, I could leave and conquer the galaxy!" Vegeta smirked while Gokou boggled some more. "Inhabit? What are you talking about?" "Simple: I kill a person, then I heal their body, then I use a special technique I designed over the millennia for just the occasion, I stick my soul into their body and take total control of it." Gokou gasped. "Like Captain Ginyu!" Vegeta laughed mockingly. "You think you could conquer the galaxy? Yeah right." Saki smiled. "My first victim will be you...then your dim-witted friend here." "Hey! That's not nice..." Saki slowly but surely widened his stance, spreading his legs apart and digging his boots into the ground. He clenched his fists as a quiet growl emerged from his chest and echoed around the deserted valley. He bent at the waist and gritted his teeth as small pebbles began to rise around him. Gokou's hair started to slowly stand on edge as his clothes began to rise. Vegeta turned his head slightly and narrowed his eyes. Larger rocks started to rise as the growling increased in volume and pitch. The wind began to blow faster. Suddenly, with a scream, Saki straigtened at the waist and bent slightly backwards, closing his eyes and yelling at the top of his lungs. The sound was deafening. Gokou shielded his eyes as huge blue flames erupted around Saki. Vegeta gritted his teeth and turned to the side, raising one arm against the harsh glaring blinding light. Huge boulders flew into the air, the ground ripping apart with power. The mountains shook. Yellow flames surrounded the man as his hair turned yellow and his eye's flashed green. Vegeta saw this and gasped as the blinding light faded away, replaced with a pulsing sound of the super-saiya-jin energy rolling up and down his charged body. Gokou gaped. He smiled. "Are you wondering what happened to me, eh? Well I'll tell you. When this planet first had more saiya-jins, I grew to have extreme power. I was the legendary supersaiya-jin! And they all fled in these spaceships left by explorers that we had killed. They were afraid I was going to destroy the planet, and I almost did. Almost. But instead, I learned how to control the power that makes my hair turn blonde and my pupils green, and now I am going to show the galaxy the power of the super-saiya-jin!!" Vegeta coughed in surprise and shook his head. "Wow, thr super-saiya-jin! I never knew he didn't destroy the planet! So that's why we left!" Gokou shrugged. "Vegeta, his power level is pretty high, higher than ours even if we do the same. We're gonna have to work together." Vegeta shrugged as well. "Fine by me." Saki watched them, perplexed, as they too spread their feet. WHOOM!! The change into Super-saiya-jin done by them was incredibly fast, so much faster than his. No fancy charging, no gathering of extra energy for show, they just burst into it with speed and power at the same moment. He dug his feet into the ground and gawked at them in surprise. "You....you....you are super-saiya-jins! But how..." He didn't get a chance to finish, as Vegeta, always one to look for an opening, phased behind him and kicked him in the back. He fell forward, still in shock, falling straight towards Gokou. Gokou reached up and caught him, then hurled him into the sky. Vegeta knew this was going to happen right before Gokou caught him and so he was waiting for Saki's body in the green atmosphere above. He caught the body and clutched him, then flew towards the rocky valley below at super-sonic speeds. A mere two hundred feet above the ground, he tossed Saki towards the planet's surface with all of his might, using his momentum to send him screaming towards Sai. A colossul explosion of dirt and fire burst into view as Saki's body hit the ground, leaving a huge crater in his wake. Vegeta wiped his hands as he landed softly next to Gokou, watching the crater warily yet confidently. Without warning, a loud scream of power slammed into them, almost making them phsyically fall backwards as the saiya-jin streamed into the sky. A huge aura of yellow silhoutted his body majestically, making him look like some angry god. He raised his arms and all of his energy gathered into his hands from his body, making a huge bright ball like a sun shine above his up-stretched palms. With a loud grunt, he flung his arms down towards Vegeta and Gokou, sending a hail of yellow ki balls flying towards the ground like deadly rain. Vegeta ran forward, shielding himself from the blasts as Gokou staggered behind him, knocking one or two away clumsily. The ground was ripped to shreds by the power of the blasts and Gokou flew straight up, dodging all of the Ki and phasing in front of Saki. Although powerful, he hadn't fought for a thousand years, and so Gokou dodged his clumsy punches and tossed him down into the smoke cloud created by Saki's energy balls. He looked down and saw little flashes of blue and heard Saki's voice crying out in pain, as the sound of fists hitting flesh emanated from within the smoky haze. He watched eagerly, and suddenly there was a loud smack, and Vegeta was hurled up out of the top of the cloud, his head leaning back and a large bruise on the bottom of his chin. Blood flowed from his nose. He suddenly righted himself as Saki flew up at them from the dust cloud. Saki's face was covered in blood, but he was grinning wickedly. Vegeta fell back next to Gokou, caught himself, then they both leapt forward at Saki simultaneously. Vegeta and Gokou tore into him, beating his stomach and body into bloody hunks of skin. His face was smashed in and his eye's were bloodshot. But finally, he dodged free and punched Gokou in the face. Vegeta kicked but it was blocked. Saki grinned as he held Vegeta's leg. Vegeta leapt up off of the other one and smacked him across the side of the head with his free foot. Saki cried out as Gokou suddenly came flashing back and kicked him in the face, propelling his bloody body to the ground. Saki caught himself and threw a blast that caught Vegeta in the gut. Vegeta cursed in pain as he was dragged high into the atmosphere by the blast. Gokou flew down and entered into a vicious melee attack with Saki, feeling Ki power rolling off of both of their bodies. Saki punched and Gokou grabbed his fist. They battled for a second, then Saki punched with the other one. Gokou caught that one too, but the strain was too much, and Saki began make Gokou fall slightly down onto his knees. BAM! Saki fell back on the ground as Vegeta came hurling down and kicked him in the face with the heel of his iron boot. Vegeta's armour was smoking and his nose was bleeding like crazy. Vegeta landed on the ground and assumed a fighting stance. Saki flipped up and punched at Vegeta. Vegeta stepped back and dodged it, then caught it with his fist. He squeezed as hard as he could, making his opponent cry out in pain. Saki gritted his teeth and suddenly pushed forward, then leaned down and hurled Vegeta into the sky. Vegeta went sailing up and then promptly phased behind Saki. Gokou kicked and Saki disappeared, Vegeta getting hit in the groin by Gokou's boot. Vegeta groaned and bent at the waist, gritting his teeth. Gokou stood, contrite, and he was bowled over by a blast from Saki. Vegeta leapt under the blast and flew up on the other side and fired one of his own at Saki. Saki rubbed his hands and then outstretched them, his feet digging into the ground as the blast hit him and pushed him slightly back. Finally, the struggle ended as the blast exploded. Saki ran forward to punch Vegeta but then Gokou leapt up and they both began to tear into him, beating the shit out of his already wounded form. Punching and kicking. Blocking and elbowing. Phasing and beating. Saki finally took a knee to the gut and he fell to the ground limply, all the energy in his body destroyed. He tried to lean up but found that his neck was broken. He tried to speak but his lungs couldn't get him the air he needed. His face was mangled and beaten so that it resembled a smashed hunk of meat. Vegeta landed next to him. Outstretching one arm, palm first, thumb in, he smiled. Gokou looked away as Saki managed one last scream before he was killed in a large explosion. When the dust cleared, the two warriors looked at themselves. Victorious. Vegeta's nose and eye's were bleeding. His mouth was sore and his chin was painful. Several of his ribs were cracked and his armour was burning hot. Gokou had difficulty breathing and his back was singed from Ki. His mouth bled and his stomach hurt. They had won. "The trek home was perilous." -The Crusades, historical textbook End of Part One.