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DBZ Voice Overs
Bdude and Wouldn't u like 2 know? AKA Brendan
and Brigid think these people would make much better DBZ character voices.
Goku: Matt le Blanc(Joey from friends)
Vegeta: John DiMaggio(Bender of Futurama)
Chi Chi: (whoever does Wanda on the fairly odd parents)
Kid/Teen Gohan: Jake Lloyd(kid Anikin"annie" Skywalker in Star wars episode 1)
Adult Gohan: Billy West(Severel voices(Fry, Professer, Zoidburg...) on futurama)
Bulma: Lauren Tom(Amy of futurama, Numbuh 3 of KND and Kimi on rugrats)
Frieza: D bradley Barker(Numbuh 4 of KND)
16: (Whoever does Jack the android in the tekken movie)
18: Sarah Michelle Gellar(Buffy on buffy the vampire slayer)
Pan: Michelle Trachtenberg(Dawn on Buffy the vampire slayer)
Marron: (Whoever does XJ9)
Bra: (whoever does Sam/Yumi on Danny Phantom/HIHIPUFFYAMIYUMI)
Mr. Briefs: Anthony Stewert Head(Giles on Buffy the vampire slayer)
bebi vegeta: Tom Kenny(spongebob on spongebob Squarepants)
1st form: Tom Kenny(spongebob on spongebob Squarepants)
2nd form: (the guy who plays Wolverine in the X-men movies.)
FINAL/PERFECT form: James Marsters(Spike on Buffy the vampire slayer)
Cell Jr. : Tom Kenny(spongebob on spongebob Squarepants)
Videl: Amber Benson(Tara on Buffy)
Kid Trunks: Jake Lloyd(kid Anikin"annie" Skywalker in Star wars episode 1)
Future/Older Trunks: Seth Green(Oz in buffy and Chris in Family Guy)
thinks these people would be perfect for voiceovers.
Freezer:Little Richard
Garlic jr.:Gilbert Godfried
Dende:lil' Wayne
Mr. Popo:James Earl Jones
Buruma:Pamela Anderson Lee
Majin Buu:MasterP
Mr. Buu:BigPunisher
Uub:Crazy Bone
Gyuu Mao:the blonde guy of coach
Babidi:the old japanese guy off of the three ninja's
Dr. Briefs:Ben Stein
little Trunks:the kid that played anaken skywalker
future Trunks:Jeff Hardy
Cooler:also Little Richard
Mr.Satan:Macho Man Randy Savage
Yajarobi:Chris Farly
Chaozu:Mickey Mouse
Son Goku:Redman
Vegetto:Methodman and Redman
Turner thinks these people would
do a nice job of playing the Dragon Ball Z dubs.
Chi-Chi: Britney Spears
Young Gohan: Haley Jole Osment (The Sixth Sense)
Adult Gohan: Seth Greene
Goku: Matt Le Blanc ( tv show Friends)
Vegita: Dmx
King Kai: Ben Stein
believes these people should voice DBZ.
Mirai Trunks - Leonardo Dicaprio- Titanic (Okay, Maybe he's a little TOO
Pan - Lacy Chambert- Lost In Space (Am I the only one who thinks "Lost In
Space" Was Good?)
Chibi Gohan - Jack Johnson- Lost In Space (heh)
Vegeta - Kurt Russell- Escape From LA, Soldier ( He'd Play Veg to a T. Perfect
Adult Gohan - Ewan McGregor- Star Wars Episode 1 (Looks ARE everything
Goku - Matt Damon- The Talented Mr Ripley, Saving Private Ryan (He'd make an
excellent Goku.)
Chi-Chi - Lucy Liu- Ally Mcbeal, Play it to the Bone (ehh can really be a
Cell - Woody Harrelson- Play it to the Bone (Big and Always Pissed. That's
Bulma - Denise Richards- The World is not enough, Wild things (HOT!)
#18 - Christina Aguilera- (heheh. perfect.*Smiles Deviously*)
thinks these people should take the job of voicing DBZ.
