Chapter7 She opened her eyes and stared at the white ceiling. She groaned when she saw her bedside clock, it said that it was 3:37 AM in bright red numbers. “Just great. I need to get some sleep before dawn!” she said into her room. She had been trying to go to sleep since 11:30 PM, without much luck. Her senses were part of the reason why she was up so late, also since her trip back to her old home, she hadn’t been able to exercise the way she needed to--in this case, she needed to get exhausted, and more specifically, she needed to blow something up and practice her father’s techniques. She groaned once more and got up. Her senses were more acute than humans, she had better night vision, hearing, sense of smell as well as many other strengths than normal humans. As she gets up to go outside, and she realizes she’s hungry, so she stops by the kitchen to get something to eat. She raids her refrigerator and gets some water to boil on the stove, she knows that she could easily make the food by her specialized way called ‘instant food’, but she wants to stretch while waiting. She does her usual forty toe-touches, and then she stretches her arms for a minute. She then sees that the water is boiling, so she puts a package of soup in the water and makes a sandwich to tide her over until the soup is done. She quickly eats her sandwich, and puts the soup packet in the water, turning the heat down from high to medium. She yawns and then says “why do I always get stuck staying up so late?” She then proceeds to stretch out her legs, and she remembers something her father told her. “Calei, it’s always important to stretch before starting something. Stretching will cause your training to increase, because you can do more actions with stretched muscles than unstretched ones.” said Ryokin. “Really?” asked Calei. “Yes, although Saiyans don’t necessarily need to stretch, but it does help you.” he said. “So before we train, I’ll teach you how to stretch properly.” “Okay” said Calei. After that conversation, Ryokin taught her how to stretch, and then they trained, and finally, they sparred before dinner. “Soup’s done” said Calei, who had stopped remembering her past training experiences due to her stove’s buzzer. She had finished her stretches and she was hungry. Her father told her that all Saiyans got hungry easily. He also told her that Saiyans ate a lot of food, because of their hyper metabolisms demanded lots of food to keep running, and if they didn’t eat a lot and often, then they’d get weak and sickly. “Well now” she said. “I wouldn’t want to get sick now...I have to finish building my old house!” She didn’t really have to worry about getting sick though, the Saiyan part of her kept her safe from most viruses, all of the ones on Earth, but probably not on every other planet. She went outside after quickly eating her soup that could have fed a family of eight, and she was ready to go. She first created targets to blast, and made them hover in the air. She took her hands put them up over her head, and made her hands do a throwing motion, like one used in volleyball, and that made all of her targets circle the Earth at a high speed. Then she put her hands at head level straight in front of her and pulled her hands apart, as if she was trying to swim. As the targets were flying in a straight line, they suddenly split, and this was when Calei had done her strange hand motions. Some of her targets were squares, some were spheres, and some were rectangles. The spheres were flying faster then the other targets, and in about 10 minutes, they were halfway around the Earth. Meanwhile, Calei was doing something called shadow sparring, which was sparring with the air, pretending that enemies were all over the place. She knew that her targets were going to be a while in their travels, so she needed to work on her speed first. She was kicking at hundreds of imaginary enemies when her sphere targets came into view. She instantly stopped shadow sparring, powered up, and made an energy ball, and she threw it at one target. It connected and blew the sphere up into smithereens. “ENERGY SPLIT HA!!” she shouted and one beam of energy split into four and connected with the rest of the targets. She was panting and she got into her ready stance, waiting for the other targets to come by. The Energy Split Attack was a new one that she made up, and she hadn’t used it before, so it took a lot of raw power out of her. “I need to get that perfected” she said to herself. She sensed her targets before she saw them. The squares came first, and she decided to get them first. “KAMEHAMEHA!!” she shouted as she used Master Roshi’s attack. The square target blew up, but she had 4 other targets to blow up. She decided to use another new attack called the Arctic Freeze, which was similar to the attack she had made on Master Roshi’s island This attack could come from the mouth or hands, and it was a bright light blue energy stream surrounded by dark blue sparks of energy if used by hands or mouth, or a steel blue fog from the mouth only. It had the same affect of liquid nitrogen if hit by the fog, which three of the squares did, and it had a stun-like effect by the energy beam. The three frozen squares crashed to the ground and shattered. The ‘stunned’ square was still hovering, but not moving. She decided to make another new attack to cancel out the Arctic Freeze, one that super heated objects. “SOLAR HEAT” she shouted and a yellow-orange stream of energy came out of her hands which was surrounded by red sparks. This attack was almost the exact opposite of the Arctic Freeze, with mist and everything. The Solar Heat attack countered the Arctic Freeze, and the mist would cause anything to melt, unless it was hit by the Arctic Freeze attack first. Then it would heat the object which was hit by the Arctic Freeze back to normal. The square continued to fly, and then she hit it with the Solar Heat again. This time, it melted. Just then, the rectangles came into view. She was getting tired by now, so she made a ball of energy ball in each hand and threw them at the rectangles. She got an idea for a new attack, and she was going to call it Energy Tracker. “ENERGY TRACKER HA!!” she shouted and there was a white ball of energy that followed the rectangle. She made two more just like it, and they followed their targets and connected to them with a cannon-like boom. She was tired by now and she wanted to go back to her room and sleep. She yawned and walked back inside her house. Before she shut her door, she looked outside and saw that the sky was already starting to get lighter. “Great, just great” she muttered, slightly annoyed at her loss of sleep. She hovered towards her room, yawning the whole way, and eyelids drooping more with each yawn. She climbed into her down feather bed, and looked at her clock briefly before drifting off to sleep. “It’s 4:49 AM, and I’m supposed to get up early to work on my old house today” she said quietly as she fell asleep.