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   |    /|  |\   \     | \__/ '---'      | | |)  \_/ \_|    |_____| /  /___/   |
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                              Table of Contents
          / _____________________________________________________ \
         /_|                                          |          |_\
          |  01.  Legal Disclaimer                    | [LEGAL]   |
          |  02.  Introduction                        | [INTRO]   |
          |  03.  Controls                            | [CONTR]   |
          |  04.  Items                               | [ITEMS]   |
          |  05.  Upgrades                            | [GRADE]   |
          |  06.  Walkthrough                         | [WALKT]   |
          |  07.  Enemies                             | [ENEMY]   |
          |  08.  Bosses                              | [BOSSS]   |
          |  09.  Version History                     | [VERSN]   |
          |  10.  Credits                             | [CREDS]   |

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 |     /    \     | 01. Legal Disclaimer           [LEGAL]  |     /    \     |
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Copyright (c)2005 Chris Quigley    hulkamaniac[at]gmail[dot]com

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 |  '-.      .-'  |=========================================|  '-.      .-'  |
 |     /    \     | 02. Introduction               [INTRO]  |     /    \     |
  \   /_.--._\   /===========================================\   /_.--._\   /
   `._        _.'                                             `._        _.'
      `-....-`                                                   `-....-`

Dragonball Z Sagas, which had been advertised repeatedly as "The first action
adventure DBZ game" -- even though it is not, but I'll let that slide -- has
been near the top of my wishlist, for months before it came out. Finally,
it arrived. And while it wasn't the best of games, it was a solid game, that
I could really get into, being the fanboy that I am. However, I took it a
 step further than that, and pulled what I call a "Spawn Armageddon."

You see, this game, is getting low scores: Like Spawn Armageddon. However, it
is what I see to be a solid game, and I am in the minority in liking it, also
like Spawn Armageddon. I decided to FAQ this game, again like Spawn. The one
big difference, is that I wrote the Spawn guide, eighteen FAQs ago. I'm
pretty much sure, that my writing has improved since then. Because of that,
I hope I'll be able to make a guide that helps people out this game. I mean,
there are so many bashers for this game, that _someone_ must be stuck.

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 |   ___/  \___   |                                         |   ___/  \___   |
 |  '-.      .-'  |=========================================|  '-.      .-'  |
 |     /    \     | 03. Controls                   [CONTR]  |     /    \     |
  \   /_.--._\   /===========================================\   /_.--._\   /
   `._        _.'                                             `._        _.'
      `-....-`                                                   `-....-`

            _____.--- Lock On    _____.--- (+A) Charge
           /     \              /   R \ 
          |   L   |            |_______|.--- Teleport (If Bought)
          |       |____________|    Z  | 
      ____|_______/            \_______|____
     /                             __ .-----\-------- Kick
    /                             /Y_) __    \
   /                             (_/  (_X\.---\------ KI Attack
  /     ___    Pause---.__          ___ \_)    \
  |    /   \           (__)    __  /   \ .------\---- Jump/Fly
  |   (  ---)-- Move          /B \(  A  )       |
  |    \___/                  \__/ \___/        |
  |                     __       '--------------|---- Punch
  |               _    |  |   ___               |
  |        |\   _| |_  |  |  /   \    /|        |
  |        | \ |_   _| |  | (  C  )  / |        |
  |        |  \| |_|   |  |  \___/  /  |        |
  |       /    |___|__/    \_______/    \       |
   \     /     |   |                     \     /
    \___/      |   'Toggle Map Icons      \___/
               'Toggle Display

[Y]     - Kick, and perform Kick Combos.
[X]     - KI attack. Hold to use special attacks, after you have them.
[A]     - Press once to jump, and twice to fly. Press again to land.
[B]     - Punch, and perform Punch Combos.
[L]     - Lock on to enemies.
[R]     - Block. Press it with A to charge. Also used in some melee attacks.
[Z]     - Teleport to a locked-on enemy, once you have the move.
[Analg] - Move. Hold in one direction to speed up.
[Start] - Pause the game.
[D-Pad] - Press left to see your capsules. Press down to toggle the modes of
          the dragon radar. For example, in the "Journey to Namek" mission
          one press will cause the yellow dot to point out Dragonballs. The
          other functions, the ability to point out items and enemies, can
          only be accessed once you obtain the "KI Sense" and "Lucky" upgrades.

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 |  '-.      .-'  |=========================================|  '-.      .-'  |
 |     /    \     | 04. Items                      [ITEMS]  |     /    \     |
  \   /_.--._\   /===========================================\   /_.--._\   /
   `._        _.'                                             `._        _.'
      `-....-`                                                   `-....-`

Red Capsule
Red Capsules are the health capsules of the game. You have ten slots for
them, and you're goal is to collect ten to fill those slots. Once you have
ten, you will lose all of the capsules, and you're maximum amount of health
will increase. 

Yellow Capsule
Red Capsules are the KI capsules of the game. Like the Red Capsules, You 
have ten slots for them, and you're goal is to collect ten to fill those
slots. Once you have ten, you will lose all of the capsules, and you're
maximum amount of KI will increase. 

Senzu Bean
Senzu Beans are very valuable, especially on the higher difficulties. You
can hold up to three of them. When you die, if you have a Senzu Bean on
you, your character will eat it, and their health bar will become full again,
allowing you to have a second (or even third or fourth) chance to win.

Z-Coins are currency, more-or-less. You can find them scattered about the
levels, and you can hold as many as you can find. You can use these to buy
upgrades at the Z-Stations, which you can also find among the levels. For
a complete list of upgrades to buy, look in the next section.

Story Items
Some items, such as the Dragon Balls, or the Time Machine Turbines, can not
be used directly. These items must be collected in order to finish levels,
and further advance the story, however.

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 |  '-.      .-'  |=========================================|  '-.      .-'  |
 |     /    \     | 05. Upgrades                   [GRADE]  |     /    \     |
  \   /_.--._\   /===========================================\   /_.--._\   /
   `._        _.'                                             `._        _.'
      `-....-`                                                   `-....-`

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  KI Attacks                                | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

Special Move
       Cost: 4
Requirement: None
      Usage: Hold X. Aim with Control Stick, then release.
  Available: The Arrival (Required)
Description: This power allow you to charge up and release larger,
             more powerful KI blasts.

Quick Recovery
       Cost: 6
Requirement: None
      Usage: Press A after you have been successfully attacked.
  Available: The Arrival
Description: Decreases your reaction time and lets you get back 
             into the fight swiftly.

       Cost: 10
Requirement: None
      Usage: When locked on to an enemy, press Z.
  Available: The Arrival
Description: Use super speed to close with enemies almost

Flight Speed
       Cost: 3
Requirement: None
      Usage: This ability will function automatically.
  Available: Mighty Nappa
Description: This power will increase your rate of speed
             in the air.

Turbo KI Charge
       Cost: 8
Requirement: None
      Usage: Press R and A together.
  Available: Mighty Nappa
Description: This power will let you refill your KI
             meter rapidly.

KI Sense
       Cost: 5
Requirement: None
      Usage: This ability will function automatically.
  Available: Mighty Nappa
Description: This upgrade permits you to see enemies on
             the dragon radar.

       Cost: 10
Requirement: None
      Usage: This ability will function automatically.
  Available: Mighty Nappa
Description: When you become Lucky you can see capsules
             and Z-Coins on the Dragon Radar.

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Melee Attacks                             | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

       Cost: 6
Requirement: None
      Usage: Press R and B.
  Available: The Arrival
Description: Launch your opponent into the air with this
             powerful punch.

       Cost: 6
Requirement: None
      Usage: Press R and Y.
  Available: The Arrival
Description: Clear enemies away from you with this spinning kick.

       Cost: 8
Requirement: Uppercut
      Usage: Press and hold B.
  Available: The Arrival
Description: Finish off your uppercut by smashing your enemies
             into the ground with this mighty piledriver.

Unblockable Finishers
       Cost: 8
Requirement: None
      Usage: Press X instead of the last button of any combo sequence.
  Available: The Arrival
Description: This finishing move smashes through enemy defenses.

Combo Breaker
       Cost: 6
Requirement: None
      Usage: Press X when reacting to a combo.
  Available: The Arrival
Description: Break out of any enemy combo attack.

       Cost: 6
Requirement: None
      Usage: Press R and X when close to an enemy.
  Available: The Arrival
Description: Grab an opponent, swing him in a clearing
             arc, and throw him down.

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Combo Attacks                             | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

       Cost: 5
Requirement: None
      Usage: BBYYYY or YYBBBB
  Available: The Arrival
Description: Power strike Combination: This 6 strike
             combination will stun lesser enemies.

       Cost: 6
Requirement: Chikara-Dageki
      Usage: YYBBYYY or BBYYBBB
  Available: The Arrival
Description: Middle Strike Combination: This 7 strike
             combination will stun average enemies.

       Cost: 7
Requirement: Chudan-Dageki
  Available: The Arrival
Description: Power Fist Combination: This 8 strike combination
             will bring down more difficult enemies.

       Cost: 8
Requirement: Chikara-Kabushi
  Available: The Arrival
Description: Tornado Combination: This 9 strike rain of
             heavy blows will stun the most difficult of enemies.

       Cost: 9
Requirement: Taisumaki
  Available: The Arrival
Description: Henchman Destroyer: This 10 strike 
             combination will eliminate any henchman.

       Cost: 10
Requirement: Kiai-Dageki
      Usage: BBB then hold Y or YYYY then hold B.
  Available: The Arrival
Description: Quick Destruction: This will unleash a 
             devestating chain of huper quick blows.

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 |   ___/  \___   |                                         |   ___/  \___   |
 |  '-.      .-'  |=========================================|  '-.      .-'  |
 |     /    \     | 06. Walkthrough                 [WALKT] |     /    \     |
  \   /_.--._\   /===========================================\   /_.--._\   /
   `._        _.'                                             `._        _.'
      `-....-`                                                   `-....-`

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Saiyan Saga - The Arrival                 | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Goku        Z-Coins: 4    Red Capsules: 10   Yellow Capsules: 0
Mission Summary:       - Clear the path to Raditz
                       - Collect 4 Z-Coins
                       - Purchase the Special Move upgrade
                       - Defeat Raditz and rescue Gohan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Start by jumping on the ledge in front of you, and picking up the first of
the four Z-Coins you need. Then, blow up the rock on your left, to reveal the
first Red Capsule of the game. Around this time, a few Saibamen will attack
you. They're nothing to worry about though; You can take them out with a
Punch or Kick combo (BBBBB, or YYYYY). Several more will attack from ahead
soon atfer, but just wait for them to come to you, and beat them down. And
remember to make use of the block button! When they're gone, walk forward a
bit, and blow up the set of boulders on the right, where you'll find a second
red capsule.

Walk down the dirt road ahead, and pick up the red capsule you find on it.
Then, head off the path to the left, to find another of them. There, once 
again, Saibamen will begin sprouting. There will even be a red one on top of
the nearby ledge. He'll be tossing enery balls at you, so worry about him
first; Fly into the air, and hit him with a few KI blasts of your own, to
finish him off, then land again, and combo the remaining ones to death. Just
ahead, is a bump on the ground, holding a Red capsule, a Z-Coin, and a Senzu
Bean. Pick up all of them.

Once again, begin following the path, and follow it to the next corner.
There, some Saibamen will sprout agian. Before you take them out, however,
toss an energy blast at the rock on the right side of the road, to reveal
the third Z-Coin. Then, take to the air again, and blast down the two Red
Saiabamen from the cliff ahead. And remember, if you are running out of 
energy, you can power up by pressing A+R. Just remember that it loads slowly
until you have an upgrade that increases the speed. For now though, you don't.
Despite that, take out the Red Saibamen, then the yellow ones on the ground,
and continue ahead.

On the left side of the road, around the turn, is another rock. Destroy it
for a red capsule, and continue once more. From there, you'll be able to see
another raised part of the ground. Run up to it, and grab another red capsule
off of it, then from there, fly over to the right. With the added height of
the platform, you'll be able to reach the Z-Coin and another red capsule,
that are in the air. That coin brings your total up to four, which is enough
to buy the special move upgrade! So land on the ground, and walk into that
vortex-looking symbol -- That's where you're upgrades are bought. Choose to
buy the special move upgrade, and you're all set.

Walk forward, to the two huge boulders, and use your newly acquired Kamehameha
attack (hold X) to blow them to the ground. After that, walk down the path
a bit further, to reach a few more boulders. Here, some more Saibamen will 
emerge. This is a great chance to test out your Kamehameha some more, if you'd
like. After you've wiped out the Saibamen grab the last two red capsules from
in front of the boulders -- increasing your life meter! -- and blast down the
rocks, of which there are a few layers. After that, power up completely, and
head forward. You're about to enter a fight with Raditz.

| Raditz                     Power Level: 1,200                            |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Punches and Kicks, up to six hits.            |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + KI Blast      - He fires a red energy ball, straight ahead at |
|                            a very high speed.                            |
|          + Energy Kick   - He can kick you up into the air and combo you.|
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + Teleport      - He can teleport directly behind you. He'll    |
|                            combine this with quick melee attacks.        |
| Strategy: Raditz is actually very simple to beat, if you know what you   |
| are doing, but the thing is, he's the first boss, and you are probably   |
| still getting used to the controls. And the fact that the only upgrade   |
| you have is the kamehameha, doesn't help. Still, the pattern is easy.    |
| Just wait, and hold block, until he does a combo on you -- Don't worry,  |
| you can block his KI attack too -- then give him a punch or kick combo   |
| of your own (BBBBB, or YYYYY)! That will send him to the ground. Before  |
| he gets up, lock on to him with L, and give him a kamehameha, then rinse |
| and repeat. Be aware though, that the Kamehameha takes a fairly big      |
| portion of your current KI bar. So, every time you hit him with one, try |
| to power up a little before he gets up, so that you don't run out of KI. |
|                                                                          |
| Also, you may note, that you do lose a tiny bit of health, when you block|
| stronger attacks -- like Raditz's KI attack. This won't add up at all, if|
| you aren't taking any real damage elsewhere. However, if you'd prefer to |
| be on the safe side, you can hit Raditz with a KI attack of your own,    |
| just before he fires his, to stop him, and deliver some damage.          |

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Saiyan Saga - The Mighty Nappa            | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Gohan       Z-Coins: 16   Red Capsules: 5    Yellow Capsules: 10
Mission Summary:       - Find 7 Dragon Balls to wish Goku back to life
                       - Clear the area of Saibamen
                       - Battle Nappa
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At the start, instead of immediately heading forward, turn around, and head
back, and to the right. Over there, near some rocks and bushes, you'll find
a red and a yellow capsule; Pick up both of them, then head back to where
you originally were. From there, head forward, and grab the Z-Coin, as a
group of Saibamen appear. This group, is green, which means they are a bit
stronger then the yellow ones. However, they still aren't anything to
worry about. Do be careful though, as they can shoot KI blasts. They will
also block many of your melee attacks. So, what you should do, is make use
of your KI blasts, and your Masenko special attack; If you use these attacks
while flying, that's even better since, it's harder for them to hit you.

