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Well, it seems
you saw this part of the section and wanted to learn some Japanese,
yes? Well, I am going to try and update this as much as possible on
the most valuble Japanese you can use. Just note, this is the kind of
Japanese that you would use to impress friends or just a small hobby.
Do not use this in your work in a social group of Japanese workers.
Trust me, you will look foolish. Overview - Japanese, like what some
people may think, is not from any other kind of language or a family
language, such as Chinese or Taiwan. Although in the 3rd Century A.D.,
Japanese took some Chinese characters, however, there is no direct relationship
between the two languages. They may look like Korean, but, there is
no direct link between the two that have been discovered. Japanese is
spoken by over more than 125,000,000 citizens of Japan. Japanese is
written in a mix of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. Kanji is Chinese
characters, but, not Chinese related. It represents both the sound and
meaning of it. More than often, Kanji has more than one pronunciation
and more than one meaning. Hiragana and Katakana are different groups
of letters and words, and are mixed into 46 symbols each. Each has 46
symbols, but, 45 sounds. Hiragana and Katakana may sound exactly the
same, but, Hiragana is used to write and speak native Japanese words,
while, Katakana is used to sound and write foreign words, mostly European,
plus some onomatopoeia. Japanese can be written both horizontally and
vertically, but, if you write them vertically, you have to read them
from right to left. But, if written horizontally, you should read them
from left to right, like in English. That is basically the way Japanese
people write Japanese. Now, you can go along and start your own training
in Japanese.
Lesson 1 - The Basics
Lesson 2 - Politness
Lesson 3 - Verbs
Lesson 4 - Adverbs
Lesson 5 - Adjectives
Lesson 6 - Particles
Lesson 7 - Nouns
and Pronouns
Lesson 8 - Onomatopoeias
Lesson 9 - Interrogative
NEW - Lesson 10 - Word Order
Hiragana Chart/Katakana Chart (Pictures not shown)