Ball Z - Movie Summaries DBZ
Movie 8: Burn Your Spirits to the Max!! Close Battle,
Violent Battle, Super Bloody Battle
Original Release Date: March 6, 1993
Rating: 5 of 7![](../../newimagefolder/dbzmovie08.jpg)
Paragus comes to Earth seeking Vegeta. He wants
Vegeta to return with him to what Paragus claims to be
Planet New Vegeta. However, Paragus and the planet
aren't what they seem, and Paragus' son, Burori, is the
legendary Super Saiyajin, born with a power level of
10,000. Since Goku was the only person who ever made
Burori cry (which occurred when they were infants).
Burori loses control and tries to kill everyone. After
an amazing battle, everyone seems beaten, but Goku isn't
as weak as Burori thought.
Though this movie has its dull stretches - partially due
to the length - the animation is good and the music is
great. It also explains more about the Super Saiyajin
and the Saiyajin race.