When the Saibamen are wiped out, jump up to the small cliff on the right
side of the path, where you'll find a Senzu Bean. From there, jump to the
ledge next to that, where there's a yellow capsule. Take that as well, and
then jump to the ledge above. Blow apart some rocks that are there, and
you'll reveal the one-star Dragon Ball, and a Z-Coin. Grab both, then jump
back down to the ground, and head forward. After a few seconds of running,
some bulked-up Saibamen will appear. These guys are much stronger than 
regular Saibamen; the shockwaves they send out from the ground whenever
they punch, should give you a hint of that. They can also send out KI blasts.
Just keep sending Masenkos at them, until they die, and make sure to block
the KI blasts, and jump over their shockwaves.

When the Saibamen have been killed, you'll want to scout the area for some
more items. Check by the rocks to the right of where they were, to find a
red capsule. On the platform to the left of where they were, is the seven-
star Dragon Ball, and two Z-Coins. Before you head on though, you'll need to
do some backtracking, to get the rest of the items. Blast the set of rocks
south of where the Saibmen were, to reveal a yellow capsule and another 
Z-Coin. Then, head to the wall on the left, to find the three-star Dragon 
Ball in the bushes. There will still be three coins in the air at this point,
but they are too high for you to get right now; You'll come back for them,
soon enough. So, head onward, past where the Saibamen were.

Just past where they were, there are two yellow capsules in plain sight,
so make sure to grab both. A few more Saibamen will form at that point, so
give them a few Masenkos. After they're dead, a purple one will appear. Now
_those_ guys are a problem. They are able to call forth more Saibamen, at
any point -- And this one will do so as soon as he is formed. So, take him
out as quickly as possible, then go after the siblings he called for. When
they are all gone, make sure you pick up the Z-Coin resting on the ground.
From there, jump onto the ledge on the right, to find the two-star Dragon
Ball. Jump up and fly from the ledge, to the right, to reach a Z-Coin in 
the air. And finally, before you continue, blast the rock on the right, near
the water, to find a red capsule. 

Walk forward a bit more, until you reach a raised ledge on the left side of
the area. Jump up, and fly onto it, and you'll find the four-star Dragon
Ball. From there, jump up into the air, and begin flying. First, pick up the
coin in the air, that's just nearby, then fly all the way back to the area
you came from, with the first three Z-Coins in the air, and grab it, picking
up the rest along the way -- You should have a total of fourteen, before you
have found them all.  After you've got them, fly back to where the four-star
ball was, and land on the plartform to the right of it. The five-star Dragon
Ball is sitting there. Pick it up, and drop to the ground, where there is a 
yellow capsule. Afterwards, blast apart the boulders ahead, with a Masenko.

Walk past where the boulders were, and pick up thered capsule that's on the
ground. Then, walk forward and blast apart another boulder, to reveal a
yellow capsule. Around that time, two more bulky Saibamen will arrive for
a fight, this time with two smaller green Saibamen as well. Bring enough KI
for all of them -- focusing on the swifter, green Saibamen first. A second
group of Saibamen will arrive after them, this one carrying a Purple 
Saibamen. Go for the purple one first, and when they're all gone, the fight
will be over. You'll then be left with a few items to pick up. First off,
grab the Dragon Ball, which is sitting in the middle of the area. Then, head
to the north-east corner, to find the final red capsule. Next, head to the
north-wesr corner, to find the final yellow capsule, next to a Z-Station.

This is a great chance to upgrade, since at this moment, you should have
exactly 15 Z-Coins. You _really_ should invest in Teleport. Turbo KI Charge
is also good, but I usually wait a bit longer to get it. Both of them are
extremely valuable in later battles, but I believe Teleport is a bit more so.
Flight Speed is also convenient to have, and it only costs 3 Z-Coins, so you
can get it now if you want. After you've purchased what you want, head
forward, and blast down the next two big boulders. Jump onto the ledge behind
them, and pick up the Senzu Bean, and the 16th Z-Coin (You could even head 
back to the Z-Station with it, if that's necessary). Then head forward, into
the fight with Nappa.

| Nappa                      Power Level: 4,000                            |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to five hits .            |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + KI Blast      - He fires the same, average, KI blast as you.  |
|          + Lightning Ball- He also has a larger ball of lightning-like   |
|                            energy, that shocks you, and stuns you.       |
|          + Saibamen      - Nappa can plant some seeds, causing several   |
|                            Saibamen to attack you.                       |
| Strategy: Hopefully, you have the Teleport attack, as it will make this  |
| whole battle easier. To start, you can do the same thing you did with    |
| Raditz; Block his combos, and then give him a combo of your own. However,|
| now that you (hopefully) have a Teleport attack, you can take the offense|
| as well as the defense. Whenever you see him readying an energy blast    |
| with one hand, Teleport behind him. He isn't as quick with his reflexes  |
| when he's doing that, so you can either combo him, or give him a quick   |
| Masenko. That's the single best opening you can get with Nappa, and if   |
| you keep exploiting that weakness, you'll easily take the lead in the    |
| fight. The only thing you have to watch out for, is the Saibamen he can  |
| summon for back-up. They are just your ordinary Saibamen, but they can   |
| be a nuissance if you are trying to focus on Nappa. So, when you see     |
| them, imediately take to flight, and give them each a Masenko; Or if they|
| are yellow, you can simply give them a punch or kick combo. After a      |
| little while like this, Nappa should go down.                            |
|                                                                          |
| If you don't have Teleport, things will be a bit harder for you, but     |
| still manageable. You can continue going the route of blocking the KI    |
| attacks, when he fires them, and comboing when he gets a chance. And if  |
| you didn't use your Z-Coins on Teleport, you must have used it on        |
| something else that you can use; For example, a longer Combo, or the     |
| Turbo KI Charge ability.                                                 |

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Saiyan Saga - Saiyan's Duel               | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Goku        Z-Coins: 5   Red Capsules: 5    Yellow Capsules: 0
Mission Summary:       - Battle Vegeta
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

First of all, this stage is made up of only a battle with Vegeta. However,
you'll notice that there are still Z-Coins and red capsules listed for you
to get. The reason for this is simple; The capsules are strewn about the
arena, and the Z-Coins will be revealed, as the rocks are smashed during 
the fight. Pick them up when you can, but make sure your main focus is on
taking Vegeta down.

| Vegeta                     Power Level: 18,000                           |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to five hits.             |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + KI Blast      - He fires the same, average, KI blast as you.  |
|          + Gallick Gun   - He fires a blast forward, that's similair in  |
|                            style to your Kamehameha and Masenko.         |
|          + KI Explosions - He releases energy, that keeps exploding      |
|                            repeatedly wherever Goku is standing.         |
|          + Teleport      - He can teleport directly behind you. He mainly|
|                            uses this to evade, but he can attack after.  |
| Strategy: Now Vegeta, is completely different from Nappa and Raditz, and |
| if you face him with the same mind set, you'll probably lose. The main   |
| difference, is that he is alot more powerful, and he simply doesn't      |
| utilize combos; Energy attacks are his thing. His favorite seems to be   |
| creating an explosion, that will follow you around for quite a bit. You  |
| can escape it, if you fly with the Flight Speed Upgrade, but you won't   |
| have time to ready that, in most cases. However, since he sends out such |
| a cleare signal of when he's going to do it -- He puts his hands in the  |
| air and covers himself with red energy, it's easy to prepare for. There  |
| are two options you have to do that: If you have Teleport, you can       |
| quickly hit him with it. If not, you can just block, and wait for it to  |
| end. The other attack you have to watch out for, is his Gallick Gun.     |
| You will be able to see him getting ready to launch an energy blast, when|
| he is about to do it. When you see that, either Teleport to him and      |
| attack, or toss a basic KI attack at him; Both will stop his attack, but |
| the first obviously does more damage. On the off chance that he does do  |
| a combo, you'll want to combo back, but don't make that the back bone of |
| your strategy. Just be patient, and wait for your chances to attack; Get |
| him whenever he loads an energy attack, or powers up, and if possible,   |
| teleport to him whenever he tries to run from you backwards -- It's easy |
| to take him by surprise then. When his life bar nears empty, Goku will   |
| use a Spirit Bomb to finish the fight off, automatically.                |

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Ginyu Saga - Journey to Namek             | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Vegeta      Z-Coins: 16  Red Capsules: 10   Yellow Capsules: 10
Mission Summary:       - Find 7 Namekian Dragon Balls
                       - Find Dende
                       - Defeat Recoome
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Start out, by walking forward and picking up the first Z-Coin you see. At
that time, so Henchmen will appear to attack you. Now, if you ask me, these
guys are even easier than Saibamen -- Since you don't have to worry about
them exploding or anything like that. So, either make them eat Gallick Gun,
or combo them, to get rid of them. When they're gone, smash the pile of 
rocks near the wall, to find the one-star Dragon Ball. You will then see a
yellow capsule and a Z-Coin in the air; By now, you know enough to come 
back for them later, when you reach a raised ground. So, continue forward.

Just a bit further ahead, you'll see a red capsule on the ground; Pick it
up, and if you have gotten all previous ones, your health will increase!
Once again, however, you will be attacked by Henchmen. One of them will try
to be sneaky though, by appearing on the nearby wall. So take him out first
by flying, and using a KI blast or two. Then take out the ones on the ground.
From there, head forward a little more, to a fork in the path. As soon as 
you reach it, a red Henchman will land and call for back up. He's stronger
than your average Henchman, so go for the weaker ones first. After they're
dead, pick up a red capsule that's in the fork in the road, then walk down
past where the red henchman was. Blow apart the rocks there, to reveal the
two-star Dragon Ball.

Next, head back to the fork in the road, and take the second path. There's
a Z-Coin for you to grab in the middle of the road, and a yelllow capsule
over on the left. Pick up both, and follow the road a bit more. You'll soon
come across another Z-Coin, and a red capsule. Follow it just a little bit
more after that, to reach the three-star Dragon Ball, and a Senzu Bean.
By the time you reach those, however, more enemies will be appearing; Two
on the ground, and two on ledges on the nearby buildings. Take to the air,
and blast the ones on the buildings with KI blasts first, then take out the
ones on the ground. When they're all dead head forward, and blow apart the
Namekian house on the ground, with two Gallick Guns, and you'll see the
seven-star Dragon Ball and a Z-Coin behind it.

Head past where the house was, and you'll see a large boulder. Level it
with a Gallick Gun, and continue onward, to another Namekian house. Grab
the Z-Coin from next to it, blow it apart to find a red capsule, then head
past it, to a small platform holding the four-star Dragon Ball. Just past
that, is a small collection of rocks, which are hiding a red capsule, and
to the left of that, in the middle of the road, is a yellow capsule. You
still aren't done here yet, though! Walk up the path, and you'll find a
Z-Coin in the middle of the path. However, at that time you'll also be 
attacked by Henchmen again. You know how to handle them though.

After the enemies are disposed of, head up the rocky stairs to the ledge 
above, picking up the red capsule and the Z-Coin on top of them. At the top,
head to the right, to find another Z-Coin and red capsule, as well as the
six-star Dragon Ball. Then, head to the left side of the stairs, where there
is a Z-Station. Don't bother with it yet though, you'll be back here in a
minute with more Z-Coins anyway. Head past it, to find Dende, then blast the
rocks near him to find the last Dragon Ball, the five-star. Although, before
you head forward, you should pick up the coins you missed. Jump up from that
ledge and begin flying.

Pick up the two Z-Coins and the yellow capsule from right near the platform.
Then, fly back towards those two buildingsyou saw earlier, to find another
two Z-Coins and a yellow capsule in the air. Continue backtracking, until
ypu reach the fork in the road. Take the path that leads to where you found
a Dragon Ball, to find another Z-Coin and yellow capsule, then take the
path towards the start of the level. There, you'll find another Z-Coin and
yellow capsule in the air. You'll find another Z-Coin along the way, near
the ledge that had a Henchman on it earlier. With them, you can head back to
the Z-Station. And between now and you're previous visits, you should
definitely have the Teleport, and Turbo KI Charge upgrades. Flight Speed is
also useful. That will still leave you with a bit of Z-Coins though. You 
should invest in Uppercut, and Smash. They are used together, and will allow
you to make great combos, in boss battles. 

Once again, jmup and fly off of the platform, but head towards the left,
this time. There's another yellow capsule in the air for you over there.
Grab it, and then drop to the ground. Blat the rocks near the wall, to find
a red capsule; Head to the right side of the path, near the water, for a
second red capsule. Head forward to enter the battle with Nappa; The last
three yellow capsules, will be strewn about the battlefield in this fight.

| Recoome                    Power Level: 40,000                           |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to nine hits.             |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + KI Blasts     - He sends out a barrage of KI Blasts; There    |
|                            are about thirty in total.                    |
|          + Shockwave     - He jumps onto the ground, and sending out a   |
|                            wave of energy in all directions.             |
| Strategy: Recoome may be strong, but his reflexes are quite bad; And if  |
| you could defeat Vegeta, you'll have no problem with this guy. To start  |
| out, he has several different ways to go about fighting. Sometimes, he'll|
| just straight out dash you, in an attempt to hit you with some melee     |
| attacks. When you see this happen, teleport to him. He usually doesn't   |
| have time to get away from you, so you can freely punch or kick combo    |
| him. Another skill of his, is to simply jump up and do shockwaves; He may|
| do this three or more times in a row. This is even simpler to counter.   |
| when you see him jumping, stand back. Just wait it out. The last thing   |
| he'll do, is send out a barrage of KI blasts. The thing is, he isn't     |
| swift like Vegeta. He's swift enough so that you don't run towards him   |
| when he's doing it, but he's slow enough, so that you can avoid the      |
| entire blast, y running in a large circle around the arena. If you get   |
| caught though, be warned, you'll be stuck in the combo until he's done.  |
|                                                                          |
| Just get him whenever you see an opening. And remember, due to his slow  |
| speed, Recoome has alot of openings; Lock on to him whenever you see him |
| standing still, or powering up. Teleport to him, and hold block, just in |
| case he tries to hit you. Aftwerwards, land an uppercut and a smash on to|
| him, and Gallick Gun him when he's on the ground. This is a great way to |
| give him fast and easy damage.                                           |