Son Gokou: Robin Shou
Son Gohan: Obi Wan Kenobe
ChiChi: Nicole Kidman
Bulma: Pamela Anderson
Chaozu: Mickey Mouse
Tien: Goldberg
Nappa: Stone Cold Steve Austin
Vegeta: Jet Li
Master Roshi: Old Guy From 3 Ninja's
Chibi Trunks: Anakin Skywalker
Future Trunks: Tom Cruise
Android 18: Cameron Diaz
Goten (GT): Keanu Reeves
Karl Adds;
Your Jet Li is a good one for Vejeta but I would advise considering Hugh Jackman.
I saw his faces in “Swordfish” and I thought “oh yeah, that's the kind of anger
Vejeta shows”. Besides Hugh is short and well built too, but his face is what
matters the most
- Updated -Spoilded
thinks that these people are better than the current DBZ VAs.
Cell jr.:The person who plays CODY on Digimon season 2
Nappa:Hollywood Hogan
Brolli:The guy who plays Bane in Batman and Robin
Cell:The guy who plays Megatron in Beast Machines
Little Trunks:The person who plays Musashi in Brave Fencer Musashi
Master Roshi:The old guy in 3 Ninjas
Goten:The person that plays Tim in Brave Fencer Musashi
Goku:The guy who plays Soilder Lardwick in Brave Fencer Musashi
Vegeta:The guy who plays Giovanni in Poke'mon
Adult Gohan:The guy who plays Sub-zero in Mortal combat anilation
Vegetto:The guy who is S.Lardwick and the guy who plays Giovanni
Gogeta:The guy who plays S.Lardwick and the guy who plays Giovanni
Gotenks:The people who play Tim and Musashi in Brave Fencer Musashi
Cell form 1:The person who plays Waspinator in Beast Wars
Cell form 2:Hollywood Hogan
Mr.HerculeSavage: Hollywood Hogan
Andriod 16:Sylvester stalone
Andriod 19:Jim Carey
thinks that these people would do a better job voicing DBZ.
Android 16: Robin Williams
Android 19: Jim Carry
Cell, Imperfect: C. Martin Croker
Cell, Mutated: Eminem
Cell, Perfect: The Rock
feels that these actors would voice DBZ better.
Son Goku- Tom Cruise
Vegeta- Jet Li
Gohan- Jake Loyd
Future Trunks- Keanu Reeves
Android 20- Sean Connery
Android 19- Michael Jackson
Android 18- Jennifer Aniston
Android 17- Pierce Brosnan
Android 16- Arnold Swarzenager
Perfect Cell- Sylvester Stylone
Chi Chi- Elizabeth Hurley
Bulma- Cameron Diaz
Tien- Goldberg
Chaozu- Boy George
Piccolo- Bruce Willis
Master Roshi- Dana Carvey
Yajirobe- Joe Pechi
Mr. Popo- James Earl Jones
thinks that these actors fit better as the voices for Dragon Ball Z.
Vegeta-school janitor on The Simpsons (I think his name is Groundskeeper
Gohan (young)-Ash Ketchum's voice
Gokuu-Captain Planet's voice (yeah, I'm wierd)
Cell(perfect)-John Cleese (from Monty Python)
Cell (2nd stage)-Infermon's voice (from Digimon Movie)
Majin Buu-Mel Blanc (Bugs Bunny's voice)
Bulma-Ryoko's voice (Tenchi Muyo)
Chichi-Mimi from Drew Carrey
Future Trunks-Conan O'Brian
Gohan (adult)-Drew Carrey
Tenshinhan-Matt's voice (Digimon)
Choutsu-Patamon's voice
Android 17-Ken's voice (Digimon)
Android 18-Kate Mulgrew (Janeway on Voyager)
Krillin-Colin Mockery (Whose Line is it Anyway?)
Dr. Gero-Sean Connery
- NEW -Michell
Knight feels that these actors
would soound better for the voicing of DBZ.
Chaozu: Mickey mouse
Goku:Matt Le Blanc (Joey from Friends)
Cell jr.: Cody from digimon
Vegeta: giovanni from pokèmon
Android 16:Arnold Swarzenager
Android 18:Nicole Kidman
Android 17:Ken from digimon
Young Gohan:Ash Ketchum
Adult Gohan:Drew Carey
Chichi:Mimi (drew carey show)
Krilin:eminem |

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