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Ginyu Saga - Captain Ginyu                | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Goku        Z-Coins: 16  Red Capsules: 5    Yellow Capsules: 5
Mission Summary:       - Defeat the Ginyu Force
                       - Battle Burter and Jeice
                       - Battle Captain Ginyu
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

| Burter and Jeice           Power Level: 95,000                           |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Jeice(Active) can perform up to a 7-hit combo.|
|                            Burter(Active) can do up to a 10-hit combo.   |
|          + Knockback     - Both fighters if active, can finish off a     |
|                            combo with an attack that knocks you back.    |
|          + Uppercut      - Burter(Active) can uppercut you to the air.   |
|          + Roundhouse    - Burter(Active) can knock you back with a      |
|                            spinning kick.                                |
|          + KI Blasts     - Burter(Active) fires one KI blast at you.     |
|                            Jeice(Resting) can also fire a KI blast.      |
|          + KI Blasts     - Jeice(Active) circles you firing 3 shots.     |
|          + Tackle        - Jeice(Active) can tackle you.                 |
|                            Burter(Resting) can Tackle you.               |
|          + Teleport      - The resting fighter will teleport away if you |
|                            approach them; You can't touch them.          |
|          + Vortex Attack - Jeice and Burter combine, to form a vortex in |
|                            the air. Energy blasts are fired at you.      |
|          + Switch        - When you deliver enough damage to one fighter,|
|                            they will switch off.                         |
| Strategy: First of all, you can be thankful that both of these guys don't|
| just charge you at the same time. They switch off whenever you do enough |
| damage to one of them. That being said, Jeice starts the fight off. He   |
| focuses on speed, and quick attacks; He'll use his Tackle on you a whole |
| lot. When you see that, Teleport behind him, and uppercut him into the   |
| air, and use Smash if you have it; And make sure to get in a kamehameha  |
| when he's on the ground, for added damage! If he circles you, in a slide |
| motion, just get up your guard; It's only three KI blasts. Don't let your|
| mind wander though, because Burter is a threat here too. He'll tackle you|
| every so often, just to make the fight more difficult for you. A simple  |
| block can block it though, so just use that if you see him coming. His   |
| other attack, is a bit more tricky.  He and Jeice both jump into the air |
| and form a vortex, that shoots a barrage of KI blasts at you. When you   |
| see this, jump into the air, and fly in a large circle, to avoid all the |
| blasts. If you don't have time, you can block it, but it's such a large  |
| amount of blasts, that you will take some damage. Whenever you see Jeice |
| standing still, Teleport to him and give him a punch combo. Soon, he will|
| switch off with Burter.                                                  |
|                                                                          |
| Burter is more focused on strength then speed. And as with most fighters,|
| that means he's a bit more open to be attacked. Whenever he gets near you|
| you can block his combos and then give him one of your own. And due to   |
| his slow reaction time, some times you can even hit him with a Kamehameha|
| afterwards. Whenever he goes for a KI attack, you have an even better    |
| chance o hurt him; Pull the Teleport,Uppercut,Smash,Kamehameha trick on  |
| him. The only real thing you have to wrry about, besides the Vortex      |
| attack, is Jeice's KI blasts. Still though, similair to Burter's tackles |
| they can be blocked with a simple guard. Beat them both up a bit, and    |
| allow them to switch a few times, and you'll finally finish Burter off;  |
| as Jeice simply can't be finished off in this fight. When that happens,  |
| Jeice will flee from the battlefield.                                    |

After the battle is over, don't just rush after Jeice. First, blow up any of
the remaining rocks around the arena, and pick up all the items you find
there: There will be two Z-Coins, two red capsules, and three yellow capsules
and a Senzu Bean. You still aren't ready to follow Jeice though. Rather than
take the path he took, take the other path that's open, and follow it until
you reach a rock; Smash it to find a third Z-Coin. After you have that, you
can make your way back to the arena, and follow the path that Jeice took,
grabbing the red capsule that is on it.

Once you reach the bottom of the path, a few Henchmen will attack. Take them
out, and a second group, being led by a larger green one, will attack. Lock
onto the green one first and finish him off the easy way: Uppercut him into
the air, and hit him with a kamehameha before he lands. After that, just 
clean the floor with the rest of them. And with that, you'll be left to do
a bit more item scouting. First, grab the Z-Coin from the right of the
path you took to get here. Then, blast down to two Namekian houses, to find
two Z-Coins, a red capsule, and another Senzu Bean. Walk past them, and
blow up the first rocks you see, to reveal another Z-Coin.

Then, turn around, and make your way all the way back to the arena where you
faught Burter and Jeice. There, jump into the air, and fly back down to the
lake. Fly across it, picking up the five Z-Coins in the air, and the yellow
capsule floating above the water. Near where those five Z-Coins are, you
can see a large rock on the left side of the lake; Blow it apart to reveal
another Z-Coin. Follow the left side of the lake downward, to reach another
boulder holding a Z-Coin. Continue further, for a third rock, which holds
yet another Z-Coin. After it's gone, blow up the Namekian house next to it,
for a red capsule. And finally, blow up the house in the south-west corner 
of the map for one final Z-Coin, totaling 16 for this level.

Continue to the next area at the north-side of the lake, to enter battle 
with Captain Ginyu. The final yellow capsule is sitting in the arena. 
Before you go, however, you may want to land on the island in the middle of
the lake, as there's a Z-Station there. Now would be a great time to pick
up Quick Recovery and Combo Breaker, which both only costs six coins. You
may also want to choose your first combo upgrade, Chikara-Dageki.

| Captain Ginyu              Power Level: 120,000                          |
| Attacks: + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + KI Blasts     - He will fire about 15 KI blasts at you.       |
|          + Underground   - He will constantly go underground, move around|
|                            and come back up. He combines this with Smash |
|                            and Uppercut.                                 |
| Strategy: Now Captain Ginyu, is a unique enemy. He will dig under the    |
| ground, and move around quickly. He tries to come right up from under    |
| you, and hit you with either an Uppercut, or a Smash; An uppercut where  |
| he knocks you down to the ground afterward. You can't block his Smash    |
| attack, so it's best not to be near him when he comes up. So, as soon as |
| he goes underground, begin flying away. He'll chase you, but he's not    |
| fast enough to catch up, if you stay moving. As soon as he comes up, and |
| misses his attack, he is extremely vulnerable for a few seconds. So,     |
| take that time to teleport behind him, uppercut him, smash him, and then |
| delivery a fully loaded Kamehameha. He will almost always keep up with   |
| that simple pattern, although if you get in his face, expect him to try  |
| a Roundhouse or a Throw. Besides that, the only other thing he does, is  |
| try an energy barrage. He does that rarely, but he does do it. If he goes|
| for it, just block, and wait it out. He'll get back onto his pattern soon|
| enough, and you can continue going for your clean and easy victory.      |

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Ginyu Saga - Goku isn't Goku?             | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Vegeta      Z-Coins: 5   Red Capsules: 0    Yellow Capsules: 5
Mission Summary:       - Defeat Captain Ginyu
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This level, much like "Saiyan's Duel" consists of only a battle, yet still
has Z-Coins and Capsules in it. You know the drill for that: The capsules
and Z-Coins are all either lying around the arena, or are inside the rocks.
That doesn't differ for this battle.

| Ginyu as Goku              Power Level: 23,000                           |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to six hits.              |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Kamehameha    - He fires the same Kamehameha as Goku does.    |
|          + Teleport      - He will basically evade with Teleports.       |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes he will  |
|                            recover quickly using his energy.             |
| Strategy: Now this is a rather simple fight. He will switch between the  |
| two strategies he uses randomly. The first, is to simply keep firing his |
| Kamehameha. It does take him several secodns to do this though, and the  |
| screen goes black, so it's easy to predict. Whenever you see him going   |
| for it, just keep moving in one direction to avoid it. His other strategy|
| is to just go for melee attacks. He'll try to string together combos, and|
| especially try to utilize his Uppercut. You should know how to counter   |
| just block, and do a combo of your own -- Perhaps with the Chikara-Dageki|
| (BBYYYY, or YYBBBB)? Combine that, with teleporting and attack him after |
| he does a Kamehameha, and you have the fight won. Just be careful, as    |
| Jeice will toss a KI blast of his own at you once in a while, and you    |
| can't touch Jeice: He'll teleport away if you approach him.              |

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Frieza Saga - Tyranny of Frieza           | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Vegeta      Z-Coins: 15   Red Capsules: 10   Yellow Capsules: 10
Mission Summary:       - Escort Dende safely to Frieza's ship
                       - Protect Dende as he moves the Dragon Balls to safety 
                       - Hold off Frieza until Piccolo arrives
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At the start, immediately grab the first Z-Coin from behind you. Then, walk
forward a bit. A group of three Henchmen will attack you. Take them out, 
and another wave will come. When they're defeated, walk forward, along the
edge of the water to find the next yellow capsule. At that time, a few
more Henchmen will attack. Defeat them, and then jump onto the ledge on the
north part of the screen. Blow apart the rock on top of it, to find a red
capsule, then jump up and fly. Grab the Z-Coin from the air, a little to
the south, then land on the rock to the north of the cliff, where there's
another Z-Coin. From there, jump back down to the ground. Make sure to 
pick up the yellow coin, near the water to south, too, before leaving.

Continue walking forward, until another battle starts. After wiping out
those Henchmen, grab a yellow capsule from a ledge near the wall on your
left. Then, head over to get the red capsule from the right. Blow up the
rock in front of that for a Z-Coin, and the boulder after that for another
Z-Coin -- Destroy the other boulder, on the left side, for a third Z-Coin.
Walk forward and defeat another two groups of Henchmen after that. Next, 
you should be able to pick up a red capsule and a Z-Coin on the right side
of the area, and a yellow capsule on the left. Before continuing however,
backtrack to that cliff you flew from earlier. Once again, fly off of it,
and this time, return to where you just got the items. Fly to the center 
of the area, and pick up a Z-Coin from the air.

Land, and continue forward. Destroy the next boulder you see on your left,
to reveal a Z-Coin. Then, head down to the water again, and follow it until
you reach a yellow capsule. Some Henchmen will attack at this time, so
once again, you'll be doing some fighting. Once they have been defeated,
walk up to the cliffside again, and follow along it, to find a red capsule.
Blow up the boulder to the right of it, for a Z-Coin, and the boulder up
against the wall, just after that, for another. Follow the wall, around 
the next corner after that, and you'll reach some stairs. Walk up the 
stairs, and pick up the two red capsules. Be quick though; By the time you
reach the second capsule, some Henchmen will have attacked again.

So, fly off of the cliff, grabbing the Z-Coin from the air, and the Z-Coin
on the ledge on the right side of the area, then land, and destroy the
Henchmen. After they're gone, head back to the cliff, and take flight
again. This time, backtrack to the area before the stairs, and grab a 
Z-Coin out of the air. And make sure to pick up the yellow capsule to the
fat right of the stairs, on the ground, as well. Then, go back and walk
forward, along the path, to find a Senzu Bean, and a yellow capsule, as
well as a Z-Station. By now, you should definitely have the following 
skills: Uppercut, Smash, Teleport, Turbo KI Charge, Quick Recovery, and
Combo Breaker; As well as anything else, that you like. For example, I 
wouldn't think of overlooking Flight Speed. If you have all of those, you
can either look into Roundhouse, or other Combos. Throw and KI Sense are
mostly waists of Z-Coins though. When you're ready, continue forward;
You'll be able to find the rest of the Z-Coins and capsules there.

Now, as for what you're main focus is, there: Dende will be in the middle
of the area, moving the Dragon Balls to safety. However, there are lots of
Henchmen attacking, and you'll have to take them out. You'll also need to
be careful of Frieza's ship; It floats around above, and shoots a laser
down at you, every once in a while. You can't harm it either, so it's best
to just stay moving, and only focus on taking out the Henchmen. After
Dende finishes moving the Dragon Balls, your main goal will have been
finished. However, Frieza will arrive, and makre your next goal obvious.

| Frieza (Form 1 and 2)      Power Level: -----                            |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to nine hits.             |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Unblockable   - A combo finisher, that you can't block.       |
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + KI Blast      - He fires a relatively large blast at you.     |
|                            It can curve to hit you. (1st Form)           |
|          + Death Ball    - He creates a huge orange blast, and fires it. |
|                            It can curve to hit you. (2nd Form.)          |
|          + Tackle        - He can tackle into you quickly. (2nd Form)    |
|          + Teleport      - He can teleport directly behind you. He'll    |
|                            combine this with quick melee attacks.        |
| Strategy: This is not a real fight, as you simply can not beat Frieza.   |
| You should be hinted at that, by the fact that his life bar has changed  |
| in appearence; It now shows King Kai's planet, and Frieza's face, with   |
| something slowly moving from the planet, to Frieza -- That of course, is |
| Piccolo. You only need to stay alive long enough for him to reach Frieza.|
| Due to the fact that you can't win, there's no reason to try too hard to |
| beat him. You can either fly around the arena, or hold the block button. |
| However, the battle is somewhat long, so its probably best to nail him   |
| with a few combos, here and there, so that the block isn't always a drain|
| on your KI and health; And besides, he has the ability to break your     |
| guard, and he will use it once in a while, so don't test it. When Piccolo|
| is halfway there, Frieza will transform. This fight is still almost the  |
| same, except he is stronger and faster now; His KI blast is replaced     |
| with the larger Death Ball now as well, and he has the ability to dash.  |
| You can still get away with blocking, and comboing when you get the      |
| chance, but don't even try to keep flying; His Death Ball is too fast,   |
| and it's ability to curve is too good. Hang in there until Piccolo       |
| arrives, and the fight will end.                                         |

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Frieza Saga - Super Saiyan Goku           | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Goku        Z-Coins: 0    Red Capsules: 0    Yellow Capsules: 0 
Mission Summary:       - Attain Super Saiyan Mode and defeat Frieza
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is another boss battle stage, however this one does not contain any
Z-Coins or capsules. That means, you can immediately go after Frieza, 
without worrying about gnabbing any items. That should make things much
easier for you.

| Frieza (Form 4)            Power Level: 12,000,000                       |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to nine hits.             |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Unblockable   - A combo finisher, that you can't block.       |
|          + Death Ball    - He creates a huge orange blast, and fires it. |
|                            It can curve to hit you.                      |
|          + Tackle        - He can tackle into you quickly. (2nd Form)    |
|          + Teleport      - He can teleport directly behind you. He'll    |
|                            combine this with quick melee attacks.        |
| Strategy: This fight is simple, as you actually start out as a Super     |
| Saiyan! While like that, you severely outpower Frieza. All you'll have   |
| to do, is Teleport behind Frieza, Uppercut him, and Kamehameha him. You  |
| are so much stronger and faster than him, that even though he may dodge  |
| some times, and hit you a few times, you don't have to worry for the most|
| part. However, should you run out of Super Saiyan, before he's defeated, |
| you'll be in a bit of trouble -- As when you are not Super Saiyan, it is |
| he who outmatches you, and you won't be able to deal damage to him! So,  |
| if that happens, don't even use KI attacks; Stick to punches, kicks, and |
| combos; The longer combos, the better. They won't damage him, but they   |
| will slowly build your Super Saiyan meter back up. When it fills, hold   |
| R and A to power up for a few seconds, to transform into a Super Saiyan. |
| None of his attacks are new, as you've seen them in the previous fight,  |
| as Vegeta. So you know how to handle them. This fight won't take long.   |

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Yardrat Saga - Goku on Yardrat            | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Goku        Z-Coins: 3    Red Capsules: 5    Yellow Capsules: 5 
Mission Summary:       - Battle Soba and escape Yardrat
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Again, you have a boss stage. However, unlike in your fight with Frieza,
there are Z-Coins and capsules in this stage. They are either sitting
around the arena, or can be uncovered by blasting the rocks with KI blasts,
like they usually. The fight itself isn't hard, though, so you shouldn't
have problems with finding time to pick up the items. And don't forget,
that there's a Senzu Bean on the right side of the area, if you need it.

| Soba                       Power Level: 14,000,000                       |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to ten hits.              |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + KI Blast      - A KI blast, that does next to no damage.      |
|          + KI Barrage    - He does about 50 basic KI blasts.             |
|          + Yakis         - He can summon Takis from the ground that will |
|                            attack you like sharks.                       |
| Strategy: If you don't mess around, this fight can be very quick, and    |
| easy. You can probably finish the fight before you even fill your Super  |
| Saiyan meter, if you just pull the basic: Block his melee combos, then   |
| Uppercut, Smash, Kamehameha. Because, you see, Soba is a big fan of melee|
| combat. Occasionally he will toss a KI blast into the fray, however, it  |
| is so weak, that it's a joke. Don't think he doesn't have any tricks     |
| though. In most cases, he won't have enough time to do either of these,  |
| but he has two dangerous attacks. One, is a barrage of his KI blasts: The|
| damage adds up, but you can imply block it. His other attack, is very    |
| annoying, however. He summons Yakis, that go through the sand like sharks|
| jumping at you. You can take them out with a Kamehameha, but they move   |
| quickly, and often attack in groups. For these reasons, simply wail on   |
| Soba from the beginning, and don't let up. Should he have a chance to use|
| these attacks, simply keep focusing on him, anyway -- Don't even bother  |
| with the other enemies, unless they surround you, at which time you can  |
| take them out with one KI blast. If you by any chance become Super Saiyan|
| the fight will just tip over in your favor. At that point, a few         |
| Kamehamehas should end it. And a word of advice, if Soba does attempt to |
| go for a KI attack or a Yardrat summon, you'll be able to tell. He will  |
| stop dead in his tracks. If you see that, Telepor and attack, as soon as |
| possible, to hurt him, and negate his attack.                            |

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Trunks Saga - Future of Trunks            | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Trunks      Z-Coins: 10   Red Capsules: 5    Yellow Capsules: 10
Mission Summary:       - Find the hidden Antidote for Goku
                       - Clear the Prototype Androids from the city
                       - Confront Android 17
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At the start, head to your right, onto the sidewalk to find a Z-Coin. Then,
blow up the red car on the left side of the street, to reveal another Z-Coin.
From there, continue down the street, and blow up the blue car on your right,
to find a yellow capsule. By the time you reach it, some of the Prototype
Androids that were mentioned, will attack. You can easily take them out, by
Teleporting behind them, and unleashing a Burning Attack, before they know
what's coming. After they're gone, blow up one of the red cars at the end
of the street, to find another yellow capsule. Then head to the left, and
pick up a Z-Coin from over there.

After you get the Z-Coin, head back to the right. As you leave, you'll be
attacked by another wave of Prototype Androids. Defeat them, like you did
the last bunch, and continue until you see a blue car on the left side of
the road; Blow it up, for a Z-Coin, then keep going. The car on the right
side of the road, just near it, holds a yellow capsule, so grab that too.
By this point, even more Prototypes will be attacking. Once again, knock
them down a few pegs. When they're dead Keep following the street, to the 
lower-left hand corner, where you'll find a Z-Coin, then head down the next
street, off to the right.

At the start of the street, blow up the first red car on the right, to find
a Z-Coin. Then walk down the street, and blow up the phone booth on the
left for another. At that point, more Prototypes will attack. So, blast the
pruple car just past the phone booth, for a yellow capsule, then take them
out. When they're gone, head to the right side of the street, to find the
Antidote that you need. Then, walk down to the end of the street, towards
the construction cones. Pick up a yellow capsule, and a Z-Coin there -- One
on both sides of the set of cones.

Next, head down the street to the left, and blow apart the first car you
see, to find a yellow capsule. Then, head further, just past the building
on your right, to find a Z-Coin and another capsule. Another wave of Proto-
types will then arrive. So, defeat them, then continue picking up items.
Then, pick up a red capsule from the center of the street, and blow up the
two remaining cars, to find a yellow capsule in each one.

When the fight is over, head into the intersection ahead, and grab the
final Z-Coin on the left. Then, pick up both the red capsule, and the
yellow capsule from on the road. Once you have those, head to the right,
where you'll find a Z-Station. You'll also notice, that a new upgrade,
Lucky, is being sold. That will make it easier to find items in later
stages, however, you're better off just going with combos or moves. When
you are done buying what you need, or want, head forward, to confront
Android 17. And yes, the final three red capsules are in that area; You'll
be able to find two on the sides of the parking lot, and the third under
a car that you can destroy.

| Android 17                 Power Level: ??,???,???                       |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to nine hits.             |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Fast Combos   - A very quick series of stronger melee attacks.|
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + KI Beam       - A small KI beam; Same effect as a KI blast.   |
|          + KI Blasts     - He fires five KI blasts at you rapdily.       |
|          + Explosion     - He causes a KI explosion wherever you are.    |
|          + Teleport      - He only uses this to dodge your attacks.      |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes he will  |
|                            recover quickly using his energy.             |
| Strategy: Android 17 is actually rather slow -- in this battle, at least.|
| He runs slowly, and doesn't bother teleporting or dashing at you. Instead|
| he usually tries to keep his distance from you, and often uses his KI    |
| Blasts several times in a row. Although, occasionally, he'll toss a KI   |
| Beam into the mix as well. And if you here him boasting, just hold block,|
| because he's about to use his Explosion attack, which will automatically |
| lock on to where you are. These are the only attacks he actively sets out|
| to use, in most cases, but don't be fooled. He does have melee skills,   |
| and he will use them if you get close. Teleport is your friend here. And |
| although he usually teleports himself, if you try to warp close to him,  |
| and fire a special move, it's a great way to get in a combo. You have two|
| main choices: Either use the largest combo you have, or go for the tried-|
| and-true Smash. It's best to go with the latter, because he's able to use|
| a Quick Recovery more often, for a simple combo; And lets not forget,    |
| that any enemy is vulnerable to a special attack, when they've been      |
| hammered onto the ground.                                                |
|                                                                          |
| Do be aware however, that like I said, if you stick close to him, he will|
| use melee attacks much more often. However, that is still the most       |
| effective way of fighting, from what I can tell. Just make sure to block |
| all of the KI attacks he does slip in, because you won't be able to get  |
| away from most of them, when you're that close.                          |

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Trunks Saga - Last Hope                   | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Trunks      Z-Coins: 13   Red Capsules: 10   Yellow Capsules: 10
Mission Summary:       - Collect the 6 Time Machine Turbines
                       - Battle Android 17
                       - Battle Android 18
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At the beginning of this level, head to the top of the screen, and pick up
the first Z-Coin, which is under a pile of rocks that you can blast. After
you have it, head to the right, and some brown Prototype Androids will
attack. These are much like normal Prototypes, except they are slightly 
stronger, and more aggressive. The same Teleporting and Attacking strategy
should apply for them, as it did to the grey ones, however. After you face
the first wave, head to the right, and blow up a car to reveal a yellow
capsule; Pick it up, then finish off the remaining Prototypes.

Ehen all of the enemies are gone, head to the end of the street, and blow
apart the rock that's there, to reveal a Z-Coin. Then, pick it up, along 
with a red capsule, and the first Turbine, that are both next to it. Once
the items are collected, head down the next street, to the north, where
you will once again be attacked by Prototypes. Once you have those guys
cleared out, head to the right, towards the smashed highway. Walk towards
the base of it, to find a Z-Coin and the second Turbine, then jump across
the ledges, to the top of the highway, picking up a red and a yellow
capsule along the way.

At the top, part of the highway will explode, but that's no problem for
a Saiyan -- Simply fly across, and keep heading down the highway. Head
forward a little more, and some more Prototype Androids will arrive. After
taking care of them, keep moving. You'll find a Senzu Bean in the middle
of the street, a red capsules under some rocks on the left, and the third
Turbine on the right. Continue to the end of the highway, and you'll find
a yellow capsule, and a Z-Coin. Pick them both up, then jump to the ground.

On the ground, you'll immediately be attacked by some more Prototypes,
including two larger, bulkier models. Those ones are much stronger than the
others, so try and take them out first -- Despite their size and strength,
the same methods work on them. Be careful, however, as they can sends out
smaller robots that will lunge at you, and self-destruct. It's best to
try and avoid those guys completely, by facing off agaisnt the big guys
quickly. When you finish off all the enemies, head to the lower-right hand
corner of the area, and blow apart the rocks there, to find a Z-Coin. Then,
pick up the fourth Turbine directly to the right of it.

From there, walk up the street, and blow up the first car you see, to find
another Z-Coin. Then, pick up the red and yellow capsules that are out in
the open, to the right of it. Then, head onward into the open area, just
past the rubble ahead. And make sure to pick up the Z-Coin as you enter.
Once inside, you'll be attacked yet again. So, yet again, defeat the
Prototypes. Then, pick up a Z-Coin from the center of the area, a second
Z-Coin from the left-hand corner, and the fifth Turbine from the top-right
hand corner. After picking up those, head to the top part of the area,
where you'll find some rubble. Blast it all apart, to find a red capsule,
then continue forward.

There, you'll be attacked, by Prototypes again. Use the same tactics as
always to defeat them, then get ready to go item-picking. Near the entrance
of the area, you can find a yellow capsule. Head to the right from there,
hugging the side of the building, to find a pile of rubble with a Z-Coin
underneath it -- Next to that, the 6th and final Turbine. In the center
of the area, you'll find a red capsule, and north of there, a yellow 
capsule. After picking up the yellow capsule, blow up the pile of rubble
to your left, to find another Z-Coin. Then, take a visit to the nearby
Z-Station, and choose an upgrade or two.

After you've selected some upgrades, head to the right of it, and grab
the red capsule that's on the ground. Then, head a little bit more to the
right, and begin blasting apart the piles of rubble to find a buried Z-Coin.
After picking that up, follow the street, picking up the two yellow capsules
along the way, towards another open area, where you'll find Android 17. And
yes, the remaining capsules are there. You'll find two red ones in the 
center crater, and the third on the right-side, under  some rocks. You'll
find the final yellow one, in the lower-right hand corner of the area, and
the final Z-Coin is under some rubble on the left. As for the battle, just
know, that you will be facing Android 17 and 18 consecutively; 17 first,
and 18 directly afterward. 

| Android 17 (Rematch)       Power Level: ??,???,???                       |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to nine hits.             |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Fast Combos   - A very quick series of stronger melee attacks.|
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + KI Beam       - A small KI beam; Same effect as a KI blast.   |
|          + KI Blasts     - He fires five KI blasts at you rapdily.       |
|          + Explosion     - He causes a KI explosion wherever you are.    |
|          + Teleport      - He only uses this to dodge your attacks.      |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes he will  |
|                            recover quickly using his energy.             |
| Strategy: The rematch with Android 17 is more-or-less the same as the one|
| you had in the previous stage. The only difference, is that he now comes |
| with a new trick: The ability to use multiple Explosions at once. None   |
| the less, the same tactics will work on him: Focus on warping behind him |
| whenever you can, and doing physical combos (Particularly Smash) and if  |
| he goes down, nail him with a Kamehameha. Like last time, make sure to   |
| block his attacks, rather than try to dodge them, as it will make the    |
| fight much easier, and simpler. After he goes down, 18 will step up.     |

| Android 18                 Power Level: ??,???,???                       |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to six hits.              |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Fast Combos   - A very quick series of stronger melee attacks.|
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + KI Blast      - She fires a large KI blast directly at you.   |
|          + KI Blasts     - She fires five KI blasts at you rapdily.      |
|          + Teleport      - She only uses this to dodge your attacks.     |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes she will |
|                            recover quickly using her energy.             |
| Strategy: If anything, Android 18 is actually easier than 17! She has a  |
| very similair fighting style -- Almost exactly the same, in fact --      |
| except, she can't string together quite as many attacks in her combos,   |
| and she is missing the Explosions attack, that 17 had. And that was his  |
| most powerful attack too! She does have one improvement over him, though.|
| His energy beam, has been replaced with a larger energy blast, that you  |
| will have to be careful of. With so few changes, you should be able to   |
| pull off the same strategy as you did with Android 17, here; Block her   |
| combos and KI attacks, and whenever she isn't attacking, Teleport behind |
| her, and uppercut her into the air, then hammer her down to the ground.  |
| If she stays down, you can then land a Burning Attack, as well. If you   |
| can beat 17, you can beat her. So, the fight should end soon enough.     |

    User Submitted Tip:  Knghtman671
"The trick is to have a second player. Why? Because Player-2 IS SSJ1 future
Gohan -- with one arm! Save SSJ for Android 18 and I _guarantee_ that you'll
finsh the fight in 10-15 seconds. One fully charged ki-blast/Kamehameha from
SSJ Gohan will take away over 3/4 of her life!"

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Android Saga - The Androids               | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Goku        Z-Coins: 10  Red Capsules: 10   Yellow Capsules: 5
Mission Summary:       - Defend the Capsule Corp buildings from the 
                         Prototype Androids
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Start, by walking forward, and grabbing the Z-Coin on your left. By the
time you reach it, some Protype Androids will begin attacking. After you
defeat them, head back to the first corner on your right, from the start,
to find a red capsule. Keep walking straight, from there, down the street,
blowing up the cars along the way. As you head up the street, a building
will fall over, blocking the way. So, pick up a Z-Coin and the yellow
capsule from off of the ground, and head backward. When you reach a street
that goes off to the right, head down it, picking up the Z-Coin in the 
middle of it.

Keep walking, until you are attacked again. Then, after clearing out the
Prototypes, head towards the building at the north side of the street, and
blow up the car in front of it, to find a red capsule. By the time you pick
it up, however, another bulked up Prototype will come at you -- He even
has a short, little cutscene. This is another of the types that has the
ability to create the smaller robots that kamikaze on you, so be careful.
Teleport behind it, and give it a Kamehameha a few times, to take it out
quickly and easily.

After the larger Android is gone, head along the southern sidewalk, to
find a Z-Coin. Then head up to the gas station on the corner, to find a
red capsule. Take the next street up from the gas station, picking up the
yellow and red capsule from the center of it, after that. And make sure
to pick a Z-Coin from the right-hand sidewalk, and another red capsule
from the left. Keep going until you reach the next intersection, where
you'll find another red capsule, and where you'll be attacked again.

The fight will have several large Prototypes, but fight it out, and take
the fight up to the dead end just ahead. Then, when they are wiped out,
pick up the two Z-Coins, the red capsule, and the yellow capsule from the
left and right sides of the street respectively. And before you go, don't
forget to take advantage of the Z-Station in the middle of the street; You
should have enough Z-Coins for another combo or move, if you have been
picking all of them up. After you've upgraded, head back to the intersection,
and take the street that goes to the left.

On the left side of the street, just past the two cars, you'll find another
Z-Coin. And on the opposite side of the street, in the same location, there
is a red capsule. Pick them both up, and prepare for another wave of
Prototypes. After defeating them, head down the street some more, and grab
the yellow capsule from the right. At the end of the street, you'll find,
in the middle of an intersection, a red capsule and a Z-Coin. Grab both,
then head to the right, near the building, to find another Z-Coin, totaling
ten for this level. 

From there, head forward abit more, to the next intersection. At that time,
one final wave of Prototypes will attack. Take them out like always, then
head into the middle of the intersection where you'll find the fifth and
last yellow capsule. Cross over the construction cones at the end of the
street, to find the final red one. Then, head down the final street to the
left, to finish off the level -- That's right, there's no boss here.

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Android Saga - Super Saiyan Vegeta        | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Trunks      Z-Coins: 10   Red Capsules: 5    Yellow Capsules: 10
Mission Summary:       - Battle Android 19 and 20
                       - Protect Goku
                       - Discover the location of Dr. Gero's secret lab
                       - Battle Android 18
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

| Android 19               Power Level: ??,???,???                         |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to eight hits.            |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Fast Combos   - A very quick series of stronger melee attacks.|
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + KI Beam       - A small KI beam; Same effect as a KI blast.   |
| Strategy: This fight is pretty much just to advance the story... You     |
| start out as Super Saiyan Vegeta, and you simply drastically overpower   |
| 19. Don't even bother with blocking, dodging, or Teleporting. Confront   |
| him directly, and combo him. A simple Punch combo takes more than half   |
| of his health, and something like the Kiai-Dageki (BBBBYYYBBB, or        |
| YYYBBBYYYY) will completely destroy him in one go. This just isn't hard. |

After the fight ends, smash apart the rocks in the area, to find a yellow
and a red capsule. Then, head forward, and pass over the crater in the
ground to find another of each, as well as a Z-Coin. After passing over
it, some Prototypes will attack you. Deal with them in your favorite way,
then blow apart the two boulders blocking the canyon in front of you, to
open the path ahead. Blast apart the boulders in the canyon itself after,
to make the area more open, then walk forward again; There, some Prototypes
will attack you from out of the ground. Head my advice on this, though; Use
melee attacks as often as possible, to build your Super Saiyan meter again.
You'll want to have it full for the fight with 18.

After you've killed the Prototypes off, walk forward, and pick up both the
Z-Coin, and the yellow capsule from the ground. Then blow apart the next
boulder you see, to reveal a ledge you can jump on. Jump onto it, and from
there, onto the cliff above. There's a Z-Station there, but you might wait
a second before you stop there. Fly from the cliff, back to the start of
the level -- There are three Z-Coins in the air, that you can get along the
way. After you've got them, you're free to go back to the Z-Station -- And
make sure to blast apart the rock to the left of it, to find a yellow capsule.

Head to the right from there, to find a Senzu Bean, then keep going. Blow
apart the boulder just after the bean, to find a Laser Eye. Blast it apart
before it goes active, head towards the southern part of the area from where
you are for a yellow capsule, then keep going. Blow apart the next boulder
you find, to get rid of another Laser. After that, you'll reach some steps
that go downward. Fly off the top of them, to get a Z-Coin from the air, 
then head over to the wall on the left where you'll find a red capsule. By
this time, more Prototypes will be attacking. Lay waste to them.

Once they're gone, head back onto the steps, and blow apart the boulder to
reveal another Laser Eye. Blow it up, and you'll find a Z-Coin behind it.
Then, head to the bottom of the stairs, and pick up a yellow capsule from
the left. After you've got that area cleared out, head onward some more, to
find another boulder -- And yes, it holds a Laser Eye. Blast it apart, and
then pick up another yellow capsule from behind it. Take out another Eye
from the boulder just behind that, afterwards.

Next, head to the wall on your left, and stand on the ledge near it. From
there, jump and fly to grab the two Z-Coins in the air. Then land on the
ground again, and walk to the next ledge, where you'll find a yellow capsule
behind a boulder. Jump onto the ledge above that, to reach the door to
Gero's lab -- Don't enter yet though! Jump and fly once more, to reach
another Z-Coin in the air. Then head to the right of the door, along the
ledge, to find the last two yellow capsules. Drop to the ledge below, on 
the right, to find the last two red ones. After you have them, head through
the door, to enter the fight with Android 18.

| Android 18 (Rematch)     Power Level: ??,???,???                         |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to six hits.              |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Fast Combos   - A very quick series of stronger melee attacks.|
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + KI Blast      - She fires a large KI blast directly at you.   |
|          + KI Blasts     - She fires five KI blasts at you rapdily.      |
|          + Teleport      - She only uses this to dodge your attacks.     |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes she will |
|                            recover quickly using her energy.             |
| Strategy: Much like Android 17 and his rematch, Android 18 hasn't changed|
| much; In fact, she hasn't changed at all. You, however, have. You have   |
| the ability to go Super Saiyan! So, if you have a full Super Saiyan meter|
| or if you gain one during the fight, feel free to just unleash a full    |
| frontal assault; Because much like in the fight with 19, you will have   |
| a jokingly large power advantage on her. Pull a few of those 7+ hit      |
| combos, and she'll go down like a brick. However, should you run out or  |
| not have the meter full to begin with, things get a bit more tricky. I   |
| mean, you can still beat her using the same strategy as before (blocking |
| her attacks, and teleporting, and comboing her when she's not moving)    |
| but why bother, if you have Super Saiyan? On a side note, however, using |
| those combos on her will build your Super Saiyan meter if it isn't full  |
| already. So you'll likely be Super Saiyan at one point in the fight.     |

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Android Saga - Piccolo's Fusion           | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Trunks      Z-Coins: 0    Red Capsules: 0    Yellow Capsules: 0
Mission Summary:       - Battle Android 17 and attempt to keep him from Cell
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

| Android 17 (Rematch 2)   Power Level: ??,???,???                         |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to nine hits.             |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Fast Combos   - A very quick series of stronger melee attacks.|
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + KI Beam       - A small KI beam; Same effect as a KI blast.   |
|          + KI Blasts     - He fires five KI blasts at you rapdily.       |
|          + Explosion     - He causes a KI explosion wherever you are.    |
|          + Teleport      - He only uses this to dodge your attacks.      |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes he will  |
|                            recover quickly using his energy.             |
| Strategy: Once again, you'll be facing Android 17, who still hasn't made |
| much of an improvement with his strategy. For a change of pace however,  |
| this time you'll be playing as Piccolo -- With a Super Namek guage, no   |
| less! However, you will most likely not be able to fill it in time for   |
| you to e able to utilize it; Android 17 will most likely be killed before|
| that. As for strategy, you have two choices. You can either go the tried-|
| and-true formula, involving blocking his attacks, and then teleporting   |
| behind him for a combo, or you can try something new. You see, even      |
| without Super Namek activated, Piccolo is still rather strong. You can   |
| put more of a priority on offence, if you like. In fact, the only time   |
| you _really_ should block, is when he does his KI Blasts attack. Pretty  |
| much all of his other moves can be dodged if you teleport to him before  |
| he hits you. By now, you should have some big combos, possibly even the  |
| 10-hitter: Sokuryu-Dageki (BBB and Hold Y, or YYY and Hold B). So, use   |
| those combos to bring him to the ground, then hit him with a Special     |
| Beam Cannon, to drill him in deeper.                                     |

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Cell Saga - The Time Chamber              | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Trunks      Z-Coins: 0    Red Capsules: 0    Yellow Capsules: 0
Mission Summary:       - Train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber
                       - Complete more combination moves than your opponent
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This level is actually more like a mini-game rather than a real level.
Here's how it works: There are two star meters; One on each side of the
screen. The left one is yours, and the right one is Vegeta's. Each meter
starts out with eight empty stars. Then, the "fight" will begin. However,
in this level, you are not trying to defeat Vegeta. Instead, you are
supposed to view the moves that come up on the screen, and then do the
combo, to get the number of stars shown. If you fill your eight stars
before Vegeta does, you'll beat the level. If not, you'll lose one of your
Senzu Beans. The following are the possible combos. And remember, that any
of the combos may end with an X rather than the button listed.

Combo Name            Possible Button Sequences        Value
----------            -------------------------        ----- 
Kick Combo            YYYYY                            1-Star
Punch Combo           BBBBB                            1-Star
Chikara-Dageki        BBYYYY     or YYBBBB             2-Stars
Chudan-Dageki         YYBBYYY    or BBYYBBB            2-Stars
Sakuryu-Dageki        BBB(hold)Y or YYYY(hold)B        2-Stars
Chikara-Kabushi       BBBBYYYY   or YYYBBBBB           3-Stars
Tatsumaki             BBBBYYBBB  or YYYBBBBYY          3-Stars
Kiai-Dageki           BBBBYYYBBB or YYYBBBYYYY         3-Stars

And also, a few tips, that may come in handy. One, is that Vegeta won't
stop attacking when a combo is not listed. So, you may just want to knock
him away when he comes at you. After all, you don't want to be at a
disadvantage, when a combo is put up, and he's already wailing on you. A
second, and probably more useful tip, is to be able to Combo Break. You
definitely should have that skill by now. And assuming you do, you can
break lose from one of his combos, by pressing X at the right time; Mashing
it if you gets you into a combo, is a great way to break loose. Lastly, even
if you miss the initial strike of your combo, continue with it. Only the
last hit connecting counts, and Vegeta is so direct in coming to attack you,
he'll often run right into it. With a bit of practice, you should be able
to fill that meter.

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Cell Saga - Imperfect Cell                | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Vegeta      Z-Coins: 9    Red Capsules: 10   Yellow Capsules: 10
Mission Summary:       - Hunt down and battle Imperfect Cell
                       - Battle Perfect Cell
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This level starts off with you fighting Cell, however that is not the _real_
fight. It is just a small sample of it. In fact, if you can get even one
tenth of his health bar gone before he rushes off, you're doing a good job.
The real fight, for him, however, is further along in the level, and that
is where the strategy for him in this guide will be. So, if you need help
with it, scroll down a little more, as the strategy is the same.

After Cell leaves, pick up a red capsule from the center of the area you
fought him in. Then, blast apart the rock in the top-left corner of the
area, to find a Z-Coin. Next, grab a yellow coin from on top of the small
hill in the north part of the area. After you have those three items, begin
heading to the right, where you'll find some boulders. Blow them apart, and
by the time they're gone, some Saibamen will be appearing from the ground.
They're the same old enemy that was in the Saiyan saga, so you should have
no trouble beating them -- Just be weary of the Planter (the purple one)
that comes in with the second wave of them. Also be careful of Cell;
Because although he won't fight you, every once in a while, he appears for
a second, to toss a quick KI blast at you.

After you finish off all of the Saibamen -- and there are a lot of them,
jump on top of the ledges near the top part of the screen. There, you'll
be able to find a red and yellow capsule and a Z-Coin. After picking them
up, head towards the water, to find another yellow capsule. Then, continue
walking along the beach, and destroy the first boulder you see, to find
another red capsule. Follow a little past that, to find a red and yellow
capsule just sitting on the beach -- with a Z-Coin, near the water, just
nearby. After you've picked them up, however, prepare for another batch
of Saibamen: This one full of Saibamen Brutes.

From there, continue forward some more, and blast apart another boulder
to reveal a Z-Coin. Then, once again, be ready to face off against some
Saibamen. After they're gone, walk along the water to find a yellow and
a red capsule. Then, keep walking around the hill in the center of the area
to find another yellow capsule. Next, jump onto the ledge on the cliff to
your left, and blow apart the boulder on top to reveal a Z-Coin. Fto the 
ground, and walk towards the water. You'll be brought to Imperfect Cell,
who is now ready for a full fight. When you do fight him this time though,
make sure you grab the Z-Coin and the yellow capsule from the island.

| Imperfect Cell             Power Level: ???,???,???                      |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to  nine hits.            |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Unblockable   - A combo finisher, that you can't block.       |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + KI Blast      - He fires the same, average, KI blast as you.  |
|          + KI Beam       - Like a KI Blast, but stronger.                |
|          + Teleport      - He can teleport to either dodge, or get behind|
|                            you, where he can attack.                     |
| Strategy: Even though this is the final fight with Imperfect Cell, you   |
| still don't face him with his whole health bar; He'll run away after     |
| about half of it is depleted. So, keep that in mind -- and save your     |
| Super Saiyan meter for Perfect Cell, if you happen to get it full. As for|
| strategy, keep your guard up. Imperfect Cell is quick, and will try to   |
| move around alot. However, his main method of attack is still KI blasts  |
| and beams, which you can just block. After blocking them, teleport behind|
| him, and hit him with Kiai-Dageki (BBBBYYYBBB, or YYYBBBYYYY). Then,     |
| while he's down, hit him with a Gallick Gun. However, don't even think   |
| about blocking his physical attacks; He has an unblockable combo, which  |
| will shatter your defense, anytime he wishes to use it. So, instead of   |
| trying to block, when you see him dash towards you, teleport behind him. |
| He usually won't have time to react, which will allow you to get in a    |
| punch or kick combo. If he does indeed react quickly enough, just block. |
| Even if he does manage to get a few combos in, you should be able to     |
| beat him. Just keep getting your combos in.                              |

After Cell runs away again, make your way back to the cliff's ledge, where
you found a boulder and a Z-Coin. This time, jump to the ledge beyond that,
however. There, you'll find a red capsule. Drop to the ground from there
and walk to the next beach, picking up the Z-Coin from the ground. After
you're there, some more Saibamen will attack. So, kill them, then pick up
a few more items: A red capsule and a yellow capsule from the sand, and a
Z-Coin from on top of the ledge, in the north part of the area. After you
have those, head to the right, where you'll find a Z-Station. By now, you
should be able to buy anything you don't already have. After that, head to
the right, to engage in the battle with Perfect Cell -- And yes, all of
the remaining yellow and red capsules are either around the battle field,
or under rocks that you can destroy. There's also a Senzu Bean, in the
lower right hand corner of the area.

| Perfect Cell               Power Level: ???,???,???                      |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to  nine hits.            |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Unblockable   - A combo finisher, that you can't block.       |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + KI Blast      - He fires the same, average, KI blast as you.  |
|          + Masenko       - This is the same Masenko that Gohan does.     |
|          + Kamehameha    - This is the same Kamehameha that Goku does.   |
|          + Destructo Disk- This is the same Destructo Disk Krillin uses. |
|          + Teleport      - He can teleport to either dodge, or get behind|
|                            you, where he can attack.                     |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes he will  |
|                            recover quickly using his energy.             |
| Strategy: Perfect Cell, and Imperfect Cell are the same guy, but in this |
| fight, it sure doesn't seem it! Not only does Perfect Cell run at least  |
| three times as fast, his new defense is crazy. If you want to do any kind|
| of noticable damage whatsoever, you'll have to be Super Saiyan. If you've|
| come to the battle with a full Super Saiyan bar, that's great; But if you|
| didn't, or you run out during the fight, you'll have to earn it. The best|
| way to do this, is to block his energy attacks like last time -- which   |
| now include more deadly attacks like the Kamehameha and the Masenko --   |
| then teleport towards him, and use a Kiai-Dageki (BBBBYYYBBB, or         |
| YYYBBBYYYY). And even more than before now, stay away from his melee     |
| attacks. He _will_ use his unblockable combo, if you try to block. His   |
| new speed kind of prevents you countering it though, so if he moves in   |
| close, just go for a basic punch combo to the front of him. And as a rule|
| of thumb, if you do happen to find yourself in one of his combos, mash   |
| that X button in order to get a Combo Break.                             |
|                                                                          |
| After you have a full Super Saiyan meter, wait for a chance to attack    |
| him, then go for it. Before he gets up, power into a Super Saiyan. After |
| that, you'll actually be able to lay down some damage. Just follow the   |
| same strategy as before, and your Super Saiyan powers will show. You will|
| be the winner of this battle.                                            |

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Cell Saga - Super Saiyan Gohan            | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Gohan       Z-Coins: 0    Red Capsules: 0    Yellow Capsules: 0
Mission Summary:       - Train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber
                       - Complete more combination moves than your opponent
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is the second (and final) Hyperbolic Time Chamber level. The idea
behind this game is very similair to the last one. In fact, the only
differences, are that now you have to collect 11 stars, as opposed to eight.
Also, you are know Gohan, facing Goku -- And he is _much_ faster, and more
aggressive than Vegeta! The same tips apply though: Knock him back, if he
comes near you when there's no combo on the screen, and make sure to mash
on the X button, to do a combo breaker, if he locks in a combo on you. And
of course, finish off your combos, even if the first strikes miss, as Goku
may just run into the last hit. And once more, here is the chart of combos:

Combo Name            Possible Button Sequences        Value
----------            -------------------------        ----- 
Kick Combo            YYYYY                            1-Star
Punch Combo           BBBBB                            1-Star
Chikara-Dageki        BBYYYY     or YYBBBB             2-Stars
Chudan-Dageki         YYBBYYY    or BBYYBBB            2-Stars
Sakuryu-Dageki        BBB(hold)Y or YYYY(hold)B        2-Stars
Chikara-Kabushi       BBBBYYYY   or YYYBBBBB           3-Stars
Tatsumaki             BBBBYYBBB  or YYYBBBBYY          3-Stars
Kiai-Dageki           BBBBYYYBBB or YYYBBBYYYY         3-Stars

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Cell Saga - The Cell Games                | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Goku        Z-Coins: 0    Red Capsules: 0    Yellow Capsules: 0
Mission Summary:       - Defeat all Cell Juniors.
                         [All Cell Juniors must be stunned simultaneously]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now this is a short, but interesting level. What will happen, is that
there will be six Cell Juniors facing you. However, you can not kill them,
only knock them unconsious. Then, after about 10 seconds, they'll wake
up. You'll finish the stage, if you can get all six of them to be knocked
down at the same time. It seems rather simple, and sometimes it can be. At
other times, however, they'll jsut refuse to go down; And with the ability
to throw you, and use Destructo Disks, they can get a little crazy.

There are several methods that work. The one that I think works best, is
to charge your KI meter to its fullest, then target them, one at a time --
using Teleport if necessary -- to take them down. If you run out of energy,
hover in the air, and charge up, before repeating again. Some may wake up
while you charge, but you can quickly put them down again. Another way
that I've had work, was to use Roundhouses. However, that method is rather
slow and difficult; I reccomend only using a Roundhouse if you become
surrounded by the Cell Juniors. With some patiences, you'll eventually be
the only one standing.

 __           __                                            __           __
|  |         |  |------------------------------------------|  |         |  |
 | |- : - : -| |  Cell Saga - The Final Showdown            | |- : - : -| |
|__|         |__|------------------------------------------|__|         |__|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character: Gohan       Z-Coins: 0    Red Capsules: 0    Yellow Capsules: 0
Mission Summary:       - Defeat Perfect Cell
                       - Attain Super Saiyan 2 mode
                       - Lock KI blasts with Cell
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

| Perfect Cell (Rematch)     Power Level: ???,???,???                      |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to  nine hits.            |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Unblockable   - A combo finisher, that you can't block.       |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + KI Blast      - He fires the same, average, KI blast as you.  |
|          + Masenko       - This is the same Masenko that Gohan does.     |
|          + Kamehameha    - This is the same Kamehameha that Goku does.   |
|          + Destructo Disk- This is the same Destructo Disk Krillin uses. |
|          + Teleport      - He can teleport to either dodge, or get behind|
|                            you, where he can attack.                     |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes he will  |
|                            recover quickly using his energy.             |
| Strategy: Once again, you'll be facing off against Perfect Cell. However,|
| even though he has a health bar, you can't beat him by draining on his   |
| health bar; In fact, as a Super Saiyan you can't hurt him at all!        |
| What you do have to do, is load up your new Super Saiyan meter. See,     |
| you'll start out as a super Saiyan, and while a Super Saiyan, you'll have|
| to avoid (most of) Cell's attacks, as you telport to Cell, to nail combos|
| in -- Much like you did in your fight as Vegeta. However, this time when |
| you're able to transform, you'll become the all-powerful Super Saiyan 2! |
| In that form, you'll be able to bring him to near death, by continuing   |
| to Teleport and combo, or by using Kamehamehas. After that, however, it  |
| will come down to locking KI blasts to finish him off; And this will be  |
| signified by the fact that your Super Saiyan meter disappears, and you   |
| lose the ability to power down from Super Saiyan 2. There's nothing that |
| you can do to make Cell use his Kamehameha, however, sometimes he doesn't|
| have to. Just keep dodging his melee attacks, when he tries to get them  |
| in, and using direct Kamehamehas at him -- Do not Teleport. Sometimes if |
| you nail him dead on, he'll lock blasts with you automatically. On the   |
| other hand, if you do see him readying a Kamehameha, load one of your own|
| and unleash it at the same time he does. That kind of finish is not up   |
| to chance. After you lock blasts, the fight will end. Congratulations on |
| beating the game.                                                        |

     _.-""""-._                                                 _.-""""-._
   .'          `.                                             .'          `.
  /      /\      \                                           /      /\      \
 |   ___/  \___   |                                         |   ___/  \___   |
 |  '-.      .-'  |=========================================|  '-.      .-'  |
 |     /    \     | 07. Enemies                     [ENEMY] |     /    \     |
  \   /_.--._\   /===========================================\   /_.--._\   /
   `._        _.'                                             `._        _.'
      `-....-`                                                   `-....-`

    Saibamen Hatchling (Yellow)
These are the first enemy that you'll encounter in the game. They'll try to
use melee attacks, like basic punches and kicks on you, but they don't have 
any KI attacks, or decent combos. You should be able to take them out with
a single Punch or Kick combo, or special attack. Do be careful though, as
they do have one trick up their sleeves; If you defeat them with a melee
attack that doesn't knock them down, they will selfdestruct on you. So, make
sure to block, if you see them about to do so. These guys can not jump,
however, so you can use that to your advantage: Flight can get you out of
a tough situation, if necessary.

    Saibamen Fighter (Green)
Green Saibamen are somewhat like Yellow Saibamen, however, they bring a hand
full of new tricks to the table. The first, and most apparent, is that they
can fire KI blasts at you. You'll also notice that they'll block a lot of your
physical attacks. For this reason, flying, and then using a special attack is
the most effective way to take them out -- Like the yellow variation, these
guys can't jump. Lastly, these guys have the ability to self-destruct as well.
They don't do it in the same way as the yellow ones though, so you can safely
punch them out if need be. Rather, these ones will directly try to latch onto
you, and explode there. Once on, you can't get them off, so try to stay away
from them, in close combat.

    Saibaman Acid Spitter (Red)
Red Saibamen are much unlike green and yellow variants. From the first time you
see them, you'll notice one thing in particular: That they only seem to appear
on ledges, or cliffs that you can't seem to reach. This is due to the fact that
they are unable to move. To attack you, they'll launch KI blasts. To take them
out, you'll have to do the same. Generally, one KI blast is enough to take them
out, and they rarely, if ever, block. 

    Saibamen Planter (Purple)
Purple Saibamen are unique, and you won't see them too often. They don't block
alot of your attacks, and they can't fire KI blasts, so almost any of your
attack strategies will work on them. And although it takes more than a single
hit or two to take them out, they don't have an abundance of health. What makes
them so special, however, is the fact that they can summon fellow Saibamen --
Either yellow, or green -- from the ground, to fight you. Needless to say, it
is best to go after them first, so that you are actually able to finish the
battle, before more Saibamen keep popping up. And be aware of its acid attack;
It shoots off about 15 times as much as your average green one, with one blast!

    Saibamen Brute (Blue)
Now Blue Saibamen, are a completely new type of enemy. You should be able to
tell that, from the first time you see them: They are about three times the 
size of a normal Saibamen, and much stronger. They can walk, but they do so
can both pound the ground, to project shockwaves towards you, or fire a basic
KI blast at you. You'll be able to block the KI blasts, but you don't want
to test that shockwave. It may take several special attacks to bring these
guys down, but that's the way to go. These probably aren't the type of 
enemies that you'd want to square off, and go toe-to-toe with.

    Namek Trooper/Sniper
These are the basic enemies that you'll see throughout the Frieza and Ginyu
sagas. They are able to string together short combos, sometimes, however there
main attack is a gun they have, that is capable of shooting KI blasts. Some
of these guysrely on their gun so heavily, that they'll attempt to sit on a
ledge somewhere, and shoot at you, without moving at all. These ones are
referred to as Snipers, although other than their attack strategy, they have
the same appearence. The ones that move are capable of blocking -- even special
moves -- but will not do it often.

    Namek Captain (Red)
Namek Captains are very similair to the green ones, however you will never catch
these guys standing still firing at you. The Red Henchmen have more health, 
a higher amount of strength, and the ability to block more of your moves, so
they make an attempt to directly contront you in fights. It should be noted,
however, that these are kind of like "commanders" for the normal Henchmen; If
you see a Red Henchmen, you can rest assured, that there back up will appear
soon. Teleporting behind them and uppercutting is usually an effective strategy.

    Namek Shock Trooper (Green)
Shock Troopers, are like suped-up Captains. They are stronger, they have
more health, they only appear with regular Henchmen, and they block even more
of your attacks. Because they are the strongest form of the Henchmen, they are
also the rarest; You won't see them all that often. And again, teleporting and 
uppercutting them is an effective strategy; Either that, or giving them a 
special move while you are hovering in the air.

The only time you will see these highly-annoying creatures, are in the fight
with Soba. They are small blue creatures, that "swim" around below the ground,
with a fin showing, as if they were a shark. They generally swim in circles
if you are not near them, however, as soon as you approach, they will jump
out of the ground, and attack you. You can take them out with a single KI
blast, even when they are under ground, however it becomes easier to hit them
after they jump at you, because they stand on the surface of the ground for a
few seconds, after hitting or missing you, before they dive back underground.

    Prototype Android Fighter
Prototype Androids will be your main enemy, from the Trunks through the
Android Saga. These guys are capable of flying around, which will make them
a bit trickier than your average enemy, as you won't be safe by flying in
the air. However, there is another effective strategy you can use: Lock on
to them, and power up a special attack. Then, teleport behind them, and fire
it. It will almost always take them by surprise. As for their attacks, you
don't have much to worry about: Just basic melee attacks, and a KI attack.
These enemies come in both brown and silver colors, but are the same enemy.

    Prototype Android Brute
Prototype Android Brutes, are dangerous versions of Androids. They are much
slower than the Fighters, and they can't fly. And though they have both a
normal KI attack, and a larger, more destructive one, those attacks still
aren't too devestating. The real danger that these guys hold, is the ability
to eject several mini-robots off of their back. Those guys will run up to
you, and self-destruct: Which is both dangerous, and annoying. You can kill
them with one KI blast, but the Brutes themself, require more. The teleport
and special attack method will work, but they can live through it. You'll
have to nail two special moves to bring a Brute down. And much like the
Prototype Android Fighter, these come in both brown and silver.

    Laser Eye 
These things are better associated with eing traps than enemies, but they
are a threat. You'll only see them in the "Super Saiyan Vegeta" level,
though. They will be under boulders around the level, and will not activate
unless you destroy the boulder. If you do that, they will activate moments
later, and fire KI blasts at you. For this reason, you should nail them
with a KI blast of your own, as soon as you uncover them, before they shoot.

    Cell Junior
You'll only face the Cell Juniors in one stage: "The Cell Games." They are
all relatively strong, and despite their small size, they can pull some
tricks on you: For example, they can easily grab, spin, and throw you
through the air. It doesn't take much to knock them down, but in order to
actually defeat them, all of them must be knocked unconsious at the same
time. One easy way to accomplish this, is to let a few Roundhouses out on
the group of them. Make sure to watch out for their Destructo Disks!

     _.-""""-._                                                 _.-""""-._
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  /      /\      \                                           /      /\      \
 |   ___/  \___   |                                         |   ___/  \___   |
 |  '-.      .-'  |=========================================|  '-.      .-'  |
 |     /    \     | 08. Bosses                              |     /    \     |
  \   /_.--._\   /===========================================\   /_.--._\   /
   `._        _.'                                             `._        _.'
      `-....-`                                                   `-....-`

| Raditz                     Power Level: 1,200                            |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to six hits .             |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + KI Blast      - He fires a red energy ball, straight ahead at |
|                            a very high speed.                            |
|          + Energy Kick   - He can kick you up into the air and combo you.|
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + Teleport      - Like many bosses, he can teleport to you.     |
|                            He'll combine this with quick melee attacks.  |
| Strategy: Raditz is actually very simple to beat, if you know what you   |
| are doing, but the thing is, he's the first boss, and you are probably   |
| still getting used to the controls. And the fact that the only upgrade   |
| you have is the kamehameha, doesn't help. Still, the pattern is easy.    |
| Just wait, and hold block, until he does a combo on you -- Don't worry,  |
| you can block his KI attack too -- then give him a punch or kick combo   |
| of your own (BBBBB, or YYYYY)! That will send him to the ground. Before  |
| he gets up, lock on to him with L, and give him a kamehameha, then rinse |
| and repeat. Be aware though, that the Kamehameha takes a fairly big      |
| portion of your current KI bar. So, every time you hit him with one, try |
| to power up a little before he gets up, so that you don't run out of KI. |
|                                                                          |
| Also, you may note, that you do lose a tiny bit of health, when you block|
| stronger attacks -- like Raditz's KI attack. This won't add up at all, if|
| you aren't taking any real damage elsewhere. However, if you'd prefer to |
| be on the safe side, you can hit Raditz with a KI attack of your own,    |
| just before he fires his, to stop him, and deliver some damage.          |

| Nappa                      Power Level: 4,000                            |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to five hits .            |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + KI Blast      - He fires the same, average, KI blast as you.  |
|          + Lightning Ball- He also has a larger ball of lightning-like   |
|                            energy, that shocks you, and stuns you.       |
|          + Saibamen      - Nappa can plant some seeds, causing several   |
|                            Saibamen to attack you.                       |
| Strategy: Hopefully, you have the Teleport attack, as it will make this  |
| whole battle easier. To start, you can do the same thing you did with    |
| Raditz; Block his combos, and then give him a combo of your own. However,|
| now that you (hopefully) have a Teleport attack, you can take the offense|
| as well as the defense. Whenever you see him readying an energy blast    |
| with one hand, Teleport behind him. He isn't as quick with his reflexes  |
| when he's doing that, so you can either combo him, or give him a quick   |
| Masenko. That's the single best opening you can get with Nappa, and if   |
| you keep exploiting that weakness, you'll easily take the lead in the    |
| fight. The only thing you have to watch out for, is the Saibamen he can  |
| summon for back-up. They are just your ordinary Saibamen, but they can   |
| be a nuissance if you are trying to focus on Nappa. So, when you see     |
| them, imediately take to flight, and give them each a Masenko; Or if they|
| are yellow, you can simply give them a punch or kick combo. After a      |
| little while like this, Nappa should go down.                            |
|                                                                          |
| If you don't have Teleport, things will be a bit harder for you, but     |
| still manageable. You can continue going the route of blocking the KI    |
| attacks, when he fires them, and comboing when he gets a chance. And if  |
| you didn't use your Z-Coins on Teleport, you must have used it on        |
| something else that you can use; For example, a longer Combo, or the     |
| Turbo KI Charge ability.                                                 |

| Vegeta                     Power Level: 18,000                           |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to five hits.             |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + KI Blast      - He fires the same, average, KI blast as you.  |
|          + Gallick Gun   - He fires a blast forward, that's similair in  |
|                            style to your Kamehameha and Masenko.         |
|          + KI Explosions - He releases energy, that keeps exploding      |
|                            repeatedly wherever Goku is standing.         |
|          + Teleport      - He can teleport directly behind you. He mainly|
|                            uses this to evade, but he can attack after.  |
| Strategy: Now Vegeta, is completely different from Nappa and Raditz, and |
| if you face him with the same mind set, you'll probably lose. The main   |
| difference, is that he is alot more powerful, and he simply doesn't      |
| utilize combos; Energy attacks are his thing. His favorite seems to be   |
| creating an explosion, that will follow you around for quite a bit. You  |
| can escape it, if you fly with the Flight Speed Upgrade, but you won't   |
| have time to ready that, in most cases. However, since he sends out such |
| a cleare signal of when he's going to do it -- He puts his hands in the  |
| air and covers himself with red energy, it's easy to prepare for. There  |
| are two options you have to do that: If you have Teleport, you can       |
| quickly hit him with it. If not, you can just block, and wait for it to  |
| end. The other attack you have to watch out for, is his Gallick Gun.     |
| You will be able to see him getting ready to launch an energy blast, when|
| he is about to do it. When you see that, either Teleport to him and      |
| attack, or toss a basic KI attack at him; Both will stop his attack, but |
| the first obviously does more damage. On the off chance that he does do  |
| a combo, you'll want to combo back, but don't make that the back bone of |
| your strategy. Just be patient, and wait for your chances to attack; Get |
| him whenever he loads an energy attack, or powers up, and if possible,   |
| teleport to him whenever he tries to run from you backwards -- It's easy |
| to take him by surprise then. When his life bar nears empty, Goku will   |
| use a Spirit Bomb to finish the fight off, automatically.                |

| Recoome                    Power Level: 40,000                           |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to nine hits.             |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + KI Blasts     - He sends out a barrage of KI Blasts; There    |
|                            are about thirty in total.                    |
|          + Shockwave     - He jumps onto the ground, and sending out a   |
|                            wave of energy in all directions.             |
| Strategy: Recoome may be strong, but his reflexes are quite bad; And if  |
| you could defeat Vegeta, you'll have no problem with this guy. To start  |
| out, he has several different ways to go about fighting. Sometimes, he'll|
| just straight out dash you, in an attempt to hit you with some melee     |
| attacks. When you see this happen, teleport to him. He usually doesn't   |
| have time to get away from you, so you can freely punch or kick combo    |
| him. Another skill of his, is to simply jump up and do shockwaves; He may|
| do this three or more times in a row. This is even simpler to counter.   |
| when you see him jumping, stand back. Just wait it out. The last thing   |
| he'll do, is send out a barrage of KI blasts. The thing is, he isn't     |
| swift like Vegeta. He's swift enough so that you don't run towards him   |
| when he's doing it, but he's slow enough, so that you can avoid the      |
| entire blast, y running in a large circle around the arena. If you get   |
| caught though, be warned, you'll be stuck in the combo until he's done.  |
|                                                                          |
| Just get him whenever you see an opening. And remember, due to his slow  |
| speed, Recoome has alot of openings; Lock on to him whenever you see him |
| standing still, or powering up. Teleport to him, and hold block, just in |
| case he tries to hit you. Aftwerwards, land an uppercut and a smash on to|
| him, and Gallick Gun him when he's on the ground. This is a great way to |
| give him fast and easy damage.                                           |

| Burter and Jeice           Power Level: 95,000                           |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Jeice(Active) can perform up to a 7-hit combo.|
|                            Burter(Active) can do up to a 10-hit combo.   |
|          + Knockback     - Both fighters if active, can finish off a     |
|                            combo with an attack that knocks you back.    |
|          + Uppercut      - Burter(Active) can uppercut you to the air.   |
|          + Roundhouse    - Burter(Active) can knock you back with a      |
|                            spinning kick.                                |
|          + KI Blasts     - Burter(Active) fires one KI blast at you.     |
|                            Jeice(Resting) can also fire a KI blast.      |
|          + KI Blasts     - Jeice(Active) circles you firing 3 shots.     |
|          + Tackle        - Jeice(Active) can tackle you.                 |
|                            Burter(Resting) can Tackle you.               |
|          + Teleport      - The resting fighter will teleport away if you |
|                            approach them; You can't touch them.          |
|          + Vortex Attack - Jeice and Burter combine, to form a vortex in |
|                            the air. Energy blasts are fired at you.      |
|          + Switch        - When you deliver enough damage to one fighter,|
|                            they will switch off.                         |
| Strategy: First of all, you can be thankful that both of these guys don't|
| just charge you at the same time. They switch off whenever you do enough |
| damage to one of them. That being said, Jeice starts the fight off. He   |
| focuses on speed, and quick attacks; He'll use his Tackle on you a whole |
| lot. When you see that, Teleport behind him, and uppercut him into the   |
| air, and use Smash if you have it; And make sure to get in a kamehameha  |
| when he's on the ground, for added damage! If he circles you, in a slide |
| motion, just get up your guard; It's only three KI blasts. Don't let your|
| mind wander though, because Burter is a threat here too. He'll tackle you|
| every so often, just to make the fight more difficult for you. A simple  |
| block can block it though, so just use that if you see him coming. His   |
| other attack, is a bit more tricky.  He and Jeice both jump into the air |
| and form a vortex, that shoots a barrage of KI blasts at you. When you   |
| see this, jump into the air, and fly in a large circle, to avoid all the |
| blasts. If you don't have time, you can block it, but it's such a large  |
| amount of blasts, that you will take some damage. Whenever you see Jeice |
| standing still, Teleport to him and give him a punch combo. Soon, he will|
| switch off with Burter.                                                  |
|                                                                          |
| Burter is more focused on strength then speed. And as with most fighters,|
| that means he's a bit more open to be attacked. Whenever he gets near you|
| you can block his combos and then give him one of your own. And due to   |
| his slow reaction time, some times you can even hit him with a Kamehameha|
| afterwards. Whenever he goes for a KI attack, you have an even better    |
| chance o hurt him; Pull the Teleport,Uppercut,Smash,Kamehameha trick on  |
| him. The only real thing you have to wrry about, besides the Vortex      |
| attack, is Jeice's KI blasts. Still though, similair to Burter's tackles |
| they can be blocked with a simple guard. Beat them both up a bit, and    |
| allow them to switch a few times, and you'll finally finish Burter off;  |
| as Jeice simply can't be finished off in this fight. When that happens,  |
| Jeice will flee from the battlefield.                                    |

| Captain Ginyu              Power Level: 120,000                          |
| Attacks: + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + KI Blasts     - He will fire about 15 KI blasts at you.       |
|          + Underground   - He will constantly go underground, move around|
|                            and come back up. He combines this with Smash |
|                            and Uppercut.                                 |
| Strategy: Now Captain Ginyu, is a unique enemy. He will dig under the    |
| ground, and move around quickly. He tries to come right up from under    |
| you, and hit you with either an Uppercut, or a Smash; An uppercut where  |
| he knocks you down to the ground afterward. You can't block his Smash    |
| attack, so it's best not to be near him when he comes up. So, as soon as |
| he goes underground, begin flying away. He'll chase you, but he's not    |
| fast enough to catch up, if you stay moving. As soon as he comes up, and |
| misses his attack, he is extremely vulnerable for a few seconds. So,     |
| take that time to teleport behind him, uppercut him, smash him, and then |
| delivery a fully loaded Kamehameha. He will almost always keep up with   |
| that simple pattern, although if you get in his face, expect him to try  |
| a Roundhouse or a Throw. Besides that, the only other thing he does, is  |
| try an energy barrage. He does that rarely, but he does do it. If he goes|
| for it, just block, and wait it out. He'll get back onto his pattern soon|
| enough, and you can continue going for your clean and easy victory.      |

| Ginyu as Goku              Power Level: 23,000                           |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to six hits.              |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Kamehameha    - He fires the same Kamehameha as Goku does.    |
|          + Teleport      - He will basically evade with Teleports.       |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes he will  |
|                            recover quickly using his energy.             |
| Strategy: Now this is a rather simple fight. He will switch between the  |
| two strategies he uses randomly. The first, is to simply keep firing his |
| Kamehameha. It does take him several secodns to do this though, and the  |
| screen goes black, so it's easy to predict. Whenever you see him going   |
| for it, just keep moving in one direction to avoid it. His other strategy|
| is to just go for melee attacks. He'll try to string together combos, and|
| especially try to utilize his Uppercut. You should know how to counter   |
| just block, and do a combo of your own -- Perhaps with the Chikara-Dageki|
| (BBYYYY, or YYBBBB)? Combine that, with teleporting and attack him after |
| he does a Kamehameha, and you have the fight won. Just be careful, as    |
| Jeice will toss a KI blast of his own at you once in a while, and you    |
| can't touch Jeice: He'll teleport away if you approach him.              |

| Frieza (Form 1 and 2)      Power Level: -----                            |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to nine hits.             |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Unblockable   - A combo finisher, that you can't block.       |
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + KI Blast      - He fires a relatively large blast at you.     |
|                            It can curve to hit you. (1st Form)           |
|          + Death Ball    - He creates a huge orange blast, and fires it. |
|                            It can curve to hit you. (2nd Form.)          |
|          + Tackle        - He can tackle into you quickly. (2nd Form)    |
|          + Teleport      - He can teleport directly behind you. He'll    |
|                            combine this with quick melee attacks.        |
| Strategy: This is not a real fight, as you simply can not beat Frieza.   |
| You should be hinted at that, by the fact that his life bar has changed  |
| in appearence; It now shows King Kai's planet, and Frieza's face, with   |
| something slowly moving from the planet, to Frieza -- That of course, is |
| Piccolo. You only need to stay alive long enough for him to reach Frieza.|
| Due to the fact that you can't win, there's no reason to try too hard to |
| beat him. You can either fly around the arena, or hold the block button. |
| However, the battle is somewhat long, so its probably best to nail him   |
| with a few combos, here and there, so that the block isn't always a drain|
| on your KI and health; And besides, he has the ability to break your     |
| guard, and he will use it once in a while, so don't test it. When Piccolo|
| is halfway there, Frieza will transform. This fight is still almost the  |
| same, except he is stronger and faster now; His KI blast is replaced     |
| with the larger Death Ball now as well, and he has the ability to dash.  |
| You can still get away with blocking, and comboing when you get the      |
| chance, but don't even try to keep flying; His Death Ball is too fast,   |
| and it's ability to curve is too good. Hang in there until Piccolo       |
| arrives, and the fight will end.                                         |

| Frieza (Form 4)            Power Level: 12,000,000                       |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to nine hits.             |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Unblockable   - A combo finisher, that you can't block.       |
|          + Death Ball    - He creates a huge orange blast, and fires it. |
|                            It can curve to hit you.                      |
|          + Tackle        - He can tackle into you quickly. (2nd Form)    |
|          + Teleport      - He can teleport directly behind you. He'll    |
|                            combine this with quick melee attacks.        |
| Strategy: This fight is simple, as you actually start out as a Super     |
| Saiyan! While like that, you severely outpower Frieza. All you'll have   |
| to do, is Teleport behind Frieza, Uppercut him, and Kamehameha him. You  |
| are so much stronger and faster than him, that even though he may dodge  |
| some times, and hit you a few times, you don't have to worry for the most|
| part. However, should you run out of Super Saiyan, before he's defeated, |
| you'll be in a bit of trouble -- As when you are not Super Saiyan, it is |
| he who outmatches you, and you won't be able to deal damage to him! So,  |
| if that happens, don't even use KI attacks; Stick to punches, kicks, and |
| combos; The longer combos, the better. They won't damage him, but they   |
| will slowly build your Super Saiyan meter back up. When it fills, hold   |
| R and A to power up for a few seconds, to transform into a Super Saiyan. |
| None of his attacks are new, as you've seen them in the previous fight,  |
| as Vegeta. So you know how to handle them. This fight won't take long.   |

| Soba                       Power Level: 14,000,000                       |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to ten hits.              |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + KI Blast      - A KI blast, that does next to no damage.      |
|          + KI Barrage    - He does about 50 basic KI blasts.             |
|          + Yakis         - He can summon Takis from the ground that will |
|                            attack you like sharks.                       |
| Strategy: If you don't mess around, this fight can be very quick, and    |
| easy. You can probably finish the fight before you even fill your Super  |
| Saiyan meter, if you just pull the basic: Block his melee combos, then   |
| Uppercut, Smash, Kamehameha. Because, you see, Soba is a big fan of melee|
| combat. Occasionally he will toss a KI blast into the fray, however, it  |
| is so weak, that it's a joke. Don't think he doesn't have any tricks     |
| though. In most cases, he won't have enough time to do either of these,  |
| but he has two dangerous attacks. One, is a barrage of his KI blasts: The|
| damage adds up, but you can imply block it. His other attack, is very    |
| annoying, however. He summons Yakis, that go through the sand like sharks|
| jumping at you. You can take them out with a Kamehameha, but they move   |
| quickly, and often attack in groups. For these reasons, simply wail on   |
| Soba from the beginning, and don't let up. Should he have a chance to use|
| these attacks, simply keep focusing on him, anyway -- Don't even bother  |
| with the other enemies, unless they surround you, at which time you can  |
| take them out with one KI blast. If you by any chance become Super Saiyan|
| the fight will just tip over in your favor. At that point, a few         |
| Kamehamehas should end it. And a word of advice, if Soba does attempt to |
| go for a KI attack or a Yardrat summon, you'll be able to tell. He will  |
| stop dead in his tracks. If you see that, Telepor and attack, as soon as |
| possible, to hurt him, and negate his attack.                            |

| Android 17               Power Level: ??,???,???                         |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to nine hits.             |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Fast Combos   - A very quick series of stronger melee attacks.|
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + KI Beam       - A small KI beam; Same effect as a KI blast.   |
|          + KI Blasts     - He fires five KI blasts at you rapdily.       |
|          + Explosion     - He causes a KI explosion wherever you are.    |
|          + Teleport      - He only uses this to dodge your attacks.      |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes he will  |
|                            recover quickly using his energy.             |
| Strategy: Android 17 is actually rather slow -- in this battle, at least.|
| He runs slowly, and doesn't bother teleporting or dashing at you. Instead|
| he usually tries to keep his distance from you, and often uses his KI    |
| Blasts several times in a row. Although, occasionally, he'll toss a KI   |
| Beam into the mix as well. And if you here him boasting, just hold block,|
| because he's about to use his Explosion attack, which will automatically |
| lock on to where you are. These are the only attacks he actively sets out|
| to use, in most cases, but don't be fooled. He does have melee skills,   |
| and he will use them if you get close. Teleport is your friend here. And |
| although he usually teleports himself, if you try to warp close to him,  |
| and fire a special move, it's a great way to get in a combo. You have two|
| main choices: Either use the largest combo you have, or go for the tried-|
| and-true Smash. It's best to go with the latter, because he's able to use|
| a Quick Recovery more often, for a simple combo; And lets not forget,    |
| that any enemy is vulnerable to a special attack, when they've been      |
| hammered onto the ground.                                                |
|                                                                          |
| Do be aware however, that like I said, if you stick close to him, he will|
| use melee attacks much more often. However, that is still the most       |
| effective way of fighting, from what I can tell. Just make sure to block |
| all of the KI attacks he does slip in, because you won't be able to get  |
| away from most of them, when you're that close.                          |

| Android 17 (Rematch)       Power Level: ??,???,???                       |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to nine hits.             |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Fast Combos   - A very quick series of stronger melee attacks.|
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + KI Beam       - A small KI beam; Same effect as a KI blast.   |
|          + KI Blasts     - He fires five KI blasts at you rapdily.       |
|          + Explosion     - He causes a KI explosion wherever you are.    |
|          + Teleport      - He only uses this to dodge your attacks.      |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes he will  |
|                            recover quickly using his energy.             |
| Strategy: The rematch with Android 17 is more-or-less the same as the one|
| you had in the previous stage. The only difference, is that he now comes |
| with a new trick: The ability to use multiple Explosions at once. None   |
| the less, the same tactics will work on him: Focus on warping behind him |
| whenever you can, and doing physical combos (Particularly Smash) and if  |
| he goes down, nail him with a Kamehameha. Like last time, make sure to   |
| block his attacks, rather than try to dodge them, as it will make the    |
| fight much easier, and simpler. After he goes down, 18 will step up.     |

| Android 18               Power Level: ??,???,???                         |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to six hits.              |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Fast Combos   - A very quick series of stronger melee attacks.|
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + KI Blast      - She fires a large KI blast directly at you.   |
|          + KI Blasts     - She fires five KI blasts at you rapdily.      |
|          + Teleport      - She only uses this to dodge your attacks.     |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes she will |
|                            recover quickly using her energy.             |
| Strategy: If anything, Android 18 is actually easier than 17! She has a  |
| very similair fighting style -- Almost exactly the same, in fact --      |
| except, she can't string together quite as many attacks in her combos,   |
| and she is missing the Explosions attack, that 17 had. And that was his  |
| most powerful attack too! She does have one improvement over him, though.|
| His energy beam, has been replaced with a larger energy blast, that you  |
| will have to be careful of. With so few changes, you should be able to   |
| pull off the same strategy as you did with Android 17, here; Block her   |
| combos and KI attacks, and whenever she isn't attacking, Teleport behind |
| her, and uppercut her into the air, then hammer her down to the ground.  |
| If she stays down, you can then land a Burning Attack, as well. If you   |
| can beat 17, you can beat her. So, the fight should end soon enough.     |

| Android 19               Power Level: ??,???,???                         |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to eight hits.            |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Fast Combos   - A very quick series of stronger melee attacks.|
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + KI Beam       - A small KI beam; Same effect as a KI blast.   |
| Strategy: This fight is pretty much just to advance the story... You     |
| start out as Super Saiyan Vegeta, and you simply drastically overpower   |
| 19. Don't even bother with blocking, dodging, or Teleporting. Confront   |
| him directly, and combo him. A simple Punch combo takes more than half   |
| of his health, and something like the Kiai-Dageki (BBBBYYYBBB, or        |
| YYYBBBYYYY) will completely destroy him in one go. This just isn't hard. |

| Android 18 (Rematch)     Power Level: ??,???,???                         |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to six hits.              |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Fast Combos   - A very quick series of stronger melee attacks.|
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + KI Blast      - She fires a large KI blast directly at you.   |
|          + KI Blasts     - She fires five KI blasts at you rapdily.      |
|          + Teleport      - She only uses this to dodge your attacks.     |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes she will |
|                            recover quickly using her energy.             |
| Strategy: Much like Android 17 and his rematch, Android 18 hasn't changed|
| much; In fact, she hasn't changed at all. You, however, have. You have   |
| the ability to go Super Saiyan! So, if you have a full Super Saiyan meter|
| or if you gain one during the fight, feel free to just unleash a full    |
| frontal assault; Because much like in the fight with 19, you will have   |
| a jokingly large power advantage on her. Pull a few of those 7+ hit      |
| combos, and she'll go down like a brick. However, should you run out or  |
| not have the meter full to begin with, things get a bit more tricky. I   |
| mean, you can still beat her using the same strategy as before (blocking |
| her attacks, and teleporting, and comboing her when she's not moving)    |
| but why bother, if you have Super Saiyan? On a side note, however, using |
| those combos on her will build your Super Saiyan meter if it isn't full  |
| already. So you'll likely be Super Saiyan at one point in the fight.     |

| Android 17 (Rematch 2)   Power Level: ??,???,???                         |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to nine hits.             |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Fast Combos   - A very quick series of stronger melee attacks.|
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + Smash         - He knocks you into the air, then hammers you  |
|                            back down to the ground.                      |
|          + KI Beam       - A small KI beam; Same effect as a KI blast.   |
|          + KI Blasts     - He fires five KI blasts at you rapdily.       |
|          + Explosion     - He causes a KI explosion wherever you are.    |
|          + Teleport      - He only uses this to dodge your attacks.      |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes he will  |
|                            recover quickly using his energy.             |
| Strategy: Once again, you'll be facing Android 17, who still hasn't made |
| much of an improvement with his strategy. For a change of pace however,  |
| this time you'll be playing as Piccolo -- With a Super Namek guage, no   |
| less! However, you will most likely not be able to fill it in time for   |
| you to e able to utilize it; Android 17 will most likely be killed before|
| that. As for strategy, you have two choices. You can either go the tried-|
| and-true formula, involving blocking his attacks, and then teleporting   |
| behind him for a combo, or you can try something new. You see, even      |
| without Super Namek activated, Piccolo is still rather strong. You can   |
| put more of a priority on offence, if you like. In fact, the only time   |
| you _really_ should block, is when he does his KI Blasts attack. Pretty  |
| much all of his other moves can be dodged if you teleport to him before  |
| he hits you. By now, you should have some big combos, possibly even the  |
| 10-hitter: Sokuryu-Dageki (BBB and Hold Y, or YYY and Hold B). So, use   |
| those combos to bring him to the ground, then hit him with a Special     |
| Beam Cannon, to drill him in deeper.                                     |

| Imperfect Cell             Power Level: ???,???,???                      |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to  nine hits.            |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Unblockable   - A combo finisher, that you can't block.       |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + KI Blast      - He fires the same, average, KI blast as you.  |
|          + KI Beam       - Like a KI Blast, but stronger.                |
|          + Teleport      - He can teleport to either dodge, or get behind|
|                            you, where he can attack.                     |
| Strategy: Even though this is the final fight with Imperfect Cell, you   |
| still don't face him with his whole health bar; He'll run away after     |
| about half of it is depleted. So, keep that in mind -- and save your     |
| Super Saiyan meter for Perfect Cell, if you happen to get it full. As for|
| strategy, keep your guard up. Imperfect Cell is quick, and will try to   |
| move around alot. However, his main method of attack is still KI blasts  |
| and beams, which you can just block. After blocking them, teleport behind|
| him, and hit him with Kiai-Dageki (BBBBYYYBBB, or YYYBBBYYYY). Then,     |
| while he's down, hit him with a Gallick Gun. However, don't even think   |
| about blocking his physical attacks; He has an unblockable combo, which  |
| will shatter your defense, anytime he wishes to use it. So, instead of   |
| trying to block, when you see him dash towards you, teleport behind him. |
| He usually won't have time to react, which will allow you to get in a    |
| punch or kick combo. If he does indeed react quickly enough, just block. |
| Even if he does manage to get a few combos in, you should be able to     |
| beat him. Just keep getting your combos in.                              |

| Perfect Cell               Power Level: ???,???,???                      |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to  nine hits.            |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Unblockable   - A combo finisher, that you can't block.       |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + KI Blast      - He fires the same, average, KI blast as you.  |
|          + Masenko       - This is the same Masenko that Gohan does.     |
|          + Kamehameha    - This is the same Kamehameha that Goku does.   |
|          + Destructo Disk- This is the same Destructo Disk Krillin uses. |
|          + Teleport      - He can teleport to either dodge, or get behind|
|                            you, where he can attack.                     |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes he will  |
|                            recover quickly using his energy.             |
| Strategy: Perfect Cell, and Imperfect Cell are the same guy, but in this |
| fight, it sure doesn't seem it! Not only does Perfect Cell run at least  |
| three times as fast, his new defense is crazy. If you want to do any kind|
| of noticable damage whatsoever, you'll have to be Super Saiyan. If you've|
| come to the battle with a full Super Saiyan bar, that's great; But if you|
| didn't, or you run out during the fight, you'll have to earn it. The best|
| way to do this, is to block his energy attacks like last time -- which   |
| now include more deadly attacks like the Kamehameha and the Masenko --   |
| then teleport towards him, and use a Kiai-Dageki (BBBBYYYBBB, or         |
| YYYBBBYYYY). And even more than before now, stay away from his melee     |
| attacks. He _will_ use his unblockable combo, if you try to block. His   |
| new speed kind of prevents you countering it though, so if he moves in   |
| close, just go for a basic punch combo to the front of him. And as a rule|
| of thumb, if you do happen to find yourself in one of his combos, mash   |
| that X button in order to get a Combo Break.                             |
|                                                                          |
| After you have a full Super Saiyan meter, wait for a chance to attack    |
| him, then go for it. Before he gets up, power into a Super Saiyan. After |
| that, you'll actually be able to lay down some damage. Just follow the   |
| same strategy as before, and your Super Saiyan powers will show. You will|
| be the winner of this battle.                                            |

| Perfect Cell (Rematch)     Power Level: ???,???,???                      |
| Attacks: + Melee Attacks - Basic attacks of up to  nine hits.            |
|          + Knockback     - A combo finisher, that can knock you back.    |
|          + Roundhouse    - A spinning kick that can knock you back.      |
|          + Uppercut      - He can uppercut you into the air.             |
|          + Unblockable   - A combo finisher, that you can't block.       |
|          + Throw         - He can pick you up, swing you, and throw you. |
|          + KI Blast      - He fires the same, average, KI blast as you.  |
|          + Masenko       - This is the same Masenko that Gohan does.     |
|          + Kamehameha    - This is the same Kamehameha that Goku does.   |
|          + Destructo Disk- This is the same Destructo Disk Krillin uses. |
|          + Teleport      - He can teleport to either dodge, or get behind|
|                            you, where he can attack.                     |
|          + Quick Recovery- When knocked into the air, sometimes he will  |
|                            recover quickly using his energy.             |
| Strategy: Once again, you'll be facing off against Perfect Cell. However,|
| even though he has a health bar, you can't beat him by draining on his   |
| health bar; In fact, as a Super Saiyan you can't hurt him at all!        |
| What you do have to do, is load up your new Super Saiyan meter. See,     |
| you'll start out as a super Saiyan, and while a Super Saiyan, you'll have|
| to avoid (most of) Cell's attacks, as you telport to Cell, to nail combos|
| in -- Much like you did in your fight as Vegeta. However, this time when |
| you're able to transform, you'll become the all-powerful Super Saiyan 2! |
| In that form, you'll be able to bring him to near death, by continuing   |
| to Teleport and combo, or by using Kamehamehas. After that, however, it  |
| will come down to locking KI blasts to finish him off; And this will be  |
| signified by the fact that your Super Saiyan meter disappears, and you   |
| lose the ability to power down from Super Saiyan 2. There's nothing that |
| you can do to make Cell use his Kamehameha, however, sometimes he doesn't|
| have to. Just keep dodging his melee attacks, when he tries to get them  |
| in, and using direct Kamehamehas at him -- Do not Teleport. Sometimes if |
| you nail him dead on, he'll lock blasts with you automatically. On the   |
| other hand, if you do see him readying a Kamehameha, load one of your own|
| and unleash it at the same time he does. That kind of finish is not up   |
| to chance. After you lock blasts, the fight will end. Congratulations on |
| beating the game.                                                        |

     _.-""""-._                                                 _.-""""-._
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 |     /    \     | 09. Version History             [VERSN] |     /    \     |
  \   /_.--._\   /===========================================\   /_.--._\   /
   `._        _.'                                             `._        _.'
      `-....-`                                                   `-....-`

 | Version 0.1      | This is the first release of this FAQ. The walkthrough
 |------------------| extends through the Saiyan Saga, the item list, and
 | March 25th 2005  | controls are covered, and a chunk of the upgrades are
 '------------------' listed as well. Bosses in those levels are covered,
                      however, basic enemies are not yet listed.

 | Version 0.2      | The walkthrough now extends through the Ginyu Saga.
 |------------------| Some more upgrades were also listed, as well as the
 | March 26th 2005  | bosses that appeared in the Ginyu Saga.

 | Version 0.3      | The walkthrough now extends through the Frieza Saga.
 |------------------| All bosses up to that point were added. The whole
 | March 27th 2005  | Saibamen family was added to the enemy section too.

 | Version 0.4      | And for the second update in one day: The walkthrough
 |------------------| extends through the Yardrat Saga, Soba was added to the
 | March 27th 2005  | boss list and Henchmen were added to the enemy list.

 | Version 0.5      | The Walkthrough now extends through the Trunks Saga,
 |------------------| Mini Sobas were added to the enemy list, and the upgrade
 | March 28th 2005  | list was completed. As usuall, the bosses up to this
 '------------------' point in the walkthrough, were added. 

 | Version 0.6      | The Walkthrough now extends through the Android Saga.
 |------------------| The Prototype Android family was added to the enemy
 | March 29th 2005  | list, as well. And yes, Android Saga bosses were added.
 '------------------' And as a big update, many enemy names were renamed,
                      due to someone, who wishes to remain unnamed, giving
                      me a large amount of information.

 | Version 1.0      | The Walkthrough is now complete! The enemy list, and
 |------------------| boss list were also complete. Furthermore, a user-
 | March 29th 2005  | submitted strategy for Android 17 and 18 was added.

 | Version 1.01     | Added a site to the list of sites allowed to host this.
 | March 30th 2005  |

     _.-""""-._                                                 _.-""""-._
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 |     /    \     | 10. Credits                     [CREDS] |     /    \     |
  \   /_.--._\   /===========================================\   /_.--._\   /
   `._        _.'                                             `._        _.'
      `-....-`                                                   `-....-`

Chris Quigley - Author of this document. Creator of ASCII Art.
Knghtman671   - He contributed a strategy for Android 17 and 18.

If you have any information thbat you think might be of use to this FAQ, such
as alternative boss strategies, or any missing information, please e-mail me
at hulkamaniac[at]gmail[dot]com. If you're submission is useful, it will be
included in this FAQ, and you will be credited.

Submitted by PrinceNathan - Created 3/30